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更新时间:2022-07-28 浏览次数:64 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读理解

    Conner Crites is 8 years old. He started to cry when he was waiting for the doors to open at his school. The sights and sounds of the first day of school made Conner stressful. Conner has autism (自闭症). Children with autism often do things differently. Some can talk while others cannot. Many are uncomfortable with noise. Some are very good at art or music.

    Most kids didn't notice Conner crying, but his classmate Christian Moore did. He held Conner's hand and then walked him into school Christian's mum Courtney Moore took a photo of Christian's act of kindness and wrote about what happened in a Facebook post. She was very proud(骄傲) of her son. The post became very popular.

    Christian's kindness helped Conner a lot. Conner later told his mother April Crites that he had a great first day of school. He liked his teachers and his friends. Mrs Crites said she didn't know what happened with Christian at first. She found out when she saw the photo a few days later. She was thankful for Christian's help.

    Now Conner and Christian sit together at lunch and play together at break. Christian went to Conner s house one weekend. The pair played for an hour and a half happily. Mrs Crites said this was unusual for her son. Conner even wanted Christian to spend the night at his house.

    Mrs Crites believes we can all learn from this story. "It is important to be kind. Hand someone a tissue (纸中) who is crying and make their day better, " she said.

    1. (1) The underlined word "stressful" means         .
      A . excited B . confident C . bored D . nervous
    2. (2) How did Christian affect (影响) Conner on the first day of school?
      A . By taking a nice photo. B . By teaching him the rules. C . By holding his hand. D . By writing an article for him.
    3. (3) Why did Mrs Moore feel proud of her son?
      A . He became good at music. B . He did well in all subjects. C . He helped someone in need. D . His teachers liked him very much.
    4. (4) The passage wants to tell us         .
      A . we should care about others to make them happy B . children with autism can do better at school C . the first school day is difficult for kids D . it is important to give thanks to the people who help us
  • 2. 阅读理解


                       A show for the whole family, all the way from Australia.


    When: Saturday, April 16, 2022

    Where: Storyhouse Theater

    Tickets:   $25 for an adult

                    $20 for a child

    Chores was a successful show. Now it comes to the US. It is the story of two brothers. They must clean their untidy room quickly before their mum comes back so that they can ride their bicycles. What could possibly go wrong?

    The 60-minute show is made for children, but it makes parents or families happy, too.

    Comments (评价):


    Chores needs little language, so even my three-year old kid could understand it.


    Find it hard to get your kids to do their housework? After seeing this show, they'll be excited to take part in it!


    Laughed a lot. As parents, we enjoyed the show as much as our kids did!

    1. (1) 8-year-old Tom will go to the show with his parents. They will pay        .
      A . 75 dollars B . 70 dollars C . 65 dollars D . 60 dollars
    2. (2) In the show, the two brothers clean the room quickly because         .
      A . their room is too dirty B . they want to ride bikes C . their mum is coming back D . they want their mum to be happy
    3. (3) From the comments, we can know Chores         .
      A . is a funny show B . is good for old people C . lasts for over an hour D . teaches kids how to do chores
  • 3. 阅读理解

    We all know that getting the flu is not fun. There are headaches, coughs, fevers, and other terrible feelings. To help us get better, we take some medicine and get much rest. We also drink lots of water and eat healthy food to make us feel better.

    However, some people don't want to get sick at all. So, they get a flu shot before the flu season starts. The flu shot is in fact, a vaccine (疫苗), not usual cold medicine. It will protect them from the flu.

    The vaccine introduces some of the flu into the body. But don't worry. The flu is dead and won't make you sick. It will teach your body to know it and fight it off in the future, though.

    Vaccines not only protect you but also protect others. That's because they help stop diseases (疾病) from spreading (扩散) from person to person. When fewer people have the diseases, the chances of getting them go down. Sometimes, the diseases completely go away.

