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        It is important to have good learning habits if you want to study, and this is especially true when it comes to online learning.

        Online learning is a process different from what you find in a traditional school. The learning environment and methods are different,

        When studying in a classroom, there is a lot of communication between the students and the teacher, but little interaction(互动) among the students, while online learning helps one student and another to interact very seriously and closely. So one of an online professor's roles is to encourage students to interact. Another is to guide discussion but not to take total control of students' thoughts as teachers do in a classroom.

        So what are the good learning habits you should have in online learning? Here are some good suggestions. First, it is a good idea to prepare well for online learning. You can write down daily tasks and even weekly tasks that you want to complete. By doing so, you will have a good plan for achieving your goals. Second, you should spend as much time online as if you were going to regular courses. Also, always try to set aside extra time to communicate with other students.

       Besides this, any post you put up online shows who you are. So make sure that you spell every word and write every sentence correctly. Last, hand in your homework on time so that you don't fall behind.

    1. (1) What is important if you want to study online?
    2. (2) What is the advantage of online learning?
    3. (3) What is another role of an online professor besides guiding discussion?
    4. (4) How many good suggestions about good learning habits are there in the
    5. (5) How do you like online learning? (请自拟一句话作答)
