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更新时间:2018-04-03 浏览次数:994 类型:中考真卷
  • 1. What is the woman looking for?
    Have you seen my phone somewhere? I can't find it.<br />Oh, it is on your desk beside the dictionary.
    A . Her phone. B . Her desk. C . Her dictionary.
  • 2. What is the man doing?
    Tom, do you want to come shopping with me?<br />No, I'm looking at videos on the internet.<br />Well, you can't stay at home all day in front of the computer.
    A . Shopping online. B . Watching videos. C . Fixing the computer.
  • 3. How did the woman go around San Francisco?
    I went to San Francisco with my family last weekend.<br />Oh, I visited it a few months ago. Did your dad drive there?<br />No, we took the train. After we arrived, we went around the city by taxi.
    A . By car. B . By train. C . By taxi.
  • 4. Where is the museum?
    Excuse me, is there a museum around here?<br />Yes, go along New Street. Turn left at the second crossing,<br />and the museum is on your right, across from the library.<br />Thanks.
    A . On New Street. B . At the first crossing. C . Opposite the library
  • 5. Why couldn't Sandy get the books?
    How about the books, Sandy?<br />I'm sorry I wasn't able to get them for you.<br />How come?<br />When I got to the bookstore, the workers there had gone off work.
    A . Because he was too busy to go to the bookstore. B . Because the bookstore closed before he arrived. C . Because the books were sold out before he arrived.
  • 6. 听下面一段对话,回答三个小题。
    Hi, Lucy. Do you have any plans for this weekend?<br />Yes, Mike. I'm going to spend the weekend in Peru.<br />Peru? That sounds nice. Are you going to visit a friend there?<br />No. I'm going to stay with my cousin Jack. We're going to walk in the mountains, and if there is time, we're going to visit some old buildings.<br />That sounds great. Not like my weekend.<br />Why? What about you? What are you going to do?<br />Me? I'm going to study. I have a geography test on Monday.<br />Oh, poor you. But aren't you going to have any fun at all?<br />Well, maybe. On Saturday evening, I'm going to see the new James Bond movie with some friends.<br />Oh, yes. Jack and I are going to see it on Sunday, too.
    1. (1) Who is going to Peru this weekend?
      A . Lucy. B . Mike. C . Jack.
    2. (2) What will Mike do this weekend?
      A . Stay with Jack. B . Have an exam. C . Study for a test.
    3. (3) When Will Lucy see the movie?
      A . On Friday. B . On Saturday. C . On Sunday.
  • 7. 听下面一段对话,回答三个小题。
    Good morning, doctor.<br />Good morning, Tony. How are you feeling today?<br />I feel terrible, doctor. I'm always tired. I have a headache every morning.<br />Okay, let me examine you.<br />Well, everything seems fine. Are you getting enough sleep?<br />Well, I have exams in two weeks, so I'm working hard.<br />I stay up late to study and get up early to go to school.<br />On weekends, I sleep late, but sometimes I stay up all night.<br />There are a lot of parties these days.<br />Well, it's important to get eight hours of sleep every night.<br />Tell me, what sports do you play?<br />I play table tennis sometimes, and I watch a lot of football on TV.<br />That's not playing sports, Tony.<br />You must do some kind of sports regularly, and you should also eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables.<br />I do, doctor. I like fruit and vegetables.<br />Okay, that's good. And you need your sleep.<br />Okay, doctor. Thanks. Goodbye.
    1. (1) Where does the conversation take place?
      A . At the doctor's. B . In the classroom. C . On the playground.
    2. (2) Which of the following is true about the man?
      A . He sometimes plays football. B . He stays up late to study on weekdays. C . He hardly eats fruit or vegetables.
    3. (3) What advice does the woman give?
      A . The man should play table tennis sometimes. B . The man should get enough sleep. C . The man should work hard for the exams.
  • 8. 听下面一段独白,回答四个小题。
    Good evening. I'm Nick Newman with the Late Night Weather. Well, it seems spring's almost<br />here. Across the British Isles, tomorrow will be warmer, but not everywhere. I'll start<br />with the south. In southern England, tomorrow will be the sunniest day of the week. It will<br />be dry, with clear skies and sunshine all day. The temperatures will be around 64 degrees<br />in the area. Across Wales and the Midlands, the early morning will be foggy, but the fog<br />should soon clear. After that, we can expect a sunny day with some cloud. The morning won't<br />be very warm, only 47 degrees, I'm afraid, but during the afternoon the temperature<br />will rise to 57 degrees. In the north of England, it will be windy in the morning, but it will<br />start raining in the afternoon. Temperatures will be around 55 degrees. Now for Scotland<br />and Northern Ireland, there will be a lot of cloud around and quite a lot of rain. The<br />highlands will have the wettest weather. The rain will be heavy all day. Temperatures will<br />be around 52 degrees.
    1. (1) How will the weather be tomorrow in southern England?
      A . Cloudy and dry. B . Warm and wet. C . Sunny and dry.
    2. (2) What will the weather be like across Wales early in the morning?
      A . Foggy. B . Rainy. C . Cloudy.
    3. (3) When will it rain in the north of England?
      A . In the morning. B . In the afternoon. C . In the evening.
    4. (4) What will the temperatures be tomorrow in Scotland and Northern Ireland?
      A . Around 52 degrees. B . Around 55 degrees. C . Around 64 degrees.
  • 9. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。


