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更新时间:2018-06-14 浏览次数:1172 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. —Have you seen ______ TV programme Running Man?

    —Of course. It's really ______ funny one.

    A . a; the B . the; a C . a; a D . the; the
  • 2. It is said that the gravity on Mars is only about __________ of the gravity on earth.
    A . three-eighths B . third-eighth C . three-eighth D . third-eighths
  • 3. — Do you like vegetable salad?

    —Yes, it ____ so nice! I'd like to have some more.

    A . smells B . tastes C . feels D . sounds 
  • 4. — Excuse me, sir. But smoking is not allowed here.

    —Sorry, I didn't see the sign. I'll _______ my cigarette at once.

    A . put out B . put away C . put up D . put off
  • 5. The old town has narrow streets and small houses _____are built close to each other.
    A . who B . that C . what D . they
  • 6. —Can you finish the task within two hours, Sandy?

    —I can if I ______ one more hour.

    A . give B . am given C . will give D . will be given
  • 7. — Listen! Kate is singing in the next room.

    —It ______ be Kate. She has been on business in Hong Kong.

    A . can B . may C . can't D . mustn't
  • 8. —Which of these shirts do you like best?

    — I'll take ______. They are both expensive and out of fashion.

    A . neither B . either C . none D . both
  • 9. When I got home, I was angry to find my room ________.
    A . in a good mess B . in a bad mess C . on a good mess D . picked up
  • 10. Miss Wang was very _______ because this kind of work was too ________.
    A . tiring; tiring B . tired; tired C . tiring; tired D . tired; tiring
  • 11. My American friend Sam is interested in Yangzhou very much. He wonders _______.
    A . that Yangzhou was very rich in the ancient times B . who built Ge Garden and He Garden C . when was the Wenchang Pavilion built D . what is the City Flower of Yangzhou
  • 12. —Peng Liyuan is __________ Chinese people as a beautiful and popular singer.

    —And now she is also the First Lady in China.

    A . known as B . proud of C . famous for D . well known to
  • 13. —What are you going to do this weekend?

    —I together with my classmates _______ going to climb Mount Qian.

    A . is B . am C . are D . were
  • 14. — I love the Internet. I've come to know many friends on the Net.

    —__________. Few of them would become your real friends.

    A . I couldn't agree more B . I'm pleased to know that C . That's for sure D . That's not the case
  • 15. —I can't believe you finished the work so quickly.

    —That's because several classmates helped me. No wonder they say _______ .

    A . each dog has its day B . early bird catches the worm C . too many cooks spoil the broth D . many hands make light work
  • 16. 阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

        As darkness fell, hundreds of people in the Swiss village left their houses. They were staring(凝视)1at the mountain top in the distance. It was covered with 2 beautiful and dangerous.

        The huge mountain is called Matterhorn. Mountain climbers had 3the top, using the southern route. But no one had ever dared(敢)to try a winter climbing up the 4 side. But now one man was daring to try the 5route. He was Walter Bonatti, a great mountain climber from Italy.

        For two days he had climbed. The village people had watched him anxiously(焦急地). Now they were waiting to see his signal(信号). If he planned to 6 the next day, he would light a green signal. A red light would mean that he was turning back.

        A tiny green light7 high on the mountain side. Bonatti was not giving up! The people8.

        The next day he continued his way upward. He was so lonely and so 9! But he would not give up. Again that night he lit the10 light.

        In the morning, Bonatti 11. He couldn't see the top, but he knew he was 12 there. Though the climb was painful, he moved up.

        Bonatti had spent months13 for the climb. Was the training enough? Did he have the strength and skill to climb to the top?

         He was finally at the top! News about his 14 was radioed to the world.

        The trip down the southern route was easy. He was warmly welcomed in the village. He had done the"15", and would be well remembered as a climber of all time.

    A . back B . forward C . down D . up
    A . flowers B . rocks C . ice and snow D . green trees 
    A . watched B . passed C . reached D . climbed
    A . western B . eastern C . southern D . northern
    A . difficult B . strange C . same D . easy
    A . turn back B . go on C . rest D . stop
    A . raised B . appeared C . turned on D . turned off
    A . cheered B . laughed C . jumped D . shouted
    A . sleepy B . excited C . tired D . happy
    A . yellow B . blue C . green D . red
    A . woke up B . turned up C . got up D . looked up
    A . already B . almost C . hardly D . surely
    A . training B . looking C . planning D . asking
    A . victory B . thing C . climb D . courage
    A . necessary B . important C . useless D . impossible
三、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从所给的A. B. C. D四个选项中选出最佳答案
  • 17. 阅读理解


        The Healthy Habits Survey shows that only about one third of American seniors(年长者) have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice. 

        ⒈How many times did you brush your teeth yesterday? 

        ·Finding:A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.

