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更新时间:2024-05-20 浏览次数:36 类型:中考模拟
一、Listening comprehension(听力理解)Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的句子, 选出相应的图片) (共5分)
  • 1.  Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的句子, 选出相应的图片)

    A.   B.   C.   D.   E.  F. 


    1. People of all ages, especially young children, enjoy reading comic strips for fun.<br />2. The suspect is being interviewed about the robbery late at night.<br />3. Judy's job is to deal with different kinds of customer complaints.<br />4. The man is complaining about the loud noise around his house.<br />5. During the spring festival, paper cuttings are used to decorate the windows and doors.<br />During the spring festival, paper cuttings are used to decorate the windows and doors.
  • 2.  Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题, 选出最恰当的答案)
    Sorry, I'm late. My car broke down and there was no taxi. I had to take a bus here.<br />That's alright, Sam. I wasn't waiting for long. The film will begin soon. Let's go.<br />Question. How did Sam go to the cinema?<br />请再听一遍.<br />Sorry, I'm late. My car broke down and there was no taxi. I had to take a bus here.<br />That's alright, Sam. I wasn't waiting for long. The film will begin soon. Let's go.<br />Question. How did Sam go to the cinema?<br />请再听一遍.<br />Where's your new hat, Jack? Did you leave it on the school bus?<br />Don't worry, Mom. I put it in my school bag.<br />Are you sure? But I can't see it there.<br />Oh, it's on my bed.<br />Question. Where is Jack's hat?<br />请再听一遍.<br />Where's your new hat, Jack? Did you leave it on the school bus?<br />Don't worry, Mom. I put it in my school bag.<br />Are you sure? But I can't see it there.<br />Oh, it's on my bed.<br />Question. Where is Jack's hat?<br />The train leaves at 1.30 and there is only 20 minutes left. It will take us about 15 minutes to drive there. Don't be late, boys.<br />When will Dad come to pick us up?<br />At one o'clock.<br />Question. What time is it now?<br />请再听一遍.<br />The train leaves at 1.30 and there is only 20 minutes left. It will take us about 15 minutes to drive there. Don't be late, boys.<br />When will Dad come to pick us up?<br />At one o'clock.<br />Question. What time is it now?<br />The film is really wonderful. The police detective is my favorite.<br />Which one? There are quite a few. Do you mean the one with long, dark curly hair?<br />She has curly hair, but it's blonde and short.<br />Oh, I know the one you mean now. She is great.<br />Question. Who is the woman's favorite character in the film?<br />请再听一遍.<br />The film is really wonderful. The police detective is my favorite.<br />Which one? There are quite a few. Do you mean the one with long, dark, curly hair?<br />She has curly hair, but it's blonde and short.<br />Oh, I know the one you mean now. She is great.<br />Question. Who is the woman's favorite character in the film?<br />Jenny, you look so busy. Need a hand?<br />Thanks, Paul, but I can manage.<br />Question. What does Paul mean?<br />Jenny, you look so busy. Need a hand?<br />Thanks, Paul, but I can manage.<br />Question. What does Paul mean?
    1. (1)
      A . By taxi. B . By car. C . By bus. D . On foot.
    2. (2)
      A . At school. B . On the bed. C . In the school bag D . On the school bus.
    3. (3)
      A . It's 1:10. B . It's 1:30. C . It's 1:00. D . It's 1:45.
    4. (4)
      A . The police detective with long dark curly hair. B . The police detective with short dark curly hair. C . The police detective with long blonde curly hair. D . The police detective with short blonde curly hair.
    5. (5)
      A . He wants Jenny to have a rest. B . He wants to know why Jenny is so busy. C . He wants to offer Jenny help. D . He wants to know what Jenny needs.
  • 3.  Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容)
    Kinball is an exciting sport and is easy to learn.<br />The games are quick and you don't need a lot of fitness equipment.<br />The first thing you'll notice about the sport is the size of the ball.<br />The special soft ball is 1.2 meters wide, so it's much larger than other balls used in<br />sport.<br />There's another big difference too.<br />Instead of two teams playing against each other, in Kinball, three teams can compete<br />at the same time.<br />The aim of the game is for a team to hit the big soft ball in the air and for one of the<br />other teams to stop it from touching the ground.<br />Each team has four players in a team who wear the same color of clothes.<br />To start a game, one team hits the ball from the center of the court.<br />Three of that team's players kneel and hold the ball up so the fourth player can strike<br />the ball with their hand.<br />Before the player hits the ball, they call out the color of one of the other two teams.<br />The team that has been called must rush to catch the ball or stop it from hitting the<br />ground.<br />If they manage to keep it up, that team then holds up the ball, hits it, and calls out<br />another team's color.<br />If a team doesn't keep the ball up or catch it, the other two teams win a point.<br />Kinball is great fun to play.<br />Everyone in a team has to work together to score points, so it's teamwork.