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更新时间:2022-11-04 浏览次数:112 类型:中考模拟
一、Choose the best answer.
二、Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.
  • 16. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.

    A. on video    B. thinking    C. ability    D. solutions    E. based on

    On October 30, 2019, 3M announced the results of its 2019 Young Scientist Challenge. 14-year-old Kara Fan's spray-on bandage(喷雾绑带)beat out several other creative to some of the world's biggest problems.

    The contest, which is run by 3M and Discovery Education, is open to students in grades 5-8. Hundreds of kids sent in ideas . In June 2019, 10 finalists were chosen their knowledge and to share their idea clearly.

    The finalists were matched with a scientist. Students were given several months to improve their projects with the help and advice of these scientists.

  • 17. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once.

    A. prize    B. finally    C. discovered    D. express    E. wounds

    In October 2019, the finalists met their scientists and other students face to face at 3M's special science center in St. Paul, Minnesota. The students their views in the group, and the winners were announced.

    Kara Fan from California won the big for a special liquid bandage she created. It can be sprayed on cuts and . One important part of Kara's bandage is nano –silver (纳米银)—silver in extremely any form. Kara had to do a lot of research to get that part just right. For winning, Kara got $25,000.

三、Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.
四、Rewrite the following sentences as required.
五、Reading comprehension.
  • 33. Choose the best answer.

    CIMON 2 is a floating computer assistant. It was sent to the International Space Station (ISS) on December 5th, 2019. It was designed to work there for three years to help astronauts.

    Actually, the International Space Station is a science lab in space. Now there are six people there. Usually astronauts stay in the ISS for five or six months. Can you imagine how boring it is to live in a tight space with just five other people for six months?

    So CIMON was created with two jobs in mind. One is helping astronauts with tasks. The other is trying to be "someone" astronauts can talk to. CIMON stands for Crew Interactive Mobile (互动移动) Companion. It is a robot with a face which was created by the European airplane company, Airbus. It has no arms or legs, but it can move where it needs to go with motors inside. Helping astronauts is easy for CIMON—it can see, hear, understand, and speak. Its "mouth" is a loudspeaker that can be used to talk or play music. The brain behind CIMON were provided by IBM, a computer company famous for training computers to understand human speech. CIMON can understand not just what people say, but what they mean. If astronauts ask it for instructions or information, CIMON can answer the astronauts, or use its screen to display pictures or documents, if needed. In addition, CIMON has several cameras, which can take pictures and videos to help astronauts keep records of experiments or other important actions.

    The more difficult part of CIMON's job is being a companion for the astronauts. The first CIMON could understand what people were saying and mastered more than 1000 sentences, but it was limited. In one video, taken with German astronaut Alexander Gerst, CIMON seemed to become confused as Mr. Gerst spoke with another astronaut. "Don't be so mean, please," CIMON said.

    CIMON 2 has been improved so that it can recognize emotions and find out how people are feeling. The goal for CIMON is to be a calm, trusted friend that astronauts can talk to when they don't want to talk with others. This could be especially important if tension (紧张气氛) in a group of astronauts causes them to stop thinking clearly.

    1. (1) CIMON 2 planned to stay in the International Space Station for _________.
      A . five months B . six months C . three years D . two years
    2. (2) CIMON was created __________.
      A . for Crew Interactive Mobile Companion B . for the European airplane company, Airbus C . to do a lot of research of IBM D . to make friends with astronauts
    3. (3) CIMON is very intelligent, and it can do all the following things except _________.
      A . moving here and there B . training computers to understand people C . taking pictures and videos D . understanding what people are saying
    4. (4) The underlined word "companion" in the 4th paragraph means a friend who __________.
      A . works and lives with astronauts B . has the similar tastes, interests, etc. C . runs a company D . is responsible for astronauts
    5. (5) Compared with the first CIMON, CIMON 2 has the advantage of _________.
      A . becoming confused with others' talk B . understanding people's feelings C . having limited expressions D . keeping calm all the time
    6. (6) According to the last paragraph, creators hope that CIMON can _________.
      A . float in space for a long time B . help astronauts with their tasks C . use its "mouth" to talk or play music D . help people stay calm and make good decisions
六、Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.
  • 34. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.

    Arrest Report Sheet

    NAME OF SUSPECT (嫌疑犯): Mr. John A. Berry


    ●Use of bad language in a public place.