        ·Step: Remove the 300 types of bacteria(细菌) in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day.

        ⒉How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?

    ·Finding:Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30% wash their hands only 4 times a day—half of the number which doctors recommend.

        ·Step:We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day-often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.

        ⒊How often do you think about fighting germs?

        ·Finding:Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.

        ·Step:Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge(海绵)that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.

    1. (1) What is found out American seniors?
      A . Most of them have good habits. B . Nearly 30% of them bathe three days a week .  C . All of then are fighting germs better than expected . D . About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day.  
    2. (2) Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands           .
      A . twice a day B . three times a day C . four times a day D . eight times a day 
    3. (3) Which of the following is True according to the text ?   
      A . We should keep from touching o ur faces .   B . There are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth .  C . A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet .   D . We should wash our hands before touching a door handle .     
  • 18. 阅读理解


        In choosing a friend, one should be very careful. A good friend can help you study. You can have fun together and make each other happy. Sometimes you will meet fair-weather friends. They will be with you only if you have money or luck, but when you are down, they will run away. How do I know when I have found a good friend? I look for certain qualities of characteristic, especially understanding, honesty and reliability (可靠).

        Above all else, I look for understanding in a friend. A good friend tries to understand how another person is feeling. He is not quick to give his opinion. Instead, he tries to learn from others. He puts himself in the other person's place, and he tries to think of ways to be helpful. He is also a good listener.

        At the same time, however, a good friend is honest. He does not look for faults (过错) in others. He notices their good points. In short, a friend will try to understand me and accept me.

        Another quality of a friend is reliability. I can always depend on (信赖) a good friend. If he tells me he will meet me somewhere at a certain time, I can be sure that he will be there. If I need help, he will do his best to help me. If I am in trouble, he will not run away from me.

        There is a fourth quality that makes a friend special. A special friend is someone with whom we can have fun. We should enjoy our lives, and we would enjoy our friendship. That is why I especially like friends who are fun to be with. A good friend likes the same things I like. We share experience (经验) and learn from each other. A good friend has a good sense of humour, too. He likes to laugh with me. That is how we share in the joy of being friends. And I know that he is looking for the same quality in me.

        When I meet someone who is reliable, honest, and understanding, I know I've found a friend!

    1. (1) Which of the following qualities the writer thinks is the most important in choosing a friend?
      A . understanding. B . honesty. C . reliability. D . a sense of humour.
    2. (2) If you have fair-weather friends, ______ .
      A . they will give you all that they have when you need help B . you will be refused when you get into trouble C . you will become rich D . you can be sure that you get real friends
    3. (3) Good friends need to ______.
      A . always point out each other's mistakes B . be helped with money C . understand each other's feelings D . have money or luck
    4. (4) This passage mainly discuss ______ .
      A . the qualities of a friend B . where to choose friends C . how to get along with friends D . the importance of having a friend
  • 19. 阅读理解


        Yangzhou paper-cutting, with a history of 2,000 years, can be dated back to the Sui Dynasty, making Yangzhou one of the places where paper-cutting first became popular.

        In the Sui Dynasty, the people of Yangzhou would cut colourful paper or silks and satins(缎子) to celebrate festivals. It is said that Emperor Yang came to Yangzhou three times. In winter, the flowers and trees in the garden become dry and weak. The Emperor ordered the girl servants to cut fine silks and satins into flowers and leaves and use them to decorate the trees and lakes, copying nicely the looks of spring and summer. Since then, “colorful brocade cutting” (织锦缎) has become a popular art in Yangzhou.

        In the Tang Dynasty, the paper-cutting industry was highly developed and a large amount of high-quality paper was made as presents to the Court(宫廷).

        In the Qing Dynasty, because of the economic development, the people of Yangzhou became interested in wearing fine clothing, especially embroidered clothing(刺绣). The embroidered designs was based on paper-cuts. The most well-known of them was Bao Jun, a paper-cutting master. He won a high reputation(名声) as Magic Scissors(剪刀) for his wonderful cutting skills.

        After the People's Republic of China was started, the Chinese government accepted the importance of paper-cutting like many other arts and skills. In 2007, China Paper-cuts Museum opened to the public in the back garden of the Wangs' Residence(住所), Yangzhou, greatly helping the development of Yangzhou paper-cutting.

    1. (1) How many historical periods has the passage mentioned about Yangzhou paper-cutting?
      A . Three B . Four C . Five D . Six
    2. (2) The underlined word 'decorate' in Paragraph 2 may mean '________'.
      A . grow B . cut C . water D . beautify
    3. (3) We can probably find the passage in a(n) _____. 
      A . tourist leaflet B . children's magazine C . Year-book D . story-book
    4. (4) Which of the following is not included in this passage?
      A . Bao Jun was very famous for his paper-cutting skills. B . Yangzhou paper-cutting has been known and liked since the Sui Dynasty. C . Embroidered clothing helped develop Yangzhou paper-cutting. D . Many young people are interested in paper-cutting.
  • 20. 阅读理解


        In the United States, most children begin attending school when they are five years old. Public education is free and most children go to schools near their homes. School in these early years is fun. The children learn to read and write. But they also play games and go on trips. There is no reason at such an early age for them to hit the books.

