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人教版八年级下册Unit 4 Section B(2a~2e...

更新时间:2024-05-20 浏览次数:3 类型:同步测试
  • 11.  完形填空

    A father and his son were happy when they saw flowers everywhere and the sky full of colorful kites of all kinds. It was the1 Festival in Weifang, Shandong. The son wanted to fly a kite, too. The father bought a kite for him.

    The son began to fly the kite. Soon, his kite was high up in the sky. After a while, the son said, "Father, it seems that the string(绳子) is2 the kite from flying higher.If we cut it, it will be free and fly even3 . Can we cut it?" The father cut the string off.

    The kite started to go higher. This made the little boy4 . But then, slowly, the boy saw that the kite began to5 .It soon fell to the ground. The son was surprised to see this. He asked his father, "I thought that6 we cut the string, the kite would fly higher.7 did it fall down?" The father explained, "The string was not stopping the kite from going higher, but was helping it8 in the sky.

    Using the string, you helped the kite go up in the right direction. But when you cut the9 , it could no longer support the kite."We may sometimes feel like there are certain things that are holding us back and stopping us from growing. But10 , these might be the things that support us the most.

    A .  Kite B .  Water C .  Lantern D .  Spring
    A .  dropping B .  having C .  stopping D .  catching
    A .  higher B .  shorter C .  slower D .  quicker
    A .  excited B .  bored C .  worried D .  scared
    A .  run away B .  go up C .  come true D .  fall down
    A .  before B .  after C .  so D .  until
    A .  Who B .  When C .  Why D .  Where
    A .  jump B .  stay C .  get D .  make
    A .  paper B .  tree C .  grass D .  string
    A .  in total B .  in fact C .  by the way D . what's more
  • 12.  阅读理解

    Ethan is 21 years old now. His classmates often laughed at his build (身材) before. "People always laughed at my build when I was really young. It started in primary school, went all the way through middle school, high school and into college," Ethan said. He reached his top weight (体重) of 378 pounds when he was 19.

    Ethan knew he had to make a change, so he started eating less and exercising. He was able to lose 30 pounds by himself before joining Anytime Fitness, a 24­hour gym (健身房). He exercised hard there every day. Just 18 months later, Ethan lost about half of his body weight.

    Ethan is now telling others to live in more active (积极的) and healthier ways. He goes to a local walking group twice a week to help others get out of heavy weight. "I want people to know that they have to keep doing it," he said. "You can't make it in one night. It's going to take time."

    He ran in the Chicago Marathon on October 13. He also raised money for a group called Action for Healthy Kids. It helps to make schools healthier places for kids to grow up.

    1. (1) When Ethan was 19, ____.
      A . he loved laughing at others B . he reached his top weight C . people always laughed at his school D . people started to laugh at his build
    2. (2) After he joined the gym 18 months later, his weight was about ____ pounds.
      A . 378 B . 348 C . 189 D . 174
    3. (3) The underlined word "it" in the third paragraph refers to ____.
      A . the gym B . the walking group C . losing weight D . eating less
    4. (4) What did Ethan do to help others live a more active and healthier life?

      ①He called for more people to join Anytime Fitness.

      ②He told others losing weight is going to take time.

      ③He ran in the Chicago Marathon.

      ④He raised money for Action for Healthy Kids.

      A . ②③④ B . ①③④ C . ①②③ D . ①②④
    5. (5) What's the passage mainly about?
      A . Why Ethan decided to make a change. B . What Ethan did to help children lose weight. C . How the group Action for Healthy Kids helped people. D . What Ethan did to lose weight and help people live a healthier life.
  • 23.  选择方框中所给短语并用适当形式填空。

    crazy push typical cause skill

    1. (1) You're to buy a house without seeing it.
    2. (2) What he said a lot of problems. That made others unhappy.
    3. (3) your kids so hard may hurt them.
    4. (4) Our English teacher taught us some reading 
    5. (5) Let's go to Green Forest for dinner. It is a English restaurant.
  • 29.  短文还原

    Chen Yujie, 15, studies at a boarding school in Ningbo, Zhejiang.  It was not a short ride home and the trips were tiring. Chen hoped her parents could put the money on a bank card, so she didn't have to travel so often.

    "It's usually the most relaxing time for our family," said Chen.

    She chose the right time. After a few turns of lobbying(游说), her parents finally agreed with Chen.  So they have to choose a right time.

    US magazine Highlights recently surveyed 1,521 kids aged 6-12 in the country, asking questions like "" Results show that American kids seem to know when their parents are most receptive(乐于接受的). Meal time is discovered to be their most favorite time to talk to their parents. Bed time comes second, followed by time spent in the car.

    Chinese teenagers seem to have a similar tendency(倾向) over the problem.Qianjiang Daily,a newspaper in Zhejiang, did a survey about it. So do you have anything to talk to your parents about? Choose a good time.

    A.When you want to talk to your parents about something important, when is the best time to do it? 

    B.She decided to discuss it with her parents during TV time after dinner. 

    C.They found that most American teenagers would choose bed time to talk to their parents. 

    D.She used to go back to her home in Cixi every week to get money from her parents. 

    E.The result shows most teenagers in the city would choose meal time to talk to their parents. 

    F.For most teenagers like Chen, talking to parents can be difficult or even worrying.

  • 30.  阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。有两个词多余。

    interest crazy much get they class read of little show

    Not only adults but also teenagers have problems in their life.Here is a survey  the main problems of teenagers.

    They feel stressed because they have too  homework to do both at school and at home.They have lots of exams to take.And parents usually send them to different  at weekends.They don't have their own time to do what they are  in.

    Now more and more teenagers are  short­sighted.They often read in bed or keep  for a long time without having a rest.Some of them are  about playing computer games.Some spend too much time watching TV.Another serious problem among teenagers is that many of  are becoming fat.They eat too much junk food, but they take exercise.

    I think teenagers should think  ways to deal with the problems.They should make a plan for study and hobbies and find time to relax as much as possible.

