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  • 1. (2019九上·乐至期末) 阅读理解

        After I finished college, I couldn't find a job in Los Angeles. At last I had to move to Las Vegas but left my family behind. I missed them all week, and I went home on most weekends to see them. I often rented a car because I would often have lots of problems on the way to Los Angeles or to Las Vegas if I drove my poor car.

        One time I decided to save money, and I drove my car. It got to California, but on the way back to Vegas it was broken. I didn't know what I should do. Then a middle-aged man drove up. He put in some coolant and repaired my car. He made it start soon.

        I gave him the $12 in my wallet, and he said he would use it for the next car. Then I knew that he was a mechanic who drove up and down the highway each weekend to help the drivers in trouble.

        Now fifteen years has passed, but I still think about what a great man he is.

    1. (1) The writer stayed in          on weekdays.
      A . Los Angeles B . Las Vegas C . California D . New York
    2. (2) Why did the writer often rent a car to go home?
      A . Because he wanted to save money. B . Because he didn't have a car. C . Because his car was often broken. D . Because his family asked him to do so.
    3. (3) We know from the passage that the middle-aged man was            .
      A . beautiful and kind B . rich and friendly C . kind and helpful D . strange and bored
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . The writer went to see doctor every weekend. B . The middle-aged man didn't get the money from the writer. C . The writer got some coolant out of his car. D . The writer's car wasn't broken on the way to California.
