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  • 1. (2020八下·望江期中) 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        On a Tuesday night, a bus crashed(撞击)into a house. It1a six-year-old boy, David Molina, dead.

        Josue Molina said, "The bus was out of 2 and it came to our house. My brother was walking in the room. The bus fell on him and then he 3 and got squashed(压扁).”

        The bus driver turned the wheel(方向盘)suddenly when he 4 a man jaywalking(乱穿马路). As a result, the bus went into the bedroom Josue and David 5. Josue shouted, "Daddy!Mommy!My brother!"

        Their father, Santos Herrera, tried to save them. "Herrera wasn't able to open the bedroom door, 6 he climbed through the window. At last he could only save Josue, "said Josue's mother.

        Josue tried to 7 through the debris(残骸)to find David, "I tried my best but I couldn't find him. I wished there were no buses in the world, so he would still be with me. "

        Neighbors tried to get David out as well, but 8 firefighters(消防员)were able to do that. Unluckily, the boy died 9 the way to the hospital. Police said the accident was caused by the jaywalking man who was also hurt. Josue said, "I don t want David to 10. I want him to stay with me. I'm going to miss him a lot."

    A . made B . agreed C . lay D . took
    A . spirit B . risk C . control D . event
    A . grew up B . turned down C . woke up D . fell down
    A . found B . asked C . decided D . acted
    A . planted B . shared C . served D . broke
    A . so B . because C . if D . though
    A . shake B . dig C . stand D . reach
    A . almost B . even C . only D . also
    A . from B . in C . behind D . on
    A . happen B . win C . hurt D . die
