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更新时间:2024-04-30 浏览次数:21 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 完形填空

    At the 2023 Shenzhen Marathon in Guangdong province,45﹣year﹣old Luo Shujian the crossed the finish line pushing his 13﹣year﹣old son Xiaobai,who was in a wheelchair. They1 the half﹣marathon race in Shenzhen in an hour and 59 minutes.

    Xiaobai was born with cerebral palsy(大脑性瘫痪). It2 him two years to learn how to walk,and the disease3 affects his cognitive abilities(认知能力).

    For most of his life,Xiaobai is likely to stay at home,but his father does not4 . He wants to give his son a full and happy life. Even in a wheelchair,marathons are also a5 for Xiaobai. But Luo tries his best to make sure his son feels happy and safe during runs. Although he cannot express feelings in6 ,he shows them through expressions and body language. To show his7 ,he claps his hands and wears a smile. Other runners show kindness and8 energy,cheering them on as they pass.

    Their marathon9 has taken them to Chengdu in Sichuan province to see photos along the Yellow River.

    Luo10 to keep running with his son to allow Xiaobai to live the best life he can.

    A . ran B . held C . finished D . walk
    A . paid B . spent C . bought D . took
    A . quietly B . actually C . greatly D . carefully
    A . give in B . give up C . give out D . give away
    A . race B . challenge C . gift D . difficulty
    A . orders B . words C . gestures D . numbers
    A . happiness B . sadness C . surprise D . nervousness
    A . worried B . practical C . negative D . positive
    A . competition B . adventure C . activity D . organization
    A . has B . likes C . plans D . believes
  • 2. 阅读理解

    When people want to know about the weather,they usually go to their smartphones,TVs,newspapers,or the Internet. However,you can also find many weather signs among wildlife,because of their highly developed senses.

    Drops in air pressure make an effect on small animals in many ways. People who spend a lot of time outdoors have found that,before a storm,field mice come out of their holes and run around. Deer leave high ground and come down from the mountains. Birds also have a good sense of weather. For example,some birds will chirp,sing and even fight over a piece of bread before a storm. In addition,they might search for safe places. You will sometimes see birds standing in trees or staying together on a wire close to a building. Before the storm,low pressure makes the air so thin that birds have difficulty flying.

    It is unusual to see many birds flying overhead in summer,rather than during the periods in spring or autumn. Watch for other weather signs if you see that. If they fly in the wrong direction,they may be flying ahead of a storm.

    By paying attention to some important signs in nature,we can become better prepared for any kind of weather.

    1. (1) When people want to know the weather,they usually do the following EXCEPT? ____
      A . Asking e﹣friends. B . Watching TV. C . Reading newspapers. D . Surfing the Internet.
    2. (2) What do we know from paragraph 2? ____
      A . People spend a lot of time outdoors. B . Mice and deer can sense weather changes. C . Deer leave high ground after a storm. D . Mice come into their holes before a storm.
    3. (3) What will birds do if a storm is coming? ____
      A . Stand in tall trees. B . Share a piece of bread. C . Stand on a wire alone. D . Make more noise than usual.
    4. (4) How can birds sense the coming of a storm? ____
      A . By feeling a drop in air pressure. B . By feeling a drop in air temperature. C . By noticing the change of wind directions. D . By noticing the movements of other animals.
    5. (5) Where can we probably read the passage? ____
      A . In a storybook. B . In a newspaper. C . In a science report. D . In a travel guide.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Resting my head on Helen's shoulder,I put my arms round her waist. She drew me to her,and we rested in silence. We had not sat long before another person came in.Some heavy clouds,swept from the sky by a rising wind,had left the moon bright;and her light,coming in through a window near,shone full both on us and on the coming person,Miss Temple.

    "I came on purpose to find you. Jane Eyre,"said she. "I want you in my room,and as Helen Bums is with you,she may come too. " We followed Miss Temple to her apartment. It had a good fire,and looked cheerful. Miss Temple told Helen Bums to be seated in a low arm﹣chair on one side of the fire place,and herself asking another,she called me to her side.

    "Is it all over?"she asked,looking down at my face. "Have you cried your sadness away?""I am afraid I never shall do that. ""Why?"

    "Because I have been wrongly accused(指责),and everybody will now think me a bad girl. ""We shall think you what you prove yourself to be,my child. Continue to act as a good girl,and you will satisfy us. "

    "Shall I,Miss Temple?"

    "You will. " said Miss Temple,"You have been accused of lying when you were little. Tell us the truth,but add nothing and exaggerate(夺大)nothing. "

    I made up my mind that I would be most modest and most correct. Having thought for a few minutes about where to start,I told her all the story of my sad childhood.

