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  • 1. (2022八上·涪城期中) 语法选择

    Lee Ching loved tennis. He hoped he would become1famous player one day. However, Lee's family was very2. He couldn't afford (支付得起) to pay for tennis lessons. Lee played with the other players on the courts in his town, but they just made fun of his old racket and old clothes. So, Lee3 his time watching them play, and then just practising what he had seen them do.

    The boss of the tennis courts, Mr. Song, heard4story. He gave Lee a job sweeping (扫) the tennis courts every day. Instead of paying him, he offered to give Lee tennis lessons.

    Through the lessons, Mr. Song realized (意识到) that Lee knew a lot about tennis, 5he asked him to coach the6children's tennis class; this time Lee got7for his job. He was able to buy new clothes and a new racket and soon people were asking him8their games.

    Lee became a very good tennis player. He played in a competition once. The world-class tennis coach, Mr. Wei, watched Lee play. Lee9very well and won all his matches. Mr. Wei was so impressed (印象深刻的) that he offered Lee a place at his tennis school.

    For many years, Lee worked hard at his tennis. When he played in tennis competitions, he10lost a match. He was on the road to becoming a famous player.

    A . a B . an C . the D . /
    A . natural B . excellent C . poor D . rich
    A . took B . cost C . paid D . spent
    A . him B . he C . himself D . his
    A . but B . and C . so D . or
    A . younger B . young C . youngest D . youth
    A . field B . stadium C . money D . chance
    A . joining B . joined C . to join D . joins
    A . played B . plays C . is playing D . was playing
    A . sometimes B . hardly C . often D . always
