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更新时间:2018-01-11 浏览次数:493 类型:期末考试
  • 11. 听第一段对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) What are the speakers going to do together?
      A . To have a violin lesson. B . To watch a movie. C . To play tennis.
    2. (2) What time will the speakers meet?
      A . At 5:30. B . At 6:30 C . At 7:30
  • 12. 听第二段对话,回答小题
    1. (1) Who is Bruce shopping for?
      A . Himself B . Ann. C . Sally.
    2. (2) Why won't Bruce take the blue bag?
      A . He doesn't like the colour. B . It's a bit expensive. C . It's too big.
    3. (3) What does Ann think of the red bag?
      A . Beautiful and cheap. B . Expensive but nice. C . Cool and special.
  • 13. 听材料,选择最佳答案
    1. (1) Where does Tina come from?
      A . France. B . India. C . Japan.
    2. (2) How many students are from China in Tina's class?
      A . 3. B . 2. C . 1.
    3. (3) What does Tina do at weekends?
      A . She visits famous places. B . She studies in the library. C . She goes shopping.
    4. (4) What TV programmes does Tina often watch?
      A . Animal shows. B . Talk shows. C . Sport shows.
    5. (5) How long will Tina stay in the US?
      A . For two weeks. B . For two months. C . For two years.
  • 29. 先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。

        One Friday morning, I booked an Uber car to the train station When the car arrived, I just saw the car number and got in. "Please be 1 I need to get to the train station in half an hour," I said.

        The driver said, "Yes, ma' am."

        I was surprised (惊讶的) when I heard a female(女性的) voice! The 2 was a young woman! I travelled in Uber cars for hundreds of times, 3 I never saw a female driver here in India. In India, many people may think that it's dangerous for women to drive Uber cars. So I 4 to know more about my driver.

        "If you don't 5 can I ask you some questions?" I asked

        "Yes, ma'am."

        "Are you well-educated (受过良好教育的)?"

        "Yes, ma' am. I have just got my MBA."

        "Wow! So why did you choose this 6 ?"

        She smiled and said, " 7 is may interest, ma'am. No job is too small. I  8 want a job from which I can get real happiness. I tried other jobs, but I like this one most ……"

        About 20 minutes later, I arrived. I said thank you to 9 I really enjoyed the ride and learned something 10 the young woman.

    A . quick B . quiet C . serious D . happy
    A . teacher B . farmer C . doctor D . driver
    A . so B . but C . or D . if
    A . paid B . forgot C . wanted D . agreed
    A . mind B . hope C . work D . move
    A . school B . hobby C . job    , D . car
    A . Dancing B . Singing C . Drawing D . Driving
    A . also B . just C . even D . still
    A . them B . us C . hi D . her
    A . at B . to C . from D . for
  • 30. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。

        Peter is a middle school student. There are many great clubs in his school.

    Board Game Club

        Students can learn about and play all kinds of board games (棋类游戏) such as Ricochet Robot, Fearsome Floors, King of Tokyo and Coloretto. Every month, there is a new game. Students usually meet after school every Monday and Thursday afternoon.

    Book Club

        Book Club helps students develop their interest in reading. Students read and talk about what they read together. They sing their club song every time they meet.

    Music Club

        Music Club is a fun group for students to learn about all kinds of music and develop music skills (技巧). Music Club meets every school day from 3:45 pm to 4:45 pm. Students need to bring their own instruments (乐器) to the club.

    Cooking Club

        Students learn different cooking skills at Cooking Club. Students meet each Friday afternoon to work on dishes ("~ ~). Each dish takes 30 minutes or less to finish.

    1. (1) What is King of Tokyo?
      A . A dish. B . A song. C . A board game. D . An English book.
    2. (2) Students sing their club song at__
      A . Music Club B . Book Club C . Cooking Club D . Board Game Club
    3. (3) If Peter wants to join Music Club, he must      
      A . have an instrument B . read a lot of books about music C . be free after-5:00 every afternoon D . be able to play two instruments or more
    4. (4) How often does Cooking Club meet?
      A . Once a week. B . Twice a week. C . Once a month. D . Twice a month.
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the material?
      A . Students need more than 30 minutes to finish one dish at Cooking Club. B . There is a new game at Board Game Club every week. C . Book Club helps students buy interesting books. D . Music Club meets for an hour every time.
  • 31. 阅读理解

        Ben was hoping for a video game for his birthday. He also wanted a board game. And he wanted some CDs too.

        He got the board game and some CDs, but what was in the last package (包裹)? It was from his sister. He slowly opened the package. It didn't feel like a video game.

        It was a purple sweater. Purple was Ben's least favourite colour. He smiled and thanked his sister nicely, but he didn't want to wear that sweater. He couldn't wear purple!

        He quickly put the sweater away in his room. Then he ran off to play the new board game with his family.

        The next day, Ben's mother asked him about the sweater.

        "Why don't you wear your purple sweater today?" she said. "Your sister made it just for you!"

         "I am not cold," Ben said without thinking. In fact, he was lying. He shivered (发抖) all day.

        Then one day they were going out to dinner as a family. Ben's mother asked him to wear the sweater again. "I don't want to wear it. I hate (讨厌) purple," he said.

        "Ben," said his mother, "I know it's not the nicest sweater in the world, but think about how important Karen is to you. You know she will be very happy if you wear it to dinner."

        Ben walked slowly to his room. He knew his mother was right. He wore the sweater to the restaurant. His sister smiled all night.