<br />Kinball is an exciting sport and is easy to learn.<br />The games are quick and you don't need a lot of fitness equipment.<br />The first thing you'll notice about the sport is the size of the ball.<br />The special soft ball is 1.2 meters wide, so it's much larger than other balls used<br />in sport.<br />There's another big difference too.<br />Instead of two teams playing against each other, in Kinball three teams can compete<br />at the same time.<br />The aim of the game is for a team to hit the big soft ball in the air and for one of the<br />other teams to stop it from touching the ground.<br />Each team has four players in a team who wear the same color of clothes.<br />To start a game, one team hits the ball from the center of the court.<br />Three of that team's players kneel and hold the ball up, so the fourth player can strike<br />the ball with their hand.<br />Before the player hits the ball, they call out the color of one of the other two teams.<br />The team that has been called must rush to catch the ball or stop it from hitting the<br />ground.<br />If they've managed to keep it up, that team then holds up the ball, hits it and calls<br />out another team's color.<br />If a team doesn't keep the ball up or catch it, the other two teams wing a point.<br />Kinball is great fun to play.<br />Everyone in a team has to work together to score points, so it's teamwork.
    1. (1) From the introduction we can know that Kin—Ball is as big as a tennis ball. 
    2. (2) In a Kin—Ball competition, you can see three teams play at the same time. 
    3. (3) To start a game, two teams can hit the ball from the center of the court. 
    4. (4) The player must call out the color of one of the other two teams after he hits the ball. 
    5. (5) Kin—Ball is a good kind of ball game because it helps us learn to work well together. 
  • 4.  Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文, 完成下列内容, 每空格限填一词)
    聽短文,用聽到的單詞完成下列句子,沒空格限填一詞.<br />Do you know Charles Dickens?<br />He was one of the most famous and successful writers in English during the 19th century.<br />He became very wealthy and travelled to the US twice to give talks.<br />Many of his books have been made into films.<br />Great expectations, Oliver Twist and the Christmas Carol are perhaps the best known examples.<br />But Dickens' life was not always an easy one, especially when he was a small boy.<br />His parents had serious money problems.<br />When disaster happened, Charles had only just turned 12 years old.<br />He had to leave school to start work to earn enough money for his family.<br />He worked hard in a factory and was paid six shillings a week.<br />That's about 12 pounds and 50 pence a week in today's money.<br />He hated the factory and the work, but the experience changes life and helped him to be a great writer.<br />A short time later, his father was behind bars because he owed money.<br />Then the family house was sold and Charles' mother, brothers and sisters went to live in the prison too.<br />Charles never forgot this period of his life.<br />As an adult, he wanted people to know about the terrible conditions that children often had to working.<br />And when he started writing, his stories were full of people who suffered the things that he had gone through himself.<br />In fact, one of his novels is called Hard Times.<br />Do you know Charles Dickens?<br />He was one of the most famous and successful writers in English during the 19th century.<br />He became very wealthy and traveled to the US twice to give talks.<br />Many of his books have been made into films.<br />Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, and A Christmas Carol are perhaps the best known examples.<br />But Dickens' life was not always an easy one, especially when he was a small boy.<br />His parents had serious money problems.<br />When disaster happened, Charles had only just turned 12 years old.<br />He had to leave school to start work to earn enough money for his family.<br />He worked hard in a factory and was paid six shillings a week.<br />That's about 12 pounds 50 pence a week in today's money.<br />He hated the factory and the work, but the experience changed his life and helped him to be a great writer.<br />A short time later, his father was behind bars because he owed money.<br />Then the family house was sold and Charles' mother, brothers, and sisters went to live in the prison too.<br />Charles never forgot this period of his life.<br />As an adult, he wanted people to know about the terrible conditions that children often had to work in.<br />And when he started writing, his stories were full of people who suffered the things that he had gone through himself.<br />In fact, one of his novels is called Hard Times.
    1. (1) Charles Dickens was a famous and successful writer in English in the  .
    2. (2) When Charles was small, life wasn't easy because his parents had serious  .
    3. (3) Charles got a job in a factory and   6 shillings a week after he left school. 
    4. (4) A short time later, Charles' father was   because he owed money. 
    5. (5) Charles' stories were   people who had same experiences as him. 
  • 20.  Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be used only once (将下列单词或词组填入空格, 每空限填一词, 每词只能填一次)

