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  • 1. (2019八下·黄冈月考) 阅读理解

        I will never forget the accident happened to me in the summer of 2014.

    One day, I drove my parents' new yellow car to my friend's house. I spent the day at my friend's house and then I drove home. When I was almost home, I had to turn on the gravel road(碎石路) to get to my house. I turned the car too fast, and it rushed(冲) into a ditch(沟). I was badly hurt. I slowly got up on one leg and called for help. There was a farmer on the road and he saw me. He then called an ambulance.

        When we were waiting for the ambulance, the farmer did everything he could to make me feel better. He asked me questions about my family and school. After about half an hour, the ambulance arrived and took me to the hospital. After I arrived there, the doctor looked me over carefully. At last, I had to sit in a wheelchair for a few weeks.

        From that accident, I learned that I should be more careful when driving and should never drive too fast.

    1. (1) What is the color of the driver's parents' car?
      A . White. B . Yellow. C . Black. D . Blue.
    2. (2) What is the reason for the accident?
      A . The gravel road was difficult to drive on. B . The driver turned the car so fast that it rushed into a ditch. C . The weather was bad, so the writer couldn't see the road clearly. D . There was something wrong with the car, but the writer didn't know.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "ambulance" mean in Chinese?
      A . 救护车 B . 消防队 C . 医务室 D . 防疫站
    4. (4) Why did the farmer asked the writer questions when waiting for the ambulance?
      A . To make the time run faster and make the writer relaxed. B . To teach the writer something and let the writer remember him. C . To find out the writer's home and send him back. D . To learn more about the writer and make friends with him.
    5. (5) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . How the writer improved his driving skill. B . How to save the people in a car accident. C . A terrible accident the writer experienced. D . The best way to get a driver's license.
