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  • 1. (2022五下·遂川期末) 阅读对话,根据对话内容,判断下列说法的正误。

    Mike: Hi, John! Look at the clock.
    John: What time is it?

    Mike: It's 7: 30. Let's go to school.
    John: OK! Oh! Where is my sweater?

    Mike: Is that your sweater?

    John: No, it isn't. It is my brother's.
    Mike: What colour is your sweater?

    John: Blue. I like blue.

    Mike: Look! Is that your blue sweater on the bed?

    John: Yes, it is mine. Thank you.

    Mike: You're welcome.

    1. (1) It is 7:30 am now.
    2. (2) John has a brother and a sister.
    3. (3) John likes the color blue.
    4. (4) John's sweater is on the bed.
    5. (5) John is probably(很可能)at home now.
