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更新时间:2024-04-08 浏览次数:9 类型:期末考试
一、单项选择,从下列各小题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  • 11. 根据对话内容,从六个选项中选出五个合适的句子补全对话,并将句子的字母标号填写在对应的横线上。


    B: Yes, I can't find my gloves.

    A: We have some gloves here. 

    B: No, they aren't.


    B: They are red. 

    A: OK. Let me see. . . Oh, how about these?


    A: Here you are. 


    A. Thank you.

    B. Are they yours?

    C. Can I help you?

    D. You're welcome.

    E. Yes, they are mine!

    F. What colour are they?

  • 12. 阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Do you have a good eating habit? A good eating habit can help you keep 1 . In the morning, you can have a bowl of 2 , some bread and 3 egg. Remember that it's not a good 4 to go to school or work without (没有) breakfast. For lunch, you can have some meat 5 beef, fish or chicken. Vegetables are also very important. Remember to eat 6 every day. How about 7 some fruit after lunch? Umm, it's nice. Don't eat too much for dinner, because you don't exercise 8 in the evening. It's easy for you to get 9 if you eat too much in the evening. You can drink a glass of milk. It can help you 10 well.

    A .  early B .  healthy C .  true D .  boring
    A .  porridge B .  dish C .  animal D .  pet
    A .  a B .  the C .  some D .  an
    A .  town B .  morning C .  idea D .  people
    A .  like B .  around C .  near D .  before
    A .  it B .  them C .  they D .  their
    A .  eat B .  eats C .  eating D .  to eat
    A .  many B .  so C .  little D .  much
    A .  fat B .  thin C .  lucky D .  noisy
    A .  get up B .  sleep C .  answer D .  put
  • 13. 阅读以下短文,根据短文内容,判断短文后句子的意思是否与短文内容相符

    I am Lisa. It is a fine day today. I go shopping (去购物) with my mother. We go to a clothes store. The clothes there are on sale. I see a blue skirt. That is my favorite color. Then I ask my mother to buy it. My mother buys it for only 18 dollars. And she likes a white skirt. She buys it for only 12 dollars.

    Then we go to the next store. There are some balls in it. I see tennis balls, basketballs, ping-pong balls and soccer balls. I like playing volleyball. I think it is very interesting. I don't like soccer. I think it's boring and not easy for me. I want to have a volleyball. It is 13 dollars. My mother buys my favorite ball for me. I am very happy. Thanks, Mom! It's really a great day!

    1. (1) Lisa goes shopping with her mother today.
    2. (2) Lisa's favorite color is white.
    3. (3) Lisa's mother buys a white skirt for $12.
    4. (4) The balls in the store are on sale.
    5. (5) Lisa thinks soccer is boring and not easy for her.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    First name: Jack

    Last name: Green

    Age(年龄): 11

    Phone number: 289-4567

    Favorite thing(最喜欢的物品): a black watch

    Family members (成员): father, mother, sister

    First name: Paul

    Last name: Brown

    Age: 12

    Phone number: 681-5698

    Favorite thing: a white model plane

    Family members: father, mother, two sisters

    First name: Gina

    Last name: Smith

    Age: 11

    Phone number: 567-4598

    Favorite thing: a purple jacket

    Family members: grandma, parents, brother

    First name: Kate

    Last name: Miller

    Age: 12

    Phone number: 820-6789

    Favorite thing: a blue schoolbag

    Family members: grandparents, parents, brother

    1. (1) What color is Jack's watch?
      A . Black. B . Purple. C . White. D . Blue.
    2. (2) What's Gina's family name?
      A . Green. B . Smith. C . Brown. D . Miller.
    3. (3) What's Paul's phone number?
      A . 289-4567. B . 567-4598. C . 681-5698. D . 820-6789.
    4. (4) How many people are there in Kate's family?
      A . Five. B . Six. C . Three. D . Two.
    5. (5) From the chart(表格), we can know ____.
      A . Jack and Paul are 11 years old B . the purple jacket is Kate's C . Paul has a brother D . Kate's schoolbag is blue
  • 15. 根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

    My name is Peter. I have two cousins. They are Mary and Bob.

    Mary is my uncle's daughter. She's a nice girl. She is 12. She is in Maple Middle School. She has four friends in the school. Her favorite color is yellow. She has a yellow schoolbag. And her pens, pencils and erasers are yellow, too. But she is always in a blue jacket. Her telephone number is 693⁃8749 and you can e⁃mail her at mary@126.com.

    Bob is my aunt's son. He is 13. He's in Maple Middle School, too. He has many friends. His favorite color is brown. His ID card, schoolbag and watch are brown. His telephone number is 687⁃3694.

    1. (1) Mary has ____ friends in the school.
      A . two B . three C . four
    2. (2) You can e-mail Mary at ____ .
      A . 12 B . 693⁃8749 C . mary@126.com.
    3. (3) What color is Bob's schoolbag?
      A . Brown. B . Blue. C . Yellow.
    4. (4) Which one is TRUE(正确的)?
      A . Peter is Mary's friend. B . Mary's telephone number is 639-8749. C . Mary and Bob are middle school students.
    5. (5) The passage is mainly about ____.
      A . Peter's cousins B . Mary's school C . Bob's friends
  • 16. 阅读理解

    Hello, I'm Lin Tao. This is my school. It's a big and beautiful school. There is a big playground. The sports hall is next to the playground. In front of the sports hall, there are science labs. Behind the sports hall, there is a library. So we can see the sports hall is between the science labs and the library. In the library, there are many books. Students can borrow some books from it. Look, This is our teaching building, and there are 48 classrooms in it.

    In my class, there are 56 students. 34 of them are boys, and the others are girls. On the right of the teaching building, there is a dining hall, and we often have lunch there. Teachers' offices are in front of our teaching building.

    1. (1) What's Lin Tao's school like?
      A . It's old. B . It's new. C . It's small. D . It's big.
    2. (2) Where is the sports hall?
      A . It's behind the science labs. B . It's behind the library. C . It's between the office and the library. D . It's in the middle of the school.
    3. (3) The underlined(划线) word "borrow" means(意思是) ____.
      A . B . C . D . 出租
    4. (4) How many girls are there in Lin Tao's class?
      A . 56. B . 48. C . 34. D . 22.
    5. (5) Which of the following is RIGHT?
      A . There is a small playground in the school. B . There are many books in the library. C . There are 56 classrooms in the teaching building. D . The teachers' offices are in the teaching building.
  • 17. 选词填空

    be a sport she but have interesting with play under 

    My name is Alan Brown, I'm English boy. My father and my mother teachers. I have a sister, I don't have a brother. I love , so I have two basketballs and three baseballs. I always play them my friends. Oh! Where are my balls? They're the bed. My sister five ping-pong balls and three ping-pong bats. She likes ping-pong very much. She thinks it's relaxing for . My parents have many books in the bookcase. They love books.

  • 18.  假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Jack在信中询问你对初中的生活有何感受。请根据下面的内容要点,给他回信,介绍你在初中的生活和学习情况。

    内容要点:1. 你在学校的活动:一天有几节课,课后做些什么……;2. 你最喜欢的课程和理由;3. 你对老师有怎样的感受;4. ……

    写作要求:1. 内容必须包含要点所有信息;2. 结构完整,语句流畅,意思清楚、连贯;3. 使用正确和较丰富的词汇和语法结构,书写规范;4. 文中不得透露个人信息,否则不予评分;5. 词数60左右(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

    Dear Jack,

    I am happy to hear from you. I have a busy school day.

    Please write to me. 


    Li Hua

