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新目标(Go for it)版2017-2018学年七年级英...

更新时间:2018-10-26 浏览次数:411 类型:复习试卷
  • 11. 听下面一段对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) Who is Julie?
      A . Cindy's daughter B . Cindy's classmate C . Cindy's sister.
    2. (2) What sport does Julie like?
      A . Baseball. B . Ping-pong. C . Volleyball.
  • 12. 听下面一段对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) Where are Dick's eggs?
      A . On the chair. B . On the sofa. C . On the table
    2. (2) Who doesn't like having breakfast?
      A . Dick B . Mike. C . Mike's cousin.
    3. (3) What does Betty have for breakfast?
      A . Bread and mill. B . Apples and bread. C . Milk and apples.
  • 13. 完成表格。

    Linda Smith's four sons



    Things he has

    Where they are

    Why he likes it



    Two soccer balls





    baseballs and three baseball bats

    It's fun.








  • 24. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        I have a good friend, and his name is Bob. We are in the same  1 and we always 2 sports with our classmates. Bob likes tennis so much and he wants to be a 3 star. As for (至于) 4 I like basketball and I want to join the school basketball team (加入篮球队). I'm not tall (高的), so it's 5 for me. I'm not happy these days.

        Bob wants to 6 me. So he asks me 7 my eating habits. "I don' t like vegetables or fruit," I say, "What? So what do you like?" Bob asks. "Ice-cream and burgers," I say. "They are not 8 and you can't eat them," Bob says.

        So in the 9 few months (几个月) I have lunch and dinner with Bob. I eat well and I 10 I can join the basketball team soon (很快).

    A . family B . class C . library D . room
    A . play B . have C . see D . know
    A . ping-pong B . basketball C . tennis D . baseball
    A . him B . her C . me D . us
    A . tidy B . interesting C . great D . difficult
    A . help B . call C . excuse D . like
    A . of B . for C . about D . with
    A . fat B . healthy C . fight D . same
    A . first B . next C . last D . some
    A . ask B . want C . find D . think
  • 25. 阅读理解


    Tom: Good morning! Are you a new student?

    Steven: Yes.

    Tom: Nice to meet you! I'm Tom.

    Steven: Nice to meet you, too, Tom! My name is Steven. I am from America.

    Tom: Are your parents in China, too?

    Steven: Yes. We like China. I like Chinese food best.

    Tom: What do you eat for breakfast?

    Steven: I eat an egg and some bread. I don't like milk.

    Tom: What about lunch?

    Steven: I have no time to go home for lunch, so I have it at school. I like noodles, rice, jiaozi, hamburgers and vegetables.

    Tom: The lunch in our school is good. Do you have dinner at home?

    Steven: Sure. I have dinner with my parents: Sometimes we eat out. We all like chicken

    Tom: Can you use chopsticks (使用筷子)

    Steven: No, it's difficult for me.

    Tom: I can help you.

    Steven: Really? Great!


    1. (1) Steven and his parents are in China now.
    2. (2) Steven has an egg, some bread and milk for breakfast.
    3. (3) Steven has lunch at school because the lunch in his school is good.
    4. (4) Steven's parents like eating chicken.
    5. (5) Steven thinks chopsticks are difficult to use.
  • 26. 阅读理解


    The sports center

        The sports center (中心) is open from next week and it's only $20 a year.

        There are some soccer teams -- one for girls and two for boys.

        There is also a basketball team for boys.

        There are six tennis courts (球场). They are free on weekdays, but it is $2 an hour on the weekend. Every year there are three tennis games. The first is next week.

        On weekdays the swimming pool (游泳池) is open from 7:00 to 18:00, but it is closed(关闭) at lunchtime (12:00-14:00). On the weekend, it is open all day. It is closed in the summer holidays.


    1. (1) How many soccer teams are there in the sports center?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three. D . Four.
    2. (2) The word "free" means (意思是)     .
      A . 免费的 B . 明亮的 C . 拥挤的 D . 宽敞的
    3. (3) When is the swimming pool closed?
      A . On weekdays. B . In the morning. C . In the summer holidays. D . At lunchtime of the weekend.
    4. (4) Which of these sports can people play in the sports center?
      A . B . C . D .
    5. (5) What can we know about the sports center?
      A . It is open now. B . It is near a school. C . It is open from 7:00 to 18:00. D . There is a tennis game in it next week.
  • 27. 阅读理解


        Bob is my cousin. He is only five years old. He likes eating meat (肉) very much. He always has meat for lunch and dinner. He doesn't like vegetables or fruit. So he is a little fat. My aunt worries about him and doesn't want him have so much meat.

        It's Sunday. Bob and my aunt go to the zoo to see .animals. They see tigers and bears. Bob likes them very much. It's time for lunch. The keepers (饲养员) bring some meat for the tigers and bears.

        "Morn, do tigers and bears have meat every day?" Bob asks.

        "Yes, they do," my aunt says. "It's time to have lunch. Let's eat out. What do you want for lunch? "


        "Oh, Bob. You are a little fat. Eating much meat is not good for you."

        "No, Mom. Tigers and bears eat meat every day, and they are very strong. I want to be strong, too."


    1. (1) Which of these foods may (可能) Bob like?
      A . Salad. B . Strawberries. C . Chicken. D . Tomatoes.
    2. (2) Bob and his mother go to the zoo on     .
      A . Saturday morning B . Saturday afternoon C . Sunday morning D . Sunday afternoon
    3. (3) What does the word "they" refer to (指的是)       .
      A . The keepers B . The tigers and bears C . Bob and the writer. D . The cousin and the aunt.
    4. (4) Bob think eating meat can make people       
      A . happy B . strong C . clever D . beautiful
    5. (5) 下列哪项陈述是正确的?
      A . Bob doesn't want to eat out. B . Bob wants to bring food for animals. C . Bob's mother doesn't like eating meat. D . Bob's mother worries about Bob's health.
  • 28. 根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。

    (In the dining hall(餐厅))

    A: Good afternoon.

    B: I lost my meal card(餐卡).Did anyone pick it up and hand it in (有人捡到并上交吗)?

    A: Let me see. ?

    B: My name is Li Jie.

    A: ?

    B: It's 263.

    A: OK.

    B: Great! Thank you. Can I order some dishes (点菜) now?

    A: OK. What do you want?

    B: Chicken and rice. Thank you.


  • 34. 选词填空。

    salad,   fruit,   egg,   fun,   have

    1. (1) Pears and apples are.
    2. (2) I don't like baseball, and I just (仅仅) play it for.
    3. (3) Do you want a boiled (煮熟的 ) for breakfast?
    4. (4) Edwardtwo sister and a brother.
    5. (5) I eat two vegetablefor lunch.
十二、根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词 (含缩略形式)
  • 45.     假如你是刘雯,你的英国朋友Steve想了解你的运动习惯及饮食喜好。请你根据下表信息给他写一封电子邮件,告诉他相关情况。











    Dear Steve,


    Liu Wen

