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  • 1. (2019七下·农安期末) 根据对话内容及方框中所给的选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。(5分)

    A: Excuse me.

    B: Yes, I'm a student there. I'm going to school now. You can follow me.

    A: Great! Thank you.

    B: No, it isn't It only takes us about 10 minutes to walk there.

    A: OK. I'm new in No I Middle School. My name is Paul from America. May I have your name?

    B: Wang Wei. Nice to meet you! We are schoolmates now!

    A: Because I like doing things by myself. But I am lucky here. You are so helpful. Thank you!

    B: And can you help me with my English?

    A: Sure! I'm not good at Chinese. Can you teach me Chinese?

    B: OK.
    A: Good idea.

    A. You're welcome.

    B. Is it far from here?

    C. Let's help each other.

    D. There is a school near here.

    E. Can you tell me the way to No I Middle School?

    F. Why don't your parents take you to school for the first time?
