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备战2023年中考英语阅读话题训练 专题04 流感

更新时间:2023-03-31 浏览次数:77 类型:二轮复习
  • 1. (2023八下·余杭月考) 阅读理解

    Have you gotten vaccinated(接种疫苗的)? This question has become a common way to greet each other in China since the country COVID-19 vaccinations rolled out(推出) successfully in December 2020.

    China has also provided vaccines for other countries. It has sent COVID-19 vaccines to 28countries and provided help to 69 countries in need, Xinhua reported. Most of these countries are developing countries, such as Pakistan, Mexico and Mongolia.

    The leaders of these countries are taking the lead in getting vaccinated, including Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera. According to the World Bank, small and medium-sized developing countries are likely to lag behind larger developing and developed countries by a year in yaccinating their people. Some richer countries have already had enough vaccines for their own people.

    For countries that have not yet developed or gotten a vaccine, China may be the only way to solve their problems. China is one of the few countries that developed vaccines. China has joined COVAX (新冠疫苗实施计划) which is organized by the World Health Organization, to make sure that all members get the vaccine in the future. China has decided to offer 10 million vaccines to COVAX, Xinhua reported.

    1. (1) Since China rolled out COVID-19 vaccinations, _________ has been changed.
      A . people's way of life B . the way people think C . the way people communicate D . the way people greet each other
    2. (2) From the passage, we can learn _________.
      A . 28 countries have developed the vaccine B . 28 countries have got the vaccine from China C . 69 countries have developed the vaccine D . only China developed the vaccine
    3. (3) What does "lag behind" most probably mean in Chinese?
      A . 超前 B . 跟随 C . 落后 D . 附属
    4. (4) What does the passage mainly tell us?
      A . Everybody should get vaccinated. B . World Health Organization's research on the CoVID-19 vaccine. C . China helps other countries with the COVID-19 vaccine. D . Our country can make the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • 2. (2022·潮阳模拟) 阅读短文,回答问题

    As COVID-19 is still spreading in many countries, quickly finding people who have the virus is very important. But COVID-19 is not easy to detect. Many people who catch the virus clearly show signs of being ill, like having a fever or coughing. But many others show no signs at all. These people are "asymptomatic" and they can still pass the virus to others.

    Now, scientists from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a famous American college, have developed a method which can quickly detect whether a person has COVID-19 or not just from the way he or she coughs or speaks. The scientists turned to an AI method known as "deep learning".

    In deep learning, computer programs collected a lot of information, analyzed(分析)it and built certain models. The information here was tens of thousands of recordings of coughing and speaking from people who had caught the virus. When the scientists tested their AI models, they found that they could detect 98.5% of the people who caught the virus, including 100% of the asymptomatic people.

    Brian Subirana, one of the scientists, says, "We think this shows that the way one person produces sound changes when he or she has COVID-19, even if he or she is asymptomatic." The scientists now want to turn their models into an app that can run on mobile phones. If they are able to do that, it could allow people to quickly and easily check whether they have caught the virus.

    1. (1) From the passage, who are asymptomatic people?
      A . Those who do not cough at all although they catch the virus B . Those who have a high fever when they catch the virus. C . Those who catch the virus but don't show any signs of being ill. D . Those who catch the virus but won't pass it to any other one.
    2. (2) How does the new method work?
      A . By analyzing a person's voice. B . By taking a person's temperature. C . By taking a person to the hospital. D . By asking a person some questions.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "they" refer to?
      A . the viruses B . the scientists C . the AI models D . the asymptomatic people
    4. (4) Where will the AI models be used according to Brian?
      A . Everywhere. B . On computers. C . In hospitals. D . On mobile phones.
    5. (5) What can you read from the passage?
      A . An AI method can help detect the COVID-19 patients accurately. B . An AI method can help find where the COVID came from. C . COVID-19 is too easy to detect with the help of an AI robot. D . COVID-19 can't be detected even with the help of an AI robot.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Vaccines (疫苗) help keep you healthy. How do vaccines help you keep healthy? The vaccines are made from bacteria (细菌)that causes the illness. A little bit of bacteria isn't enough to make you sick. But it is enough to make your immune system(免疫系统) active.

    While some vaccines are a lifetime, others wear off after a few months or years. Most doctors suggest the following vaccines: measles-mumps-rubella, hepatitis B and chicken pox. After these vaccines when you are very young, you will be far away from most of these diseases all your life.

    Joe's flu vaccine will be good for about six months to a year. His doctor explained why. "When I give a flu shot(注射), "Dr. Smith said, "I put a bit of flu bacteria into your body. You build up antibodies(抗体) against this bacteria. But this vaccine won't protect you once (一旦) the bacteria has changed. That's why you will have to get a new one before the flu season hits next year."

