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更新时间:2023-03-15 浏览次数:61 类型:开学考试
一、完型填空 (10 分,每小题 1 分)
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳答案。

    My brother Rick and I were sent to Uncle Tommie's across Little Mountain to get a goose for Christmas dinner. This long journey over the mountain was hard but worth it.

     Dark clouds were forming overhead. I was expecting snow on the 1.

    When we arrived, Uncle Tommie was waiting. "Boys, I'm not rushing you off," he said, "but the wind is  2.

    Get the goose and go home soon."

    So I took the goose and we left. Halfway up the mountain, it started snowing heavily. I held the goose3to me.

    Once we reached the top of the mountain, it snowed more heavily. And the wind blew straight through my coat. I stepped in front of Rick. "You must be cold. 4your coat!"

    "Are you crazy?" Rick asked. "I'll lose what little5I have!" When he saw I was6, he slowly opened his coat.

    I placed the warm goose inside his coat. Rick sighed happily (舒了口气).

    On the way down, I started to shiver (发抖). Rick passed me the goose. I just stood there for a long time, warming my 7hands on his body. We took turns passing the goose between us the whole way. Finally. We got home.

    Sitting at the table, we explained how the goose kept us warm. "We can't have him for dinner! He8our lives," I said.

    Later, we named the goose Charley and he9his life in the yard. A life as the most important bird was fitting for our10.

    A . mountain B . island C . lake D . beach
    A . taking off B . picking up C . showing around D . calling out
    A . lightly B . secretly C . high D . close
    A . Open B . Wear C . Take D . Cover
    A . coat B . goose C . warmth D . food
    A . frightened B . regretful C . serious D . surprised
    A . icy B . both C . dirty D . green
    A . spared B . saved C . treasured D . gave
    A . lay around B . laid down C . lived out D . came to
    A . leader B . boss C . guide D . hero
二、阅读理解 (40分)
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Ever since I was a little girl, I've loved reading crime and detective (侦探) novels, so I guess it was pretty normal that I started writing them when I was older. However, my family is very big on having a traditional career (职业) and so when I said that I wanted to go to college and study writing, my parents told me that I couldn't. They told me that I had to study for a degree so that I would achieve a career, and not something as risky as writing. I suppose I could have studied journalism (新闻),but I didn't want to lose interest in writing because it would be something I would do every day for work, not for pleasure. I thought that teaching looked like a pretty good compromise (妥协), especially because of the long holidays. It was a good choice: by the time I was twentyfive,

    I'd already finished two novels and had an agent.

    To be honest, I never meant to keep my being a crime writer a secret or anything, and my friends have always known. One of the reasons most people don't know is because my agent told me that my name Hazel sounded too much like a romance (浪漫) novelist for older women. She suggested Brooke Lane and I thought, "Well, if you think it'll make me successful, okay," I'd totally forgotten about it until I walked into school one day and saw one of my workmates reading my novel. I asked her some questions about it, and it was so clear that she had no idea that I'd written it —she even offered to lend it to me after she'd finished! Of course, sometimes I wonder what my students would think if they knew that their teacher was going home on the weekend to write about murders and dead bodies, but I think my parents probably did me a favor: my teaching job keeps me in touch with the real world.

    1. (1) What is probably Hazel's job?
      A . An agent. B . A journalist. C . A teacher and artist. D . A teacher and writer.
    2. (2) What do the underlined words "is very big on" in paragraph 1 probably mean?
      A . To give no advice. B . To like something very much. C . To have more experiences. D . To misunderstand something.
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE about Hazel?
      A . She agreed to study journalism for a degree. B . She accepted Brooke Lane as her pen name. C . She would like to write something for teaching. D . She told her workmates about her writing novels.
    4. (4) How does Hazel feel about her parents' advice on her career?
      A . Helpful. B . Exciting. C . Disappointing. D . Risky.
    5. (5) What can we infer from the passage?
      A . Hazel likes showing off in public. B . Hazel's students all want to write novels. C . Hazel's agent has played a role in her success. D . Older women prefer the name Brooke to Hazel.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    Do you ever find yourself standing in front of rubbish bins, not sure whether the piece of waste in your hand is recyclable or not? To solve this problem, four Hong Kong high school students have invented a smart rubbish bin that uses AI to sort(分类) the waste. The students named the bin Waste Collection Point.

