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  • 1. (2023·河南模拟) 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺、内容完整。

    Saving money can be really hard when you're a kid. It will be easier if you set a clear goal for yourself, make smart spending decisions and look for ways to make extra (额外的) money in your free time!

    Making a savings plan  

    Set a clear goal for how much you want to spend. Saving your money will be a lot easier if you have a certain amount (数量) in mind. Setting a goal will help you stay on purpose, especially as you get closer to reaching that goal!

    Keep your money somewhere safe like a piggy bank.

    Spending less money

    Whenever you get money, whether it's the money you made, or a special gift you should put it into your savings as soon as possible.

    Find free things to do for fun. Instead of going to the movies or paying for snacks, try going to the park and playing flag football with your friends.

    Making more money

    It can be really hard to make money when you're a kid especally before youre old enough to have a job.

    If you notice that there are things to be done around your home, try asking your parents if they'll pay you to do them. And it will also help get things tided up.

    You could do jobs for your friends or other relatives. You don't have to do only one job. However, remember to take a friend or family member with you!

    A. Put your money up right away so you won't spend it at once.

    B. This will show you're really serious about trying to find ways to make money.

    C. You can ask your neighborhood for paid jobs such as car washing or pet care.

    D. Having fun doesn't have to cost a lot of money especially when you're a kid.

    E. If you want to save money, you need to put it somewhere where it can't be lost.