    "I had the flu last year," Joe said. "I was really sick. I missed a whole week of school. When I did go back, I still didn't feel really great. I couldn't even play basketball for another week after that. I guess it's worth (值得…的) getting a flu shot every year. "

    Are you protected? That shot is so much easier than getting one of these serious illnesses.

    1. (1) What are vaccines?
      A . Bacteria that can help us be active B . Bacteria that can make us ill C . Bacteria that can help us healthy. D . Bacteria that can make us strong.
    2. (2) Why will Joe have to be shot again next year?
      A . Because Joe has antibodies B . Because Joe is too weak C . Because Joe grows older D . Because the bacteria has changed
    3. (3) Joe had the flu last year and_______.
      A . couldn't play basketball for two weeks B . missed two weeks of school C . couldn't get the flu shot D . felt quite easy and busy
    4. (4) What does the underlined part " wear off" mean in the text?
      A . 逐渐变色 B . 逐渐发展 C . 脱掉衣服 D . 逐渐消失
    5. (5) What's the best title for the text?
      A . Some Vaccines Last a Lifetime. B . Some Vaccines Last a Short Time. C . How Do Vaccines Work? D . How Are You Protected?
  • 4. 阅读理解

    June 8, 2009

    Dear Cindy,

    I'm sorry to hear that Bird Flu is very serious in some parts of the world and some people have got the flu. We must take good care of ourselves and keep away from the disease. Could you tell me what people in China do to keep away from it?

    Please write to me soon.



    July 2, 2009

    Dear Betty,

    I think Bird Flu is very bad. Many chickens, ducks and birds in our country got the disease. Some of them died, but some birds flew away and they might carry germs to other places. This is a serious problem. We must do something to solve it. Let me tell you what people have to do to keep away from the disease.

    * Do morning exercises every day.

    * Open the windows in the morning.

    * Wash hands very often.

    * Eat more vegetables and less meat.

    * Go to bed early.

    I think these are good for our health. Do you think so?



    1. (1) From the letter we know Cindy comes from _______.
      A . Canada B . the U.S.A C . China    D . Japan
    2. (2) Betty wrote her an e-mail to ask _______.
      A . whether (是否) Cindy got Bird Flu B . how to keep away from Bird Flu C . when Bird Flu began to spread D . how Bird Flu spread in Cindy's country
    3. (3) A hard problem to fight Bird Flu is _______.
      A . we don't have better doctors or nurses B . Bird Flu is serious C . some places are still poor D . birds with the germs will carry germs to other places
    4. (4) What does the underlined word" solve" mean in Chinese?
      A . 解决 B . 分析 C . 通告 D . 治愈
    5. (5) From Cindy's letter, we know _______ is bad for our health.
      A . washing hands very often B . going to bed late every day C . eating more vegetables and less meat D . opening the windows in the morning
  • 5. 阅读理解

        Mary is reading something about how to keep healthy on the Internet.

        Good sleep is important for your health. You need about seven hours' sleep a night. Don't eat or read in bed. Go to bed early at the same time and get up at the same time every day. For more information. please visit www. sleeping. com.

        How often do you exercise? If you want to stay healthy, try to exercise for 30 minutes a day, three or four times a week. For more information, please call Health Line at 0180-2000.

        Studies show that flu virus(流感病毒)can live on our hands for long. So you should wash your hands often with soap. For more ways to prevent(预防)the cold or flu, please call Health Line at 0180-1313.

        Brush your teeth twice a day and see a dentist at least once year. The oral examination(口腔检查)is not only for the health of teeth, but for the whole body. Please visit www. mydr. com for more information.

    1. (1) If you want to get good sleep, you should ________.
      A . go to bed early at the same time every day B . get up late C . go to bed after midnight D . eat something in bed
    2. (2) It's good for you ________ if you don't want to have a cold.
      A . to take less exercise B . to brush your teeth twice a day C . to go to bed late every night D . to wash your hands often
    3. (3) You should see a dentist at least once a year because ________.
      A . you have a toothache B . the dentist often brushes your teeth C . the oral examination is important D . you don't often exercise
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT true?
      A . To keep healthy, you should brush your teeth every day. B . Taking more exercise is good for your health. C . Washing your hands often can prevent the flu. D . Five hours' sleep a night is enough for you.
    5. (5) You can ________ if you want to learn more ways to prevent the flu.
      A . visit www. mydr. com B . call Health Line at 0180-1313 C . visit www. sleeping. com D . call Health Line at 0180-2000
  • 6. (2022九上·余姚月考) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Monday, January 21st

    I'm a virus(病毒)for the common cold. It has been a long time since I infected(感染)humans last time. Today I tried to infect a boy in a primary school all day. His name is Sam. I waited on his desktop, and when he touched the desk I jumped on his finger. Unluckily, Sam didn't touch his eyes, mouth or nose. Then, right after class, he washed his hands. Now I'm full of soap and sitting in a sink!