    Even though vaccines are quite safe, some adults are afraid of them. Their worry is that the vaccines will cause serious side effects (副作用). Vaccines might cause side effects, but they are usually not as terrible as people imagine. For most people, vaccines are  ▲  and make them better.

    So, they are believable and people want them in their bodies. These days, people are in line for the COVID-19 vaccines and hope they can protect them well!

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "It" in Paragraph 3 refer to?
      A . The medicine. B . The feeling. C . The flu. D . The disease.
    2. (2) Which of the following is the main idea of Paragraphs 3 and 4?
      A . Vaccines protect us from the diseases. B . Vaccines do something bad in our bodies. C . People with vaccines never get any diseases. D . Vaccines can drive all diseases from our bodies.
    3. (3) What can we put in the  ▲  in the fifth paragraph?
      A . brave B . honest C . safe D . interesting
    4. (4) Why does the writer write this text?
      A . To introduce the uses of vaccines. B . To describe the problems by diseases. C . To explain people's fears about vaccines. D . To encourage people to stay away from disease.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Parents may be surprised at how fast their kids grow up, but a study finds that U. S. teenagers are developing more slowly than those in the past.

    Scientists at San Diego State University have worked on a study of over 8 million U. S. kids aged 13-19 for 40 years. The findings show that today's teenagers are less responsible(负责任的) and that most of them don't have a part-time job. "The whole development has slowed down. Today's 18-year-olds are more like 15-year-olds in the past, " said Professor Jean Twenge. "Teenagers are taking fewer risks than those in the past. "

    Scientists have also found that more teenagers spend longer time living with their parents instead of renting(租)their own room or apartment. So is that slower development "good" or "bad"? It may depend on how you look at it, the scientists said. "The upside of slower development is that teenagers aren't growing up before they are ready, " said Professor Twenge. "But the downside is that they go to college and into the workplace without as much experience with independence. Today's students may be smart and creative, but they often have trouble with planning, time management (管理) and problem-solving, "added Professor Twenge.

    One of the reasons for these changes is that today's teenagers would like to spend much time online. They keep on watching videos or playing games on the Internet instead of spending more time with their family and friends in person. Another one is that parents have become much more "child-centric". In fact, parents had better let their children do everything by themselves. They should try their best to make their children become independent as soon as possible.

    1. (1) What can we know from the first two paragraphs?
      A . The study lasted for about 20 years. B . Teenagers now are more hard-working. C . Teenagers in the past took more risks. D . Today's teenagers don't like slow life.
    2. (2) Why do today's teenagers grow up slowly?

      a. Their parents do too many things for them.

      b. It's difficult for them to get a part-time job.

      c. They dislike living in the real world.

      d. They spend too much time online.

      A . ab B . bc C . bd D . ad
    3. (3) Which of the flowing shows the right structure (结构)of the text?  (P= Paragraph)
      A . B . C . D .
    4. (4) Which is the best title for the text?
      A . A Study on Teenagers in the Past B . Slow Development of U. S. Teenagers C . U. S. Teenagers' Personal Development D . Different Ideas About Today's Teenagers
二、任务型阅读(共1小题, 每小题10分,满分10分)
  • 5. 下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合意思的标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。

    A. Triangles(三角形) everywhere

    B. Introduction

    C. History of triangles

    D. Cardboard today

    E. History of cardboard

    F. Why cardboard is strong

    Mark's science blog

    How cardboard is like a bridge

    Hello everyone! Today, I visited a museum and found out a lot of amazing information about cardboard!

    In 1879, a Scottish engineer called Robert Gair invented the cardboard box. He could make a lot of cardboard boxes very quickly, and so for the first time, food companies could use cardboard to hold food. In 1906, the Kellogg company started using very thin cardboard boxes for its cereal. This was the first time that a box had the name and picture of the food on the outside!

    Today, we use cardboard boxes for many different things because cardboard is so strong.