        The situation changes as children become older. The subjects become more difficult. Student must learn about world history, algebra(代数), and the life sciences. Tests become more common. Pressure(压力) is growing to hit the books, study hard, and progress. However, most serious students only really begin hitting the books for long hours when they reach high school.

        High school students who hope to continue their education at a college or university must take a special national test called the S—A—T. The test has two parts. The first part tests the student's ability with numbers and maths skills. The second part tests the student's ability in the English language.

        The S—A—T test is very important. A high school student who gets a high score on the two parts of the test has a good chance to enter a top American college. For this reason, many students hit the books for months to prepare for the S—A—T.

    1. (1) From this passage, we can clearly know “hitting the books” means______
      A . working hard for the future B . study a subject carefully C . reading books in a hurry D . reading books with great effort
    2. (2) Which of the following statements(陈述) can best express the main idea of this passage?
      A . The S—A—T is the most important test B . Education is not easy in the United States C . “Hitting the books” is very important for the students who want to make progress D . The more you want to learn, the more tests you have to pass
    3. (3) American children don't need _______if they want to study in public schools.
      A . to work hard at their lessons B . to pay for the education C . to hit the books D . to take many tests
    4. (4) Which of the following is Not True according to the passage(段落)?
      A . In America the students have to pass certain test to continue their education. B . Young children needn't work hard at their lessons because education is free. C . Those who fail in the S—A—T cannot go to college. D . The students must spend much time preparing for the S—A—T.
  • 31. 任务型阅读

        Here are some English learning tips to help you improve your English.

        Ask yourself weekly: What do I want to learn this week?

        Asking yourself this question every week will help you think about what is most important to you. If you make a plan for each week, you will be surprised to notice how much you have improved your English by the end of the week! This feeling of success will encourage you to learn even more English.

    Quickly review before going to bed

        Research has shown that our brains process(加工) information that is fresh in our brains while we sleep. By going over important knowledge before you go to sleep, your brain will work on this information while you sleep!

    Speak English aloud.

        Understanding grammar rules does not mean you can speak English well. You need to practice speaking aloud. Speaking by yourself at home and reading the exercises that you are doing will help connect the muscles(肌肉)of your face to the information in your head and improve your pronunciation.

    Do five to ten minutes of listening at least four times a week.

        If you decide that you are going to work hard and listen for two hours, maybe you will not do extra listening exercises soon. But if you listen five to ten minutes at least four times a week, you will find it's not so hard to develop the habit of listening to English.

    Look for situations to practice your English.

        Learning English in a classroom is important, but using English in real situations will improve your English skills greatly. You can create new situations by using the Internet to listen to news, exchange emails in English with email friends, etc.

    on Learning English

    Making a plan

    ※ In this way, you will be surprised to see the that you have made in your English by the end of the week.

    ※ You will be to learn even more English.

    Reviewing before going to bed

    ※ Review before going to bed and you still process in your mind while sleeping.

    Speaking as much as possible

    ※ Speaking English aloud can the muscles of your face with what you have learned and improve your.

    Listening more

    ※ It will be  for you to develop the habit of listening to English if you listen often rather than once two hours a week.

    Practicing English in

    real situations

    ※ By  situations and using English, you will improve your English skills greatly.

  • 32. 单词拼写

        My family moved into our home nine years ago and we called the area in front of our house "rock garden" as it was full of rocks.

        Last summer, I found a tiny little p in the yard but I didn't know its name. I knew I didn't plant it. We decided to let it c growing until we could find out what it was.

        Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the mysterious plant, it sto be a sunflower. I decided to treat it with care and remove the weeds(杂草) ait. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something u. The sunflower had not started where I saw the stalk(茎)began. It had b under a big rock.

        That's when I realize that ia tiny little sunflower didn't let a big rock stand in its way of developing, we also have the ability of doing the same thing. We need to believe in oknowing we have the abilities in a our ai ms. Like the sunflower, it was sure of the success.

        Stand tall like the sunflower and be proud of who and what you are and the e will begin to support you. You will find a way to reach your goals.

  • 38. 随着“互联网+”时代的来临,互联网的作用越来越重要。它给人们的生活带来了很多便利,同时也带来了很多问题。请根据以下要点为某英文报写一篇稿件。















    The Internet

        As is known to all of us, the Internet is playing a more and more important role in our daily life.

