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  • 1. (2019八上·邛崃期中) 根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文(有一多余选项),并将选项的编号依次填入题后表格中。

        Cartoons are like a window that let us see the culture of a country. For example, the popular Japanese manga Naruto shows us life about ninjias.It also shows many different themes (主题).

        If you talk to your parents about their favorite cartoons, you'll find their choices are quite different from yours. They were arts of oil painting, paper cutting or puppets (木偶). Today's cartoons are made with computers. They have more exciting sound and pictures.

        What's happened to cartoons over the past years in China?Little Tadpole Looking for Mom (1961) was China's first ink-painting cartoon, together with puppet cartoon such as The Magic Brush (1955). After 1978, more foreign cartoons came to China. Over the next twenty years, China made many excellent cartoons, such as Mr. Black (1984), CalabashBrothers (1986), The Big Head Son and Small Head Father  (1995).
        China has its International Cartoon Festival in Hangzhou every year. Many Chinese cartoons won prizes at international film festivals, like Three Monks, Nezha Stirs up the Sea, and The Monkey King.

    A. Our cartoons started to become better.
    B. Now, the cartoon industry (产业) in China is growing fast.
    C. Early cartoons were short and they were usually made by hand.
    D. After 1949, China started to make cartoons with its own character (特色).
    E. Chinese cartoons show our traditional culture, like ink painting and paper cutting.
    F. US cartoons such as Superman opened up the world to superhero (超级英雄) culture.
