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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Last summer, Jody went on vacation with her parents and her little brother Joe. They went to the beach. The weather was fine, and the children went swimming every day.

        One day, Jody and Joe went boating. It was a nice small boat. They had a great time near the beach. Suddenly, a strong wind came and took the boat far from the beach.

        Jody wanted to go back, but she fell into the water. Joe was very scared and he didn't know what to do. "Help! Help!" shouted Jody. She was going down in the water. She saw water and dolphins all around. She wanted to swim, but she couldn't. One of her legs was in the seaweed (海草)! Just then, a dolphin quickly came to save her. The dolphin took Jody on its mouth and took her up to the boat! Then it swam away.

        "Did you see that? That dolphin saved your life!" shouted Joe when Jody was back in their boat.

        "Yes, I saw it, but I can't believe (相信) it," said Jody.

    1. (1) What took Jody's boat far from the beach?
      A . A dolphin. B . A big ship. C . A heavy rain. D . A strong wind.
    2. (2) What did Joe do when Jody fell into the water?
      A . He called for help. B . He jumped in to save her. C . He got scared and didn't do anything. D . He went back to the beach to tell their parents.
    3. (3) Why couldn't Jody swim in the water?
      A . Because she was too tired. B . Because the water was too cold. C . Because the weather was so bad. D . Because her leg was in the seaweed.
    4. (4) When the dolphin saved Jody, she ______________.
      A . got a surprise B . felt very scared C . made friends with it D . went swimming with it
    5. (5) Which is the best title for the passage?
      A . A kind dolphin B . An interesting vacation C . Dolphins are our friends D . Jody's boat trip
