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  • 1. (2024·福田模拟) 短文填空

    Riding a bike can be great fun for you,and it's a good way to keep fit. However,bike riding is also dangerous,especially when you're sharing the road with motorized(机动车的)traffic.

    Do not use your mobile phone while cycling.

    You should not use mobile phone while riding bikes because it can take the rider's attention away from the road and people around you. In addition,using a mobile phone while cycling may be illegal. People will be fined because of their behaviors.

    Do not change your direction suddenly.

    Always look carefully before you start,stop or turn. You need to let drivers know you have seen them. Otherwise,it may cause collision(碰撞)with cars.

    Make sure your bike is safe.

    Is your bike checked from time to time?If not,why not?Brakes(刹车)must work well in all situations:dry and wet. This benefits the rider and other road users.

    Follow traffic laws.

    Traffic laws apply to you as a cyclist,as well as other road users. You must stop for red lights and avoid riding in motor ways. By obeying these rules,riders can keep themselves and others safe on the road.

    A. So cyclists should follow traffic rules.

    B. Are the tyres in good condition to protect the safety of your trip?

    C. Here are some suggestions on how to keep safe.

    D. Show drivers what you plan to do in plenty of time.

    E. Ride across pedestrian crossings,unless you are allowed to.

    F. It can increase the risk of accidents.
