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  • 1. (2020八下·南康月考) 请阅读下面的对话,根据对话内容补上所缺句子,使对话通顺、合理、意思完整。(每空一句)

    (Sally and Tina are talking about their reading.)

    Sally: Hi, Tina. What are you reading?

    Tina: A Brief Introduction of Time (时间简史) by Stephen Hawking.

    Sally: I have heard of this book, too.

    Tina: It's about time, space and future.

    Sally: What does he think the future will be like?

    Tina: There won't be any other planet, either.

    Sally: Really? His book is really interesting. After reading it,

    Tina: Oh, no. I just read the book for fun.


    Tina: I want to be a teacher.  

    Sally: Hope your dream can come true.

    A. What is it about?

    B. Well, he thinks there won't be the earth in the future.

    C. Then what do you want to be?

    D. Do you like Stephen hawking?

    E. So I am going to study education first.

    F. do you want to be a scientist like him when you grow up?

    G. I think the city will be bigger and more polluted.
