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  • 1. (2019七上·秦淮期中) 完形填空

        People in every place of the world do sports in their life. Many of them have their favourite sports and players.

        Why do people like sports?1help people to keep young, happy and healthy. Many people like to2other people play games. They feel it interesting to talk about their favourite games or players. They enjoy the games on TV or on the Internet. When "their" players or teams win(赢), they get very3.

        Where are games and sports from? They are often from people's work and4. People in some countries and places use horses to help them work in their life, so they use horses in their sports, too. Some sports are5, and people like to play them. More and more people play football now because it is interesting.

        Some sports like jumping or6 can be traced back to(追溯到)many years ago. 7basketball and volleyball are very new. Both of them are only about 200 years old. People are inventing (发明)new sports or games all the time. Water-skiing is8of the new members in the sports family. People9different places in the world may not know each other very well, but they become good 10after a game together.

    A . Basketball B . Football C . Sports D . Players
    A . watch B . listen C . hear D . look
    A . excited B . afraid C . sad D . tired
    A . wish B . life C . dream D . holiday
    A . sad B . fun C . busy D . different
    A . shopping B . reading C . drawing D . running
    A . But B . And C . Because D . So
    A . two B . some C . one D . any
    A . on B . out C . with D . from
    A . friends B . teachers C . brothers D . sisters