    Do you know why cardboard is so strong? Inside each piece of cardboard here are a lot of triangle. Triangles are really strong: they can carry a lot. Do you sometimes make a house of cards? If you use triangles, it works. If you try it with square shapes, it doesn't work. Try it and see! The triangle shape is the strongest.

    I learned that there are triangle shapes everywhere: in bridges, in houses, on bikes and even on kites! Look at these pictures. Can you find the triangles?

  • 6. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。

    Wherever Paul Horton goes, his six year-old dog Yogi walks closely behind him. They have always been best friends.

    One October morning, Horton was1 his bike in the neighborhood. Yogi ran2 beside his master(主人). Yogi had done it every morning for nearly three years. 3 they came to a tall stone edge (边缘), Horton wanted to jump down from his bike. But the wheel hit the stone and Horton fell down4. As Horton tried to rise, he5 the situation was very bad. He couldn't feel his legs.

    When Horton was6 on the ground, Yogi was by his side nervously. Horton said, "Go home, Yogi. Go and get7 to help. "Horton said the words slowly, again and again. 8, Yogi refused to leave. But Horton continued asking Yogi to go. Finally, the dog9.

    That morning, Bruce Tate and Maggie Tate, two of Horton's neighbors, were taking a walk. When they saw Yogi running down the street alone, they thought it was very10. The dog never did that before. So they decided to11 Yogi to see what happened.

    The wait was agony (痛苦) for Horton. When he heard the sound of Yogi, he12 his eyes and saw the Tates. They were surprised at Horton's condition and they sent him to the hospital quickly.

    13he has to move in a wheelchair (轮椅) now, Horton feels better. Horton says that Yogi and he are much closer after the14. "I'm very thankful to Yogi. He played a very15 role in saving my life. He's my watchdog and my hero," Horton says.

    A . carrying B . repairing C . making D . riding
    A . finally B . suddenly C . happily D . seriously
    A . When B . Which C . Where D . What
    A . happily B . heavily C . recently D . carefully
    A . wondered B . explained C . caused D . realized
    A . sleeping B . training C . lying D . relaxing
    A . everyone B . someone C . anything D . nothing
    A . At first B . At most C . At least D . At last
    A . died down B . took down C . ran away D . gave away
    A . proper B . normal C . typical D . strange
    A . push B . follow C . beat D . sell
    A . opened B . chose C . became D . minded
    A . However B . Unless C . Though D . Because
    A . storm B . report C . party D . accident
    A . traditional B . important C . famous D . dangerous
  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    My name is Janet, and I'm from a town where it hardly ever (rain). The weather is almost sunny all year round.

    However, yesterday was different. I woke up late because the clouds madeseem like nighttime. I was so hurried(匆忙的) I left house without taking an umbrella.

    While I(wait) for the bus, it began to rain. A car passedand splashed (溅) water on me. My school uniform was really dirty when I got to school. Then during lunchtime, I opened my lunch box and found it was wet. I had to eat three cold and wet (sandwich).

    After school I found I didn't have enough money for the bus ride, so I had to walk home. I was walking, I realized that walking in the rain wasn't(bad) than taking the bus--there were two car accidents. Walking might be much safer.

    When I got home, I got wet through. (lucky), my mom was already home. She felt sorry for what happened to me. Then she made some hot chocolate(cheer) me up. It was not a bad day, was it?

五、单词拼写,根据下列句子及所给的首字母, 在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确、完全形武(每空限填一词)。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
  • 18. 假如你是李华,请阅读以下来自交换生Amy的邮件井回复,内容包括回复相应问题并给出一至两条建议。词数80词左右。

    From: Amy

    Hi Li Hua,

    How's it going? These days, I'm thinking of keeping a pet dog What is your idea about keeping pets? Is it a good idea to keep a pet at home? I know you are a member of Animal Helpers. Can you tell me in what ways animals are able to help people?

    By the way, I'll volunteer in an old people's home next Saturday. What can help out with?

    Can you give me some advice?

    Look forward to your reply!


    To: Amy

    Hi Amy,

