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更新时间:2018-01-23 浏览次数:572 类型:期中考试
三、 听长对话,选择最佳答案
  • 11. 听长对话,选择最佳答案
    1. (1) What the river like in John's hometown?
      A . It is dry B . It is long C . It is clean
    2. (2) Where will they have lunch?
      A . At John's home. B . In the food street. C . In a school dining hall.
    3. (3) Who is the man in front of the park gate?
      A . A policeman. B . A singer. C . A cleaner.
    4. (4) What does the Movie World have?
      A . The best sound. B . The biggest screens. C . The most comfortable seats.
    5. (5) What time is it now?
      A . Almost 12 o' clock. B . Almost 3 o' clock. C . Almost 6 o' clock.
  • 12. 听短文,写出所缺部分,每空不超过两个单词

       There is a big new library in our school. It is a(n) building. There are a lot of green trees around. It looks very beautiful. There are about 2,000;000 books in the library and there are  reading room in it. We can read newspapers, magazines and books there. After class we often go to the library and do some reading. Every we borrow books from the library and we can keep them for

        Books are our good friends. There are a lot of interesting things and in them. We love books very much, so we love our school library, too.

  • 28. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        My mom lives alone (独自) and works at a hotel. One day, on her way home from work, she saw a 1 It was very small and had white and black hair. At first, she just walked by quickly – it was a really windy afternoon. But the cat 2 my mom a long way. It seemed very hungry and 3  . At last it walked into my mom's heart and life.

        A week later, I went to visit my mom. She told me excitedly 4 her little cat. I saw it for the first time. The cat wasn't afraid of 5 at all. When I called its name, it looked at me with its big eyes and said "meow" to me, and then walked over slowly. It was so cute that I 6 it right away.

        This cat makes my mom laugh. She is always happy with the cat around. The cat will stay in the room 7 it feels cold or just doesn't want to be outside. My mom loves it and always tries to make it feel 8 The cat loves my mom, too. It must think of my mom as its mom. It is really attached to (依恋) her. It makes her 9 full of love and happiness. It makes me happy, too, because I love to 10 the smile in my mom's eyes.

    A . dog B . bird C . cat D . cow
    A . followed B . asked C . thanked D . helped
    A . lazy B . cold C . boring D . busy
    A . at B . with C . on D . about
    A . it B . me C . her D . us
    A . missed B . loved C . chose D . found
    A . before B . so C . if D . though
    A . comfortable B . healthy C . funny D . quiet
    A . heart B . story C . work D . dream
    A . keep B . put C . bring D . see
  • 29. 根据材料选择最佳答案

    Gemma Burford

        Gemma was born in 1978 in a quiet village in England. Her mother worked in a library and her father worked in a hospital. When she was a student at Oxford University, she traveled (旅行) to Tanzania and met her husband (丈夫), Lesikar, for the first time. They got married (结婚) in 2003 and had their daughter, Lucia, two years later. Now Lucia studies in a small primary school, and Gemma and Lesikar also teach her at home.

     Judy Boehmer

        Adam is Judy's first child. She now has four sons, seven daughters and a pet dog, Bosco. Judy and her husband, Larry, live in Atlanta, Georgia, but they also have a motorhome (野营车). The Boehmers are a circus (马戏团) family and all the children are performers at the circus. The children don't go to school, but study at home. The family travels more than 40,000 kilometers a year for their work. The first show of the Boehmers was at a park in Lowa in 1989, and they now perform all over America.

    1. (1) Who worked in a hospital?
      A . Gemma's husband. B . Gemma's daughter. C . Lucia's grandfather. D . Lucia's grandmother.
    2. (2) Gemma first met Lesikar      
      A . in 2003 B . in 2005 C . at Oxford University D . on a trip to Tanzania
    3. (3) How many children are there in Judy's family?
      A . 4. B . 7. C . 8. D . 11.
    4. (4) What can we learn about Judy's children?
      A . They are all circus performers. B . They go to the same school. C . They often play in a park. D . They all like traveling.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Bosco is Judy's pet dog. B . Adam is working in a school C . Lucia likes to watch circus shows. D . Lesikar wants to buy a motorhome.
  • 30. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

        One day, I saw a boy shop alone at the shop I worked. He chose some school things he wanted and went to the checkout (付款台).

        The young shop assistant (店员) told him he needed to pay $37.60. The boy became very sad and said he only had $20. He took out one thing at a time, and at last he got down to his $20. With eyes full of tears, he asked if he could call his mom to pick him up. When he got through, it seemed that his morn was too busy to pick him up in a minute.

        He tried to stop the tears and walked outside to wait on the chair in front of the shop. This was too much for the young assistant. She kept looking outside to see if the boy was all right. Then she said, "I wish I could pay for the rest (剩余部分) of his  things." One of the other girls said she had a few  dollars. Then two others said they could help, too.

        These four young girls pooled their money and found they had more than enough to pay for the boy s things. Then they chose more school things, and gave them all to the boy. The boy laughed happily. His morn arrived much later, but he didn't just run to the car; he ran back into the shop and called out, "Thank you!"