        If you want to stay out of debt(债务), you need to set a budget. First, know what you are spending your money on. Write down what you buy and how much you spend. You can use an app or a computer program. Then look at your information. First, write how much your food, housing, transportation, and other monthly bills like electricity cost. These are your needs. Then write your goals. These are any debts you have to pay and money you want to save. Then write the other things you enjoy. These are extras, such as going to restaurants, movies, or the gym. These are the things you like but don't need. How much do you spend on these extras each month?

        Now look at your income. Your income is the amount of money you make each month. How much of it do you spend on needs, goals, and extras? One good rule is 50 percent of your paycheck is for your needs. Pay for things in this order: needs first, goals second, and extras third. The first step insetting a budget is to know where your money goes. Then you can make payments, plan for your goals, and make good choices.

    1. (1) The underlined word "budget” in Paragraph 1 means.
      A . a method for how to borrow money B . a plan for how to spend money C . a suggestion on how to lend money D . a test on how to use money
    2. (2) Which of the following does housing belong in according to the text?
      A . Monthly income B . Needs C . Goals D . Extras
    3. (3) How much is spent on restaurants according to the table?
      A . $ 1,050 B . $ 750 C . $ 550 D . $ 300
    4. (4) How much of your income is spent on goals according to the chart?
      A . 20% B . 30% C . 50% D . 100%
  • 10. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。


    1. (1) What can you do when you go on Essential Europe Tour?
      A . Experience long walks along the seaside. B . Visit museums with an experienced guide. C . Travel by train everywhere in Europe. D . Book trips to visit local markets.
    2. (2) Which of the following will provide you with a chance to go mountain biking?
      A . Beach Vacations B . Backpacking Trip C . Tours D . Active Vacations
    3. (3) Who will probably choose Backpacking Trip?
      A . A newly married couple who want to go shopping. B . A family with children who'd like to enjoy food. C . A man who wants to spend less money on a journey. D . A businessman who plans to stay at a luxury hotel.
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。


    Class Afloat is a Canadian school on a tall ship! The ship is 210 feet long and 30 feet wide, and it can take up to sixty students . The classrooms are well-equipped and comfortable, and there's even a library! It isn't necessary to know anything about sailing—-students can learn on the ship.

        Not all the students are Canadian. There's usually a mix of nationalities. This year, there are also students from Mexico, the US, Germany, and Turkey. There's a mix of ages too. There are high school students sixteen to eighteen years old, and first-year college students.

        The teachers design special study programs for each student. Because the school is a ship, you can do some exciting classes,for example, Marine Biology (studying the animals and plants in the sea) and History of Geography courses about the places you visit. Students also learn all about sailing!

        Students don't just study. They must also clean, cook and sail the ship. In their free time, students can rest, read, or watch a movie. In the evening, they relax with friends and have club meetings.

