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  • 1. (2021·香洲模拟) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

    Once there were two neighbors. One was a teacher and 1 was a cook. Both of them planted the same plants in their own gardens. The teacher gave 2 water to his plants and didn't always give full attention to them. But the cook gave a lot of water to his plants and 3 them very well.

    The cook's plants grew much taller and greener than the teacher's. After a heavy storm, they both came out to 4 for the damage of their gardens. The cook saw that his plants were uprooted. They were all 5. But the teacher's plants were not damaged at all and were standing firmly.

    The cook was surprised to ask the teacher, "My plants were uprooted, 6 yours weren't. How is that possible?" The teacher smiled, "You gave your plants so much water and attention that they didn't need to work hard for 7. You made it easy for them. While I gave them just a little water and let their roots search for more. Because of that, their roots went 8 and that made their position stronger. That is why my plants survived (幸存)".

    This story is about parenting. Children are like 9. If everything is given to them, they will not work hard. Sometimes it's best to 10 them instead of giving them everything. Teach them to walk, but let them follow their own paths.

    A . other B . others C . another D . the other
    A . much B . little C . a little D . lots of
    A . looked up B . looked out C . looked after D . looked around
    A . find B . ask C . help D . check
    A . died B . destroyed C . moved D . disappeared
    A . so B . when C . while D . because
    A . us B . you C . they D . themselves
    A . deeper B . lower C . higher D . narrower
    A . water B . roots C . plants D . gardens
    A . push B . guide C . receive D . understand