    Connected to a computer, the bin uses a camera to tell the kind of the waste it receives and sorts it into plastic, paper, glass, or other kinds. To make sure it can work correctly, the team tested every product in the school shop and took at least 500 pictures of each one. "To train the AI, we had to take many photos from different angles(角度), so it is more accurate," said one of the students.

    The idea of the smart bin was born two years ago. At that time, people from the city crowded into their village because of the COVID-19. They left behind a lot of rubbish and caused more pollution.

    "All the bins were full, and there was even rubbish on the mountain," the students recalled, "Every weekend, we had to join the villagers in picking up the waste."

    The students decided to develop a special recycling bin that would encourage people to protect the environment.

    Although school ended at 2 pm, the team would continue to work on their invention until 6 or 7 pm at school. Even when their school was closed last year, they would still meet and work together online.

    "Our bin is now in its third generation(). Before graduation, we hope it can be widely used in the city." The students said, "Then it will be easier than ever for people to recycle and protect our environment."

    1. (1) What do we know about Waste Collection Point?
      A . It can help find a rubbish bin. B . It helps reduce the waste. C . It is used in Hong Kong high schools. D . It is connected to an AI system.
    2. (2) What happened before inventing Waste Collection Point?
      A . People in Hong Kong moved from village to city due to COVID-19 . B . The team kept working on their invention at school until 6 or 7 pm. C . The school was closed because students had to collect the rubbish with villagers. D . COVID-19 caused more people to throw rubbish on the mountains.
    3. (3) Which words can best describe the students?
      A . Knowledgeable and adventurous. B . Sharp-eyed and progressive. C . Creative and hardworking. D . Positive and mindful.
    4. (4) How is this passage organized?
      A . B . C . D .
    5. (5) In which part of the newspaper can we find this text?
      A . Technology. B . Economy. C . Health. D . People.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Can you imagine a world without insects? Without ants or flies in your house, it might sound great. However, the results may be out of imagination.

    The number of insects has dropped by half in the past few years, according to a British biologist Dave Coulson.

    You may think small insects are not important. But in fact they are the main part of the species(物种) on Earth.

    Insects are indeed on the way to die out, according to the first review of insect population. The researchers say the main reason for this is the use of pesticides(杀虫剂) because they destroy insects' living areas. Also, weather change is another important cause.

    "Unless we change our ways of producing food, insects will go down the way to disappear in a few years," the researchers wrote in the review. "This will have huge influences on the planet's ecosystem(生态系统)."

    We need insects to pollinate(授粉)crops. They also break down dead plants and animals, which can keep the soil healthy. Without insects, many animals would have nothing to eat and die of hunger. Then, the ecosystem would be off balance.

    "If the number of insect species keep dropping, this will have bad influences on both Earth's ecosystem and the survival of us humans," said one of the writers of the review.

    "The first step to stop this is to let more people understand the values of the natural world," he suggests. "The best place to start is from our children, who should realize environmental protection from an early age."

    1. (1) What is the purpose of paragraph 1?
      A . To introduce some insects to us. B . To tell us insects are important. C . To explain why insects are important. D . To show a way to protect insects.
    2. (2) According to the researchers, what are the reasons why insects are dying out?

      ①The idea of small insects are unimportant.

      ②The use of pesticides.

      ③The unbalanced ecosystem.

      ④Climate change.

      A . ①④. B . ②③. C . ①③. D . ②④.
    3. (3) What is the main idea of Paragraph 5?
      A . The reason for producing food. B . The problem of animals and plants. C . The way to keep soil healthy. D . The importance of insects.
    4. (4) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . Humans' actions influence the number of insects. B . Insects may destroy the balance of the ecosystem. C . Ants and flies are the main part of the species on Earth. D . Weather change has little influence on insects.
    5. (5) Which of the following can be the best title of the text?
      A . A review of insect population. B . How do insects help the world? C . Why does the world need insects? D . A world without insects.
  • 5. 补全语篇。以下是一篇短文,请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。

    A. That means they only eat meat.

    B. Do you know how long can smaller squids live?

    C. That's because squids do not have bones.

    D. But sometimes they like to swim in shallow waters, or even along the coast.

    E. You may have even seen one in the ocean on a family vacation.

    F. You might be surprised to know that squids do not live a very long life.

    Haveyou ever seen a squid(乌贼)before? Maybe you have seen one on television. There are a lot of fantastic things to know about squids. Let's take a closer look together!