    Tuesday, January 22nd

    This morning I jumped into the nose of Sam's best friend, Bill. Unluckily, the mucus(粘液)in his nose caught me. I thought it was over for me, when suddenly Bill sneezed while he was talking to Sam. I knew that would send me right into Sam's face! However, Sam quickly gave Bill a tissue, and Bill sneered into that instead! Infecting people is harder than I imagined.

    Wednesday, January 23rd

    I'm feeling very unhappy today. Some scientists caught my friend Harry and put him under a microscope. Harry is a flu virus and he's a dangerous little guy. Besides, Sam ate all his vegetables today. He's exercising, and he's getting eight hours of sleep every night. His body is too strong for me!

    Thursday, January 24th

    I tried to infect Sam again today, but he washed his hands five times and never touched his face! He also gave tissues to every student in his class who was sneezing. It's impossible to give him a cold! So I have to give up and I'm moving to another school.

    1. (1) Life of the virus for the common cold could be     , according to the passage.
      A . easy B . lucky C . dangerous D . difficult
    2. (2) The underlined word "his" in the passage refers to           .
      A . Sam's B . Harry's C . Bill's D . Bill's friend's
    3. (3) The writer is trying to tell us that          .
      A . viruses feel happy, sad and angry just as people do B . we should be friendly when other people around you are sick C . it's important to protect your own body against viruses D . many viruses around us like to infect boys in primary schools
    4. (4) The best title for the passage above might be "           ".
      A . Danger of a Virus B . Diary of a Virus C . Habit of a Virus D . Letter of a Virus
  • 7. (2020·东营模拟) 阅读理解

        Flu easily spreads from one person to another. If you are weak, you probably catch flu easily. Do you know how you can avoid flu? Here are some suggestions:

        Keep in good health

        You can eat everything you want but make sure that your diet is healthy. The healthier you are, the better it is for you to avoid any type of illness around. Most doctors suggest drinking lots of fresh fruit juice and water is helpful to avoid flu.

        Stay away from people with flu

        If a member of the family or a friend has flu, stay away from him/her until he/she is well. Flu is very communicable. If you stay with the person with flu, you can catch flu easily. Wear a mask (口罩) and avoid using things that the person with flu is using.


        Exercising will make you stronger, which means a stronger immune system (免疫系统), too. Exercise often so that your body will keep healthy. It doesn't matter what kind of exercise it is.

        Be happy

        Happy people are healthy people. Their life isn't stressed out, so they may be safe from illness. If you are unhappy, you will easily get sick. Avoiding the flu is easy. Just boost (增强) your immune system and it will take care of the rest.

    1. (1) How many suggestions of avoiding flu are talked about in the passage?
      A . Three. B . Four. C . Five. D . Six.
    2. (2) The underlined word "communicable" means        .
      A . 无效的 B . 致命的 C . 传染的 D . 交流的
    3. (3) What should we do to stay away from people with flu?
      A . Exercise often. B . Eat junk food. C . Wear a mask. D . Take some medicine.
    4. (4) What's the best title of this passage?
      A . How to avoid flu B . How to keep in good health C . How to exercise D . The meaning of flu
    5. (5) What are the usefulness of exercise according to this passage?
      A . It makes you happy. B . It can help you eat healthy food. C . It can help you have a strong immune system. D . Exercise is communicable
  • 8. (2023七下·铁西开学考) 阅读理解

    Cristiano Ronaldo is a great soccer player. He plays soccervery well and he is handsome. He has lots of fans around the world. Now, he isthe most popular person on Instagram. He has over300 million followers.

    The Portuguese soccer star made a video to thank his fans.In the video, Ronaldo said when be was young, his dream was to become the bestsoccer player in the world. Now he is very happy because it has come true.Ronaldo is also known for his work for charities, such us UNICEF and Save theChildren. And he donated (捐赠) SI million to the hospitals in his country during the COVID-19pandemic.

    If you want to know how much influence (影响) Ronaldo has,please look at this. On June 14. 2021, before Ronaldo gave a talk, he saw twobottles of Coca-Cola on the table. He moved them away and put a bottle of waterin front of him because he thought water was a healthy drink. This act madeCoca-Cola lose about $4 billion.

