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  • 1. (2022九上·龙岗月考) 以下是一篇短文,请阅读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯。                                 

    A. Volunteering comes in any form and size.

    B. Volunteering also influences your mental health(心理健康).

    C. Volunteering can also help you improve personal skills.

    D. Many people find that they can forget their personal worries by paying attention to others' needs.

    E. This is especially true if you match volunteering to your interests.

    F. What can you do if you want to volunteer but don't how to start?

    Volunteering is a great way to help others. Helping others can actually help yourself, too.

    What is volunteering? If somebody volunteers, he will do something that's good for anther person or the world around him without being paid. It can be working for children's hospitals or helping your neighbors with their food shopping. Many people volunteer to protect the environment by picking up litter or planting trees.

    Research has shown that volunteering brings you happiness. Also, it can give you a sense of purpose, and make you develop your self-confidence. For example, if you're crazy about nature, why not volunteer for a wildlife organization?

    By helping others, you feel a positive emotion(积极情绪)and this is good for your health. Volunteering can also reduce your feeling of anxiety(焦虑). "It is good news for our mental health," says Jolie Goodman from the Mental Health Foundation.

     You can go to find an organization and ask if they need any helper. Or you can set up a volunteer group in your school. As long as you want to help, there are many chances waiting for you.