        Every sixteen to twenty days, the ship stops in a port for three to six days. In port there's lots for the students to do-- homestays, camping trips, museum tours, cultural events, hiking, etc. They also go boating and do other water sports. Parents can meet up with the students in one port every term.

        Students also take part in two volunteer programs in Senegal and the Dominican Republic. They help local families in different ways, for example, with basic health matters or starting a business. Students learn how, with just a little money and time, they can make changes that improve other people's lives.

    1. (1) In Paragraph 2 we can get the information about      .
      A . the ship B . the students C . the classes D . the activities
    2. (2) Which of the following statement is true?
      A . Students must know how to sail before they join the ship. B . All the students take the same classes together. C . Students go home to see their parents on holiday. D . Besides studying, students also have to do jobs on the ship.
    3. (3) Why are students required to take part in the volunteer projects?
      A . They can learn how to help others. B . They can learn how to make money. C . They can learn how to start a business. D . They can learn how to do medical practice.
    4. (4) The passage is mainly about       .
      A . learning to sail a tall ship B . sailing around the world C . a school on a sailing ship D . after- school activities
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。


        Do you know when restaurants were invented? The first restaurant were invented thousands of years ago. However, they were very different from restaurants today.

        The first restaurants were in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. These restaurants served food in large stone bowls people didn't order food from a menu. Everyone used to share the food from big bowls. People believe that these places were very popular because most homes in ancient Greece and Rome did not have kitchens. Also, people didn't have to store food at home if they ate their meals at these restaurants.

        Later, restaurant began to open in China. In the early 1100s, more than one million people lived in the city of Hangzhou, China. It was a very busy city, and people had money. All of these people had to eat. Smart cooks started cooking and selling food along the Imperial Way, a very big street in the city. Unlike in ancient Greece and Rome, people in China could choose food from a menu. They didn't have to eat the same food as everyone else.

        For the next several centuries, there were restaurants all over the world. People could buy food on the street or at inns-- small hotels. Then in the middle of the 1700s, restaurants started opening in Paris. These restaurants were more similar to restaurants we know today. There was a bigger variety of food, and eating in these restaurants was a more enjoyable experience. In the 19th century, trains made travel much faster and simpler. In the end, this kind of restaurant began to appear all over Europe and in other parts of the world.

        Now, restaurants are everywhere. You can buy a variety of different kinds of food. You can have food sent to your door. But remember it wasn't always like that.

    1. (1) It is believed that these first restaurants were popular because       .
      A . people could eat different food B . the food there was very cheap C . people were too busy to cook D . most homes didn't have kitchens
    2. (2) How were the restaurants in Hangzhou different from the first restaurants?
      A . They offer menus to customers. B . They usually served the same food C . They sold the food in large stone bowls D . They prepared food for all people in the city
    3. (3) The underlined part "these restaurants" in Paragraph 4 means      .
      A . restaurants in ancient Greece and ancient Rome B . restaurants in Hangzhou in the early 1100s C . restaurants in Paris in the middle of the 1700s D . restaurants all over Europe in the 19th century
    4. (4) The author wrote this article to       .
      A . helps us to choose restaurants B . tell us the history of restaurants C . encourage us to eat at restaurants D . show us the changes of eating habits.
  • 13. 下面文章中有五处需要添加首句。请从以下选项(A,B,C,D,E,F)中选出 符合各段意思的首句,选项中有一项是多余选项。

    Family Traditions

        Where are your family traditions? The following information comes from several readers:

    JARED:We take turns picking a movie to watch together. It's fun because I watch something my parents like, and they watch something I like. My mother likes old black and white movies, so I see a lot of them! We also make pizza and eat it in front of the TV.

    WINNIE: My favorite meal is spaghetti and meatballs. My mom usually cooks, but my dad and sister help. On my sister's birthday, we eat pizza. On my mom's birthday, we have chicken, and on my dad's birthday we have steak. Of course, we always have a birthday cake, too. What are your family tradition? The following information comes from several readers:

    DANNI:My family is really busy. We have a large family, and it's not easy for everyone to get together at the same time. On that day, we go to a nice restaurant and we talk and talk and talk.