    1. (1) Ronaldo is a great soccer and the most popular person         .
      A . on the Internet B . in the world C . on the Instagram D . in a video
    2. (2) Ronaldo is very happy because          .
      A . he has over 300 million followers B . he becomes the best soccer player in the world C . he plays soccer very well and he is handsome D . he saves the children in his country
    3. (3) What did Ronaldo do for his country during the COVID-19 pandemic?
      A . He donated $1 million to the hospitals. B . He gave a talk on June 14, 2021. C . He joined the UNICEF and Save the Children. D . He worked for charities himself.
    4. (4) Which statement is Not True according to the text?
      A . Ronaldo is a Portuguese soccer star. B . Ronaldo thought water was healthy. C . Coca-Cola lost about $4 billion because of Ronaldo. D . When he was young, Ronaldo had lots of fans.
  • 9. (2022八上·深圳期中) 阅读理解

    A Chinese company, Xiaomi, mailed millions of masks (口罩) to Italy. Xiaomi mailed the masks to Italy by water, and the company put a note on the side of the crates(板条箱). On the note was an ancient poem: We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the same garden.

    The European country went through a terrible time of COVID-19, and Xiaomi said on the Internet that it would give away the masks. It said the company felt a duty(责任)to the Italian market. The market warmly welcomed Xiaomi when the smartphone maker went into Italy.

    "Since we arrived in the country several years ago, we have felt loved and we have deeply got into touch with the life of the country. That is why we felt the duty to help Italy fight COVID-19, by giving away these masks," the head of the company also said in an interview.

    The company also posted some photos of crates on the Internet. In fact, preparing these crates cost the company much time. The head of the company also said that they were happy to be able to give a hand. To their surprise, the government of Italy has done an excellent job for the lives of the whole country.

    Governments are short of medical masks and other necessary things. These are the main reasons why a country finds it difficult to fight COVID-19. And at the same time, the masks from Xiaomi have helped people in Italy a lot.

    1. (1) How did Xiaomi mail the masks to italy?
      A . By ship. B . By car. C . By plane D . By train.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "it" in Paragraph 2 refer to?
      A . The mask B . Xiaomi. C . Italy D . computer.
    3. (3) What can we know from Paragraphs 3 and 4?
      A . How Xiaomi made masks. B . Why Xiaomi posted some photos of crates online. C . How Xiaomi helped Italy fight COVID-19. D . What Italy did to thank Xiaomi.
    4. (4) How are the company Xiaomi and its masks?
      A . Traditional. B . Famous. C . Ordinary. D . Helpful.
    5. (5) What's the main idea of this passage?
      A . Smartphones of Xiaomi are popular in Italy. B . Xiaomi is a famous company in the world. C . Xiaomi gave away many masks to Italy. D . Xiaomi can make good masks.
  • 10. (2022八下·杭州期中) 阅读理解

    We all know that getting the flu is not fun. There are headaches, coughs, fevers, and other terrible feelings. To help us get better, we take some medicine and get much rest. We also drink lots of water and eat healthy food to make us feel better.

    However, some people don't want to get sick at all. So, they get a flu shot before the flu season starts. The flu shot is in fact, a vaccine (疫苗), not usual cold medicine. It will protect them from the flu.

    The vaccine introduces some of the flu into the body. But don't worry. The flu is dead and won't make you sick. It will teach your body to know it and fight it off in the future, though.

    Vaccines not only protect you but also protect others. That's because they help stop diseases (疾病) from spreading (扩散) from person to person. When fewer people have the diseases, the chances of getting them go down. Sometimes, the diseases completely go away.

    Even though vaccines are quite safe, some adults are afraid of them. Their worry is that the vaccines will cause serious side effects (副作用). Vaccines might cause side effects, but they are usually not as terrible as people imagine. For most people, vaccines are  ▲  and make them better.

    So, they are believable and people want them in their bodies. These days, people are in line for the COVID-19 vaccines and hope they can protect them well!

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "It" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
      A . The medicine. B . The feeling. C . The flu. D . The disease.
    2. (2) Which of the following is the main idea of Paragraphs 3 and 4?
      A . Vaccines protect us from the diseases. B . Vaccines do something bad in our bodies. C . People with vaccines never get any diseases. D . Vaccines can drive all diseases from our bodies.
    3. (3) What can we put in the  ▲  in the fifth paragraph?
      A . brave B . honest C . safe D . interesting
    4. (4) Why does the writer write this text?
      A . To introduce the uses of vaccines. B . To describe the problems by diseases. C . To explain people's fears about vaccines. D . To encourage people to stay away from disease.

