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  • 1. (2021八上·吉林月考) 阅读上面的信息,选择正确答案。

    Having an exercise plan is important, but you should always ask your doctor for advice before starting it. Keep in mind that over exercising and exercising in a wrong way can hurt your body. The following suggestions (建议) can help you avoid(避免) this, Warm up before exercise. This helps to prepare your body for activities. It's especially important in the morning.

    Cool down after exercise. Rather than( 而不是) stop immediately, do a few light activities to avoid aches and pains later.

    Exercise with your limits(极限). Build up slowly. Never try to exercise when you feel painful. If you don't listen to your body, you will/hurt yourself.

    Avoid being thirsty. Water is important to keep your normal temperature during exercise and prevent( 预防) tiredness.

    1. (1) The writer gives us         suggestions in the passage.
      A . three B . four C . five D . six
    2. (2) Before you start your exercise plan, you should        
      A . make up these suggestions B . ask your doctor for advice C . find out your health problems D . drink a lot of water
    3. (3)           is especially important before exercise in the morning.
      A . Warming up our body B . Cooling our body down C . Drinking enough water D . Eating enough food
    4. (4) The third suggestion can help us to        
      A . prepare for our activities B . avoid aches or pains later C . avoid hurting ourselves D . lose enough water
    5. (5) This passage mainly tells us       
      A . to warm up before exercise B . how to keep healthy C . how to exercise in a right way D . how to study hard