    SUZIE:After dinner, we go to the living room and play a board game, such as Scrabble  or Monopoly. We have about seven different ones we play, but we only play one game a night. I plan to keep this tradition after I start my own family.

    ROB:I get up early and make something special, such as a mushroom omelet with fruit salad. Then I put it on a tray with a newspaper and a flower, and bring it to my mother for breakfast in bed. She always acts surprised, but I do it every year.

    A.Every Friday night we have games night.

    B.On our birthdays we get our favorite meal.

    C.Once a month we have movie and pizza night.

    D.Every year, on Mother's Day, I make breakfast for my mother.

    E.On Friday nights my parents watch movies while I play games.

    F.On the first Saturday of every month we go out to eat together.

  • 14. 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出一个最佳选项。

        This story tells of two sporting heroes who made an impossible dream come true. Bob Champion was a young jockey (骑师) with a bright1. Then, one day, he fell off his horse. He went to the doctor2his injuries(伤) and was surprised when he3that he had cancer. The medical treatment lasted many months and made him very4.At times, he nearly died.

        As the same time, there was a successful5called Aldaniti. Unluckily, during one race, the horse got a serious injury. The horse's owners6to put the horse down though the doctor advised the horse's trainer to do so. They7Aldaniti for a whole year and the horse's injuries got better.

        By this time, Bob Champion was out of8. Slowly, he got back his strength. Eight months later, he9to his job as a jockey. A month after that, he rode the winning horse in a race. Soon afterwards, Aldaniti10returned to training.

        Early the next year, 11Bob Champion and Aldaniti were almost back to full fitness. Now, there was a new plan. Bob decided to12Aldaniti in the Grand National, one of the UK's most famous horse races. People  watching the race knew all about the13fights against ill health and injury. Every one of them wanted the fairy tale to have a14ending. And it was perfect. Aldaniti and Bob Champion were real sporting15.

    A . future B . idea C . smile D . voice
    A . instead of B . except for C . because of D . away from
    A . suggested B . discovered C . expected D . remember
    A . sad B . scared C . poor D . weak
    A . doctor B . horse C . owner D . trainer
    A . refused B . prepared C . regretted D . forgot
    A . waited for B . looked after C . called in D . paid for
    A . work B . school C . sight D . hospital
    A . stuck B . belonged C . returned D . moved
    A . also B . still C . even D . again
    A . either B . both C . all D . each
    A . stop B . walk C . ride D . feed
    A . one's B . pair's C . group's D . family's
    A . sad B . funny C . happy D . similar
    A . heroes B . players C . results D . events
  • 15. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。


        Have you ever seen a hitchhiker(搭便车的旅行者)standing by the side of a road? Now drivers in Canada might seeunusual hitchhiker; a hitchhiking robot.

        One of its inventors, David Harris Smith, has hitched across Canada three times. Smith and a friend, Frauke Zeller, have built Hitchbot because they wanted(see) if people would stop and give the robot a lift and talk to it. The robot can chat about things it has learned, and about(it) trip. You might think it's a joke,Smith and Zeller's experiment has a serious point: can robots and people get along?

        Hitchbot(begin) its journey in Nova Scotia in July. It has already completed a third of its 6,000-mile trip to Victoria. More than 57,000 people are following its journey(close) on Facebook and Twitter, and travelers have posted lots of(photo) on the websites. Hitchbot has also done some shopping, eaten motor oil, and had fun with travelers. Nobody knowsit will finish its journey. It might be(long) than expected, but Zeller and Smith want Hitch to getmany rides as it can. It hasn't been in a self-driving car yet, but anything is possible!

  • 26. 假定你是李平,请你对意大利交换生Armino的邮件进行回复,词数80词左右。

    To: Li Ping

    From: Armino

    Hi Li Ping,

        How are you? I hope you're fine and not too busy! I can't wait to leave for China next week. But could you tell me something about Chinese table manners? What places of interest can I visit when I am in your city?

        See you soon!


    To: Armino

    From: Li Ping

    Hi Armino

    Li Ping