    1. (1) What did Ben hope to get from the last package?
      A . A video game. B . A board game. C . Some CDs. D . A sweater.
    2. (2) Ben didn't like the sweater because       
      A . it was old B . it wasn't his size C . he didn't like its colour D . there was a funny picture on it
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "lying" mean in Chinese?
      A . 解释 B . 冒险 C . 平躺 D . 撒谎
    4. (4) Karen is Ben's       
      A . mother B . sister C . cousin D . friend
    5. (5) What can we know from the passage?
      A . Ben loved his sister. B . Ben's sister liked purple best. C . Ben got nothing he wanted for his birthday. D . Ben's sister wasn't happy to go out for dinner.
  • 32. 阅读理解

         A priest (神父) lived with his small white cat. One day, the cat climbed up a tree and was afraid to come down. The priest called its name and gave it its favourite drink, warm milk, but the cat still didn't come down. So the priest decided to tie rope (栓一根绳子) between his car and the tree. He thought as he drove, the tree would bend down (弯曲) and he could get the cat. He did so. But he drove too far, and the rope broke (断).

        The tree went "boing!" and the cat went through the air. The priest couldn't see it. He felt terrible. He walked around and asked people if they'd seen his cat. But nobody had seen it. At last, he said, "God (上帝), I just give this cat to your keeping."

        A few days later, he met one of his friends in a shop. He saw cat food in her shopping bag. This woman didn't like cats and everyone knew it, so he asked her in surprise, "Why are you buying cat food?"

        She answered, "My little girl always wanted a cat, but I didn't agree. Then a few days ago, she asked again. I told her if God gave her a cat, she could keep it. She went out of the house and said something to the sky. Then suddenly a cat flew out of the blue sky and landed in front of her. "

        The priest smiled and said, "How lucky your little girl is!" Then he went on shopping.

    1. (1) What can we know about the cat from Paragraph 1?
      A . It was afraid of cars. B . It liked warm milk. C . It was yellow. D . It ate a lot.
    2. (2) The priest drove his car to ________.
      A . find a tree B . break a rope C . give away his cat D . help his cat come down
    3. (3) The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 means that the priest
      A . was angry with his cat B . was sure his cat would be OK C . decided to stop looking for his cat D . wished his cat could find a better home
    4. (4) What made the priest surprised when he saw the woman?
      A . She bought cat food. B . She shopped too much. C . She took a cat with her. D . She took a little girl with her.
    5. (5) After talking with the woman, the priest probably felt
      A . shy B . bored C . angry D . relaxed
  • 33. 根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整、合乎情境。

    A: Hey, Cindy! Were you at home at 7:00 last night?


    A: Where were you then?


    A: The Music Club?  ?

    B: Oh, I played the violin there.

    A:  ?

    B: I began to learn it at the age of 6.

    A: I want to learn the violin too. Can you teach me?


    A: Thank you!

  • 34. 阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Charlotte Simmonds is a 17-year-old student from Sydney, Australia. Charlotte spends most of her free time on the beach (连词) she is a surf (冲浪) life Saver. Her job is to save  (life) on the beach or in the water, but she doesn't get any money for this. When she grows up she  (hope) to work as a life Saver on some of the most famous surf beaches in the world.

        Charlotte joined a surf life savers' club (介词) her older brother and sister when she was only five years old. "We lived near the beach but my parents were very busy in their shop, so they didn't have time  (play) with us. Joining (冠词) club was a great way to meet other children, keep healthy and most importantly, we could spend hours on the beach. We (learn) to swim and surf at an early age. At the age of 15, I  (become) a surf life saver and soon after that I saved someone in the water."

        Charlotte loves helping people on the beach. "Everybody can see (we) on the beach because we wear red and yellow~ hats, shirts and shorts. If you can't see us, that  (mean) we can't see you, so maybe you aren't safe," she said.

  • 40. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容完成后面各项任务。

        One day last November, Liz Douglas went shopping. She spent hours at the supermarket. After she paid for all the things she bought, she went back to her car and put the shopping bags on the back seat (后座) of the car. Then she started to drive home.

        Ten minutes later, it began to rain heavily. Soon, Liz found it hard to see the road clearly. There was a lot of water on the road, so she drove slowly. Although Liz was an experienced driver, she felt afraid.

        突然,Liz看见她前面的一棵树并试图停车。But it was too late. Liz closed her eyes. She hoped that the airbags (气囊) in the car would work when the car hit the tree. Unluckily, they didn't.

        However, Liz was lucky. When the car hit the tree, a bag of bread flew out of one of the shopping bags. The car turned over, and the bread landed between Liz' s head and the roof(顶部) of the car. It stopped her head from hitting the roof of the car.

        About half an hour later, firefighters (消防队员) helped Liz get out of the car. They sent her to the hospital, but she went home soon because she didn't get hurt badly. Her head was free and she only had a few cuts. Liz's son went to get the things Liz bought from the car and gave the bag of bread to her. She was going to keep it as a souvenir (纪念品) because it brought her good luck.

    1. (1) 将文中划线的英语句子译成汉语。

    2. (2) 将文中划线的汉语句子译成英语。

    3. (3) 回答问题:Did the airbags in the ear work?

    4. (4) 回答问题:How long did firefighters spend helping Liz out ofthe car?

    5. (5) 回答问题:What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to(指的是)?

  • 41. 假如你是李敏,你的英国朋友Linda邀请(invite)你寒假去她的城市伦敦旅游,但你已制定了寒假计划,不能前往。请你给Linda写一封电子邮件,说明你的计划,并感谢她的邀请。


    Dear Linda,



                                                                             Li Min

