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  • 1. (2022八上·偃师期末) 阅读理解

    Little Anna is 5 years old. One day, she was invited to one of her friends' birthday party. But she didn't have a suitable dress for the party. Luckily, Anna's mother was good at sewing(缝补). The night before the party, Anna got a very beautiful dress from her mother. The dress, which was red with a light blue collar(衣领), fitted Anna perfectly.

    The next day, Anna put on the new dress and went to the party. On the way, there was a forest. Anna got her dress a little broken when passing some bushes(灌木丛). However, Anna was too happy to notice. Then, she stepped on a stone and fell to the ground. The dress got some dirt on it. Still, Anna was so anxious about the party that she did not pay any attention to her dress.

    Finally, Anna got to the party. Everyone was surprised when they saw this little happy girl and her dress. Anna kept smiling and did not look down at the dress. She played and danced with her friends happily. They all had a good time. And people said that Anna was beautiful.

    Arriving home, Anna looked in the minor and cried. She couldn't understand why people admired(崇拜)her though her dress was messy(脏乱). Her mother came and told her that she was beautiful not because of her dress, but her smile.

    1. (1) Where did Anna get her new dress?
      A . In a party. B . In a shop. C . Anna made it. D . Her mother made it.
    2. (2) What happened to Anna's dress on her way?
      A . It was broken. B . It got dirty. C . It was broken and dirty. D . Nothing happened.
    3. (3) Which of the following words has the closest meaning to the underlined word


      A . Angry. B . Certain. C . Excited. D . Careful.
    4. (4) According to her mother, why people said Anna was beautiful?
      A . Because she smiled. B . Because she cried. C . Because she wore a nice dress. D . Because she danced perfectly.
    5. (5) What's the best title for the text?
      A . Mother's love. B . A messy dress. C . Never stop smiling. D . A boring birthday party.