        I was so proud (骄傲的) of my team that day. They did something wonderful for that boy and also found the pleasure (快乐) of giving.

    1. (1) How much money did the boy spend in the shop?
      A . $17.60. B . $20. C . $37.60. D . $57.60.
    2. (2) After the boy called his mom, he        
      A . laughed happily B . chose more things C . asked the young shop assistant for help D . went outside the shop and waited on a chair
    3. (3) The underlined word "pooled" in Paragraph 4 means        
      A . won B . used C . asked for D . put together
    4. (4) How did the boy go home?
      A . By bus. B . By bike. C . By car. D . By subway.
    5. (5) By telling this story, the writer wants to tell us that        
      A . money is important B . giving brings us happiness C . helping others is helping ourselves D . it's hard to give people the help they need
  • 31. 根据材料内容完成下列任务。

        My name is Jerry Zhang, and I am a father of two young daughters one is about four years old and the other is only about one. I come from China and now live in the USA.

    One day, my older daughter, Madison, told me she didn't want to be Chinese. Those days she was crazy about the book characters Madeline and Eloise. She kept asking me why she was Chinese and they weren't, and how she could have blonde or red hair like them.

        This made me look for books with Asian (亚洲的) characters for Madison to read. However, I only found a few, and they were heavily cultural, and Madison didn't connect (把……联系在一起) herself with any if the characters in them. And she wasn't interested in them at all. Then she told me again that she didn't want to be Chinese, and it broke my heart.

        In most of the books for children in the USA, the characters look like Americans. Few of them have Asian faces, although there are over 17 million Asians and Asian Americans in this country. I think it's important for Asian children to see themselves in books as interesting and smart kids.

        So I created (创作) a book for Madison. Pepper Zhang in the book is an Asian girl. Her imagination (想象) takes her on a trip to creativity and art! I want my children to know-that being Chinese or being Asian is a great thing, too.

    1. (1) 判断正误:Jerry is a Chinese living in the USA.
    2. (2) 判断正误:Madeline and Eloise are two book characters.
    3. (3) 回答问题:What broke Jerry's heart?

    4. (4) 回答问题:Is it easy to get many children's books with Asian characters in the USA?

    5. (5) What can we know about the writer?
      A . He thinks being Asian is great. B . He created a book with his daughter. C . He hopes Madison will speak Chinese better. D . He has two daughter—pepper and Madison
  • 32. 根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当句子,使对话完整、通顺

    A. Hi ken! Are you busy now?

    B: Yes I'm a little busy.

    A: ?

    B: I'm thinking about shopping for a birthday gift for my sister online.

    A: ?

    B: No. I never shop online so I don't know how to do that.

    A: Oh, I shop online all the time.

    B: ?

    A: I think it's faster and the things online are cheaper.

    B: OK. Come and help me. Let's look at my computer together.

    A: ?

    B: I want to buy a book.

    A: OK. First, let's find a website (网站). Lots of sites sell books.

    B: OK, sounds good.


    B: Books about history. My sister likes reading them.

    A: OK. Let's look for history books.

    B: Wow! There are lots of books. How can I choose just one?

  • 33. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词并用其适当形式填空。

    enjoyable, give, laugh, serious, talent

    1. (1) The boy was hungry so his motherhim something to eat.
    2. (2) Of all the cinemas near here, the five-star cinema is the place.
    3. (3) Mr. Smith looksthan the other teachers. In fact, he is very friendly.
    4. (4) Alice is in acting: so she wants to be a successful actor one day.
    5. (5) Joe's jokes were so funny that we couldn't stop
  • 39. 阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。

    sleep think, they. water, about, money, real, happen, see, smart

        Bao Gong was a famous and smart official (官员) in China about 1,000 years ago. One day, he  a boy crying (哭) on the street. He asked the boy what

        "I sold meat this morning and got 100 coins (硬币). Then I had a short But when I woke up, I couldn't find my money," said the boy.

        Bao Gong looked the boy up and down and  for some time. Then he pointed at a horse and said it was the thief (小偷). He shouted at the horse and asked it to give the boy's back.

        People around laughed and said quietly, "What is he doing?  Shouldn't Bao Gong be  Bao Gong heard that and shouted, "How could you say bad words an official? You are all .fined (被罚款) one coin" Then he took out a large bowl full of  And asked everyone to put a coin into it.

        When one man put his into the bowl, Bao Gong said, "This is the thief! When he put the coin into the bowl, there was a film of oil (一层油) on the water. All the boy's corns have oil from the meat on

        At last the boy got his money back. Everyone said that Bao Gong was a really smart man.

  • 40. 假如你所参加的英语俱乐部让每个成员就“Why are you so popular in your class?”这一问题进行发言,请写一篇短文为你的发言做准备。


        Hi, everyone! Here I'll share something about I am so popular in my class.


        That's all. Thank you for listening to me.

