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  • 1. (2020七上·上海期中) Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage. (选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

        It was late. David was 1 home. There was a crossing ahead. Suddenly, a driver in another car turned into his way. David ran into him.

        He jumped out, and found that its front headlight had been broken, The driver of the other car had got 2 , too. He looked. very 3 , and shouted ,“It was your fault(错误) !" David looked around, and saw a woman standing on the corner. He asked her if she had seen the 4. The woman said it had not been David's fault but this only made the other man angrier. Then David found that。 5 were holding up the traffic. He said that they should 6 their cars out of the way. The other man was still very angry but he got back into his car. Shouting to David, he backed his car into a truck that had stopped 7 him.

    A . walking B . driving C . staying D . missing
    A . on B . back C . out D . down
    A . afraid B . angry C . enjoyable D . friendly
    A . cars B . roads C . way D . accident
    A . they B . them C . their D . themselves
    A . mend B . sell C . wash D . move
    A . behind B . before C . next to D . on
