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  • 1. (2020八下·温州竞赛) 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式。

    Rabindranath Tagore was a famous poet, short—story writer and musician. Few voices have been more wonderful in spreading knowledge than his. He's one of the greatest (象征,标志) of Indian culture.

    Tagore was born in Calcutta, India, on May 7, 1861. He was (年轻的) of fourteen children, in his family. As a child, school education could not please him. Then private teachers(教) him at home. When he was a little boy, Tagore was really good at writing poems. He wrote his first poem at the age of eight. Tagore' s father expected him (成为) a lawyer(律师). In 1878, he sent Tagore to England to study. But the (传统的) system of education there could not please the boy. Tagore then (返回) home . He tried his best to support his family after his father died.  He spent most of his time in farming and writing poems. Tagore also helped to educate the (当地的) people. In 1901, he set up an open school. Today, the school has been an international (大学),with several colleges in it.

    Unluckily, Tagore lost his wife, son and daughter, between 1902 and 1907. But this didn't stop him from writing. (在……期间) these six years, Tagore published some of his best works. Gitanjali, a collection of his poems, was published in 1910. Three years later, Tagore was given the Nobel Prize in Literature. After being famous, he held lecture tours around the world. He died in 1941, leaving behind many great poems, songs and short stories. In his own words, "The world speaks to me in (颜色). My soul answers in music."
