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  • 1. (2021·江城模拟) 阅读理解

    The Chinese government raised the protection level of Chinese pangolins(穿山甲) to the top level on World Environment Day -- June 5th. Pangolins used to be at the second level under national protection. This act makes people pay more attention to ecological civilization(生态文明). It also shows our great determination to fight against the illegal hunting(非法捕猎) and the trading of wild animals and other things made from them.

    According to a national wildlife study in the 1990s, there were about 60,000 Chinese pangolins in 11 provinces, including Yunnan, Hunan, Guangdong, Sichuan and Zhejiang. Until now, pangolins have become fewer and fewer because of the living places that are being destroyed, crazy hunting and smuggling. In 2017, Chinese pangolins were placed on the Red List of Threatened Species after a team of experts believed their number had dropped by 90 percent in the past years.

    "The value of pangolins to the ecosystem is much more than the value of their meat or scales(鳞).There is a long way to go in protecting them, but we can start by saying no to things made from them," said Zhou Fei, chief program officer of the World Wildlife Fund of China.

    What's more, the pangolin has a very strong response(反应) to stress, which means that it easily becomes nervous when it is caught.

    Pangolin scales have been taken away from the Chinese Pharmacopeia(药典). It means the scales will no longer be used as a kind of medicine.

    1. (1) Now, Chinese pangolins are ______________.
      A . at the top protection level B . at the second protection level C . at the third protection level D . not under national protection
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "smuggling" mean in this passage?
      A . 灭绝 B . 走私 C . 饥饿 D . 自杀
    3. (3) As students, what can we do to protect the pangolins according to the passage?
      A . We can fight against the illegal hunters by ourselves. B . We can help to find more living places for them. C . we can tell people the value of their meat and scales. D . We can refuse to buy things made from them.
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Pangolins' number has dropped by 80 percent in the past years. B . Pangolin scales have been taken away from the Chinese Pharmacopeia. C . We can protect pangolins in a short time. D . The pangolin hardly becomes nervous when it is caught.
    5. (5) The main purpose of this passage is to tell us ________________.
      A . what kind of medicine pangolins can be used as B . what value pangolins bring us C . why our government raised the protection level of pangolins D . why pangolins-have become fewer and fewer