    Squids belong to a group of ocean animals called "mollusks(软体动物)". Their bodies are very soft. Squids' bodies arelong, but their heads are very short. Around its mouth, there are eight armsand two long tentacles(触须).

    Doyou know where squids live? Well, squids live in both sea water and fresh water.They like to live quite deep in the ocean. Some can be found more than 13,000 feet (3,962 metres) deep.

     Do you know what squids eat? Squids are carnivores (肉食动物). They eat lots of fish. Sometimes they even eat smaller squids.

    No matter what their size is or what they eat, the average lifespan(平均寿命) of a squid is only about three to five years.

    Scientists have discovered more than 300 types of squids. There could be as many as 200 more types that we still have to discover.

  • 6.  信息匹配。下面的材料A-F分别介绍了六种习语,请根据以下五种描述选择各自匹配的阅读材料。

    Fish live in water. A person who is in a strange or uncomfortable environment may feel like a fish out of water.

    A. People may get their feet into the water slowly when they start to learn swimming. "Get your feet wet" means trying to do something for the first time.

    B. In many ball games, the most important person is the one who carries the ball. Such a person is the leader and he makes sure that a job gets done.

    C. Birds mainly eat worms. A bird will go hungry if it cannot catch worms. The bird that gets up early is sure to get some food, so the early bird catches the worm.

    D. Our feet become hot when you run. But when you are made to sit in one place, your heels stay cool. When someone keeps you waiting, you can say he is cooling your heels.

    E. Some people seem to know what's going on behind them, as if they had eyes in the back of their heads.

    "Eyes in the back of your head" refers to the ability to notice everything happening around you.

    1. (1) Bella, one of the top students in her class, always gets up early and hopes to get better grades by working hard.
    2. (2) Sam is a new comer to a high school. He feels a little nervous inthe classroom with a lot of strangers around him.
    3. (3) Victor's friends are taking a high speed train to visit him. But his friends are late. He is now waiting for them at the station.
    4. (4) Aileen is an English teacher. She always knows what's going on inclass, even when her students are passing notes behind her back.
    5. (5) Vincent has joined a mountain climbing club. The club members will have a climbing trip next week and he will be the leader of the team.
三、语法填空:(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)
  • 7. 用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的限填一词。

    The 2022 FIFA word Cup is scheduled to take place November 20 to December 18 in the Middle Eastern nation of Qatar. This World Cup is (fill) with "firsts" and "lasts". It will be the first World Cup to (host) in the Arab world. Usually, the World Cup games take place within the months of May or July. , with Qatar's intense summer heat, it would make soccer games unplayable. Therefore, decision was made to move the tournament to the end of fall, (make) it the first World Cup to do so. It will also be the last tournament to include 32 teams, the following World Cup will consist of 48 teams.

    Ofthe teams, Brazil, England, France, and Argentina are favored to win. While Spain, Germany, the Netherlands have less of chance of winning than the above-mentioned countries, their possibilities are still (good) than most of the other countries competing.

    If you're interested in soccer games are the biggest in the world, be sure to turn on the TV and watch this year's World Cup (match) in November and December.

四、书面表达。(共 1 题,15 分)
  • 8. 劳动教育是青少年全面发展的重要组成部分。因此,青少年应该主动参加各类劳动,如社区服务、学校劳动和日常家务等。为了鼓励同学积极参加劳动课程,学校校报将举行英语征文比赛,请你根据提示,写一篇短文,向其投稿,分享你的劳动日常,并谈谈你对劳动教育的看法。



    2)谈谈你参加劳动教育的收获、感受(自行发挥 1-2 点);



    1)80 词左右,开头语给出,不计入总词数内;




    参考词汇:labor courses劳动课程;labor education劳动教育

    Itis reported that Labor Education has been included in the education of middleschools and primary schools in China.