    ●Wasting a police officer's time.

    ●Damaging property and causing2to the publilc.

    ●There was something I didn't like about him.


    The suspect came into Mean Street Police Station at 4:37 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15th, claiming (声称) to have lost his car. Of course, this story did not satisfy a police officer like myself, and l 3 started to question the suspect. After about 45 minutes, he changed his story, claiming that the car had been stolen. Something about this story, too, 4 extremely unlikely and I refused to accept it.

    The suspect kept telling his story. Luckily, I took a useful and 5 training course last weekend. So I used the active questioning skills from the course to get the real truth out of him.

    When he finally 6 under my questioning, he admitted that he had parked his car in a no-parking zone, and then blown it up (爆炸). I have not yet worked out why he did this; my theory is that he is a mentally ill terrorist who sees parking rules as a symbol of everything he hates most in modern society. Signed Detective—Inspector Philip E. Morris

    A . excitement B . surprise C . danger D . variety
    A . politely B . immediately C . suddenly D . correctly
    A . looked B . tasted C . felt D . sounded
    A . noisy B . boring C . comfortable D . enjoyable
    A . broke down B . woke up C . shut up D . calmed down
七、Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.
  • 35. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words.

    Scientific Ways to Improve Our Memory

    Exercise r

    Research found that sitting for a long time every day can lead to memory loss. So put on your trainers, go o and start working up a good sweat. It's healthy for both your mind and your body.

    Eat your vegetables

    It's a well-known f that eating vegetables can help keep your body healthy, and that includes our brain. Various research p show that fruits and vegetables can help lower oxidative stress (氧化压力) in your brain as well as help healthy cognitive (认知) functions.

    R stress levels

    Reserarch found stress at high levels have a bad influence on our memory and cognitive skills. So slow down and take a walk from time to time.

    Play video games

    Yes, you heard us. Get on that controller and s a couple of hours playing your favorite video game. It's good for your mind. According to a r study which came out last week, these pastimes can help improve the functioning of various memory-associated areas in the brain. But don't go overboard, too much of a good thing can be bad for you.

八、Answer the questions.
  • 36. Answer the questions.

    It may seem strange to think about countries being "happy" when most of the world is fighting with the coronavirus (冠状病毒), but a yearly report was released by the Sustainable Development Solutions Network, which ranked the world's countries by how happy they are.

    To get an idea of how happy people are, the researchers told people to imagine life as a ladder (阶梯). The worst possible life would be on step 0. The best possible life would be on step 10. Then the researchers asked people where they were on the ladder. They asked this question of 10,000 people in 156 different countries over the last three years.

    For the third year in a row, the report named Finland as the world's happiest country. This time Finland was even farther ahead of other countries than it was last time. The other top five countries were Denmark, Switzerland, Iceland and Norway.

    To help explain the results, the researchers studied several important areas, such as how much money people make, how long they live, how free they are, how much support they get from the people around them, and whether the government is seen as honest.

    Clearly, the kind of happiness that is being measured by the report isn't just about laughing, smiling, and telling jokes. It's more about how satisfied people are with their lives.

    The report suggests that when people live in a place where they trust other people and the government, they are more likely to be happy. The report's authors describe these as "high-trust" countries.

    As countries around the world face the big challenges brought by the coronavirus, the report's authors note that happiness doesn't always disappear during difficult times.

    Actually, in high-trust areas, disasters can often leave people with a surprising good feeling because _______________.

    1. (1) Why is it strange to think about countries being "happy" now?
    2. (2) Finland was the happiest country in the world according to the report, wasn't it?
    3. (3) What question was asked at least 10,000 times?
    4. (4) How many areas were considered to help explain the results?
    5. (5) How do you understand a "high-trust" country?
    6. (6) Complete the last sentence.

      Actually, in high-trust areas, disasters can often leave people with a surprising good feeling because

  • 37. Write at least 60 words on the topic "Happiness doesn't always disappear during difficult times"(以"在困难时期,幸福感不一定会消失"为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)

    小到个人,大到团队、城市、国家,都会有困难时期,但即便是困难时期,人们还是能感受生活中的小喜悦,感受幸福温馨的片刻,请结合自己或他人的经历,说说困难时期的幸福感。 (注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予计分)