    1. (1) Who might Miss Temple be in the passage? ____
      A . She is Jane's friend. B . She is Jane's sister. C . She is Jane's classmate. D . She is Jane's teacher.
    2. (2) Which word can best describe Miss Temple? ____
      A . Caring. B . Cheerful. C . Strict. D . Cold﹣blooded.
    3. (3) What can we infer from the underlined sentence in paragraph 1? ____
      A . Helen would rather leave Jane alone. B . Jane's luck might change for the better. C . Miss Temple was going to punish Jane. D . Jane was sad and wouldn't be happy again.
    4. (4) Which is the right order for the changing of Jane's feelings? ____

      a. Doubtful.

      b. Hopeless.

      c. Sad and tired.

      d. Determined.

      A . b﹣c﹣d﹣a B . b﹣a﹣d﹣c C . c﹣b﹣a﹣d D . c﹣a﹣b﹣d
    5. (5) According to the passage,which of the following is true about Jane? ____
      A . She once behaved as a bad girl. B . She didn't mind being accused. C . She chose to trust Miss Temple. D . She decided to add something for her story.
  • 4. 短文填空

    Riding a bike can be great fun for you,and it's a good way to keep fit. However,bike riding is also dangerous,especially when you're sharing the road with motorized(机动车的)traffic.

    Do not use your mobile phone while cycling.

    You should not use mobile phone while riding bikes because it can take the rider's attention away from the road and people around you. In addition,using a mobile phone while cycling may be illegal. People will be fined because of their behaviors.

    Do not change your direction suddenly.

    Always look carefully before you start,stop or turn. You need to let drivers know you have seen them. Otherwise,it may cause collision(碰撞)with cars.

    Make sure your bike is safe.

    Is your bike checked from time to time?If not,why not?Brakes(刹车)must work well in all situations:dry and wet. This benefits the rider and other road users.

    Follow traffic laws.

    Traffic laws apply to you as a cyclist,as well as other road users. You must stop for red lights and avoid riding in motor ways. By obeying these rules,riders can keep themselves and others safe on the road.

    A. So cyclists should follow traffic rules.

    B. Are the tyres in good condition to protect the safety of your trip?

    C. Here are some suggestions on how to keep safe.

    D. Show drivers what you plan to do in plenty of time.

    E. Ride across pedestrian crossings,unless you are allowed to.

    F. It can increase the risk of accidents.

四、 信息匹配
  • 5. 左栏是五个人的情况介绍,右栏是七个英语习语及其解释,请为每个人选择一个合适的习语描述他/她的情况

    Kelly is hardworking. She can't play the piano well,so she practices it every day. After three months,she can play a beautiful song.

    Michael likes to make friends. He wants to find a friend who can always be around and share everything with him.

    Lena has a gift in managing the class. She thinks it is easy to help teachers manage the whole class.

    Robert is very lazy. He always sleeps in Maths class. But he wants to get full marks in the exam.

    Paula learns much about how to deal with different situations. So when accidents happen,she can always keep calm.

    A. If you say someone is the apple of your eye , you mean that someone is important and you are fond of him/her.

    B. If we can't do something well,we can practice again and again. Practice makes perfect. After plenty of practice,we will be perfect in what we do.

    C. People want to do something impossible or they want to get something that they can't get. We will say they cry for the moon.

    D. When we do something,we think it's very easy to finish this work,and we will say, "It is a piece of cake.

    E. The temperature of the cucumber(黄瓜) is always cooler than the temperature outside. So if a person can be very calm when he meets difficulties,we say he is as cool as a cucumber.

    F. Americans usually put peas(豌豆) and carrots together to make the dish beautiful. If two persons always get together,we say they are like peas and carrots.

五、 语法填空
  • 6. No one expected that Baduanjin would become popular among Chinese young people. In the past couple of years,online teaching video of Baduanjin,a form of Qigong,has been played for more than 10 million(time). "I like Baduanjin very much because it gives me a much(healthy)lifestyle,"a young man said.

    Baduanjin is one of the oldest health methods in China,created over 800 years ago during the Song Dynasty. (it)name is made up of two parts namely "baduan" and "jin". The first part refers to eight different movements. And the second part refers to the stretch(舒展)of the movements. Compared to sports such as ball games,Baduanjin is slow and usually played with relaxing music,it used to be popular with the elders. However,many young people came to realize the advantages of the sport(recent). It helped kill their neck and back pain after long working hours while not(require)much effort,time and space.

    Sun Yuxuan,a college student majoring in martial arts,has also noticed the rising popularity of Baduanjin. The girl(teach)other students to practice for over three years. "Every member in the group is very(act). I didn't expect that it could attract so many young people. I guess that's because they receive real benefitsthe sport,"she said.

  • 7. 假设你是李华,你的美国朋友Jack即将作为交换生来到你们学校,他对中国文化很感兴趣,想要在课余时间深入体验中国文化的魅力,写邮件向你寻求建议,请你用英文给Jack回信。要点如下:


    1)古诗词ancient poetry
    2)粤剧Cantonese opera

    Dear Jack,

    I am glad to hear that

    Best wishes,

    Li Hua

