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更新时间:2022-07-17 浏览次数:55 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 阅读对话,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,使对话内容完整、意思通顺。

    A. How many classrooms are there in your school?

    B. Where is the playground?

    C. Your school is very beautiful.

    D. Where is the garden?

    E. Do you have a library?

    (Amy is at Bob's school. Amy=A; Bob=B)

    A: Hi, Bob!

    B: Hi, Amy. Welcome to my school.

    A: Thank you. Wow!

    B: Thanks.


    B: Forty.


    B: Yes, we do. And it is very big.


    B: Oh, it is next to the playground.


    B: It is over there. Let's go and play together.

    A: OK. Let's go.

  • 7. 阅读对话,根据对话内容,判断下列说法的正误。

    Mike: Hi, John! Look at the clock.
    John: What time is it?

    Mike: It's 7: 30. Let's go to school.
    John: OK! Oh! Where is my sweater?

    Mike: Is that your sweater?

    John: No, it isn't. It is my brother's.
    Mike: What colour is your sweater?

    John: Blue. I like blue.

    Mike: Look! Is that your blue sweater on the bed?

    John: Yes, it is mine. Thank you.

    Mike: You're welcome.

    1. (1) It is 7:30 am now.
    2. (2) John has a brother and a sister.
    3. (3) John likes the color blue.
    4. (4) John's sweater is on the bed.
    5. (5) John is probably(很可能)at home now.
  • 8. 阅读理解

    Hello, I am Jack. My father has a farm. There are many animals. He has seven cows, two horses, ten sheep and seventeen ducks. There are many hens on the farm, too. There is also(也)a fruit garden on the farm. Look, there are apples trees, grape trees and so on(等). Every year, my brother and I can eat many fruits. I like apples best(最). My brother likes oranges best. We like our farm.

    1. (1) Who has a farm?
      A . Jack. B . Jack's uncle. C . Jack's father.
    2. (2) How many cows are there at the farm?
      A . Seven. B . Seventeen. C . Seventy.
    3. (3) What's on the farm?
      A . A vegetable garden. B . A fruit garden. C . A flower garden.
    4. (4) Who likes apples best?
      A . Jack. B . Jack's brother. C . Jack's father.
    5. (5) How many kinds of(种) animals are there at the farm?
      A . 3. B . 4. C . 5.
  • 9. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Hi! I am Amy. Welcome to my shop. Many things are on sale(大减价)today. All socks and gloves are four yuan. They are very cheap. We have many pretty hats and sweaters. They are red, blue, white, yellow and more. A hat is only (仅)eight yuan. A sweater is thirty yuan. Scarves are cheap and nice, too. A scarf is only ten yuan. We have many pretty colours for you.

    1. (1) Many things are on sale in Amy's shop today.
    2. (2) A pair of socks and a pair of gloves are eight yuan.
    3. (3) Two hats are only sixteen yuan.
    4. (4) There are only red and yellow sweaters for sale(出售).
    5. (5) Scarves are very nice but expensive.

