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  • 1. (2019九上·南充期末) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。

        I'm a fan of pop music. Today I'd like to1a pop singer to you. His name is Mao Buyi. 2you watched the TV show The Coming One,you might know him.

        Mao Buyi has been popular since he3The Coming One. At first,Mao didn't4that he would become so popular. He just wanted to know5people would love the songs he wrote. Quickly he knew the6was yes. Lots of people say his songs are great and7stories. They also8if Mao has got lots of unusual experiences. Actually,he hasn't. He lives a9life. "Everyone has troubles and so do I. I just wrote them in my10 , "he said.

        It could be a big11to become famous in a short time,but Mao doesn't seem to be very12. He has never bad professional training before,so he often says that he needs to practice more and13himself.

        Many people think his name Buyi means "not easy". 14 , it means "never change" . Mao hopes he will never15his love of music and that he can be a better singer and write better songs.

    A . introduce B . describe C . compare D . remind
    A . Because B . While C . though D . If
    A . ran after B . took place C . took part in D . looked up
    A . report B . expect C . change D . explain
    A . why B . how C . whether D . where
    A . manner B . period C . victory D . answer
    A . good for B . popular with C . full of D . sure about
    A . wonder B . wish C . believe D . complain
    A . normal B . special C . poor D . lonely
    A . pages B . songs C . books D . bands
    A . decision B . mark C . success D . treasure
    A . proud B . convenient C . lively D . mad
    A . praise B . improve C . value D . produce
    A . In all B . In short C . In fact D . In order
    A . cheat B . allow C . guess D . change