    A. essential      B. picture        C. invented        D. discovered      E. actually

    Believe it or not, forgetting some things helps your brain remember others! The brain is a complicated (复杂的)part of the body. Scientists will be learning about it for many years to come. 

    However, one thing that they have  is that your brain needs to forget some information. If it remembered everything, then pulling out a certain piece of information from lots of stored—up memories would be impossible. Let's  your brain as a bucket (桶)that is filled with papers. How could you find one little note in all of that clutter(杂乱的东西)?

    According to the scientists, some forgetting is  a very natural and normal process, rather than a failure of memory. Our brains may want us to remember the  part of what we've experienced because that will be most helpful for us in the real world. 

  • 21.  Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be used only once (将下列单词或词组填入空格, 每空限填一词, 每词只能填一次)

    A. tricks        B. store         C. drops          D. escape      E. meaningless

    For example, let's say you remember a friend's phone number, but that friend moves away and gets a new phone number. Remembering the old number becomes  and may make it harder to remember your friend's new number. 

    So your brain chooses important information to  and it clears out the rest. Now your memory bucket is much easier to sort through(整理) quickly

    But this isn't a perfect system. Sometimes your brain  a thought that you wish it had kept, you can help it figure out which information you want by practicing those memories and facts or by using other memory .

  • 37.  Choose the best answer(根据短文内容, 选择最恰当的答案)

    Joel Sartore is a writer, teacher, and photographer. His words and beautiful images show his love of photography and of the natural world. 

    Question 1: How did you become a National Geographic photographer?

    My first job was for a newspaper. After a few years there, I met a National Geographic photographer. He liked my photos and said I should send some to the magazine. So I did. That led to a one—day job. And that led to a nine—day job, and so on. 

    Question 2:     ▲    

    To get into National Geographic, you have to give them something they don't have. It's not enough just to be a great photographer. You also have to be a scientist, for example, or be able to dive under sea ice, or spend maybe several days in a tree. 

    Question 3: Is it hard to get a job as a photographer today?

    It's now harder to work for magazines. Technology makes it easy to take good pictures, which means there are more photos and photographers. Also, the Web is filled with photos from all around the world that are free, or cost very little. These photos are often good enough to be put in books and magazines. What the magazines need to do these days is to pay for these photos. 

    Question 4: I want to be a photographer. Do you have any advice for me?

    Advice? Well, work hard. Be passionate (热情的)about every project you work on. Take lots of pictures in different situations. Look at others' photos thoughtfully and learn from them. And be curious about everything. There's something to photograph everywhere. 

    1. (1) What kind of passage is it?
      A . An interview. B . A story. C . A quiz. D . An advertisement.
    2. (2) Joel Sartore used to ____.
      A . teach in a school B . work as a scientist C . work for a newspaper D . work in a forest
    3. (3) Which of the following can be Question 2?
      A . Why do you want to work for National Geographic? B . What do National Geographic photographers like to do? C . What kind of photos do you give to National Geographic? D . What kind of photographer is National Geographic looking for?
    4. (4) How many reasons did Joel Sartore mention in his answer to Question 3?
      A . 1 B . 2 C . 3 D . 4
    5. (5) The underlined sentence in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to ____.
      A . Take as many photos as possible B . There is beauty everywhere C . It's easy to be a good photographer D . Photographers should travel everywhere
    6. (6) Who is most likely to be employed by National Geographic?
      A . Hanson, a photographer who has worked for many magazines. B . Bowie, a photographer who learnt to take photos at an early age. C . Marina, a photographer who is good at science and diving. D . Jason, a photographer who keeps developing skills and ideas.
  • 38.  Choose the best words or expressions and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词或词语完成短文)

    Every year, wildfires destroy millions of hectares of forest land. Homes are damaged, and thousands of people die. Smokejumpers help to stop this. 

    Smokejumpers are a special type of firefighter. They jump from planes or are lowered by helicopters into areas that are 1 to reach by car or on foot, such as the middle of a mountain forest. They race to put out fires as fast as they can. 

    At a fire site, smokejumpers first examine the land and decide 2 to fight the fire. Their main goal is to stop a fire from spreading or to slow its progress  3 ground—based firefighters arrive. Using basic equipment such as shovels (铲子) and axes(斧头), smokejumpers clear land of burnable material, like dry grass and dead trees. They carry water with them, too, but only a limited amount. 

    Most smokejumpers are men. The most important factors are your height and  4 .Smokejumpers employed in the United States must be between 54 and 91 kilograms so they don't get blown away by the strong winds or get 5 when they land. 

    The work is dangerous, and the hours are long. But for these firefighters, smoke jumping isn't just a job. They6 being able to jump out of planes, fight fires, and live in the forest. As 28-year-old Russian smokejumper Alexi says, "This is the best job for tough guys. "

    A .  hard B .  serious C .  safe D .  close
    A .  where B .  why C .  what D .  how
    A .  if B .  though C .  before D .  because
    A .  nationality B .  weight C .  sex D .  age
    A .  hurt B .  lost C .  angry D .  sick
    A .  imagine B .  deny C .  mind D .  love
  • 39.  Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给)

    We know animals have emotions. They can feel fear. We also think they feel love, since they have strong relationships with each other. So are animal emotions s to our own? And do animals have a sense of humor?

    A Parrot's Joke

    Sally's parrot Bongo didn't get along with her o parrot, Paco. In fact, Bongo clearly didn't like Paco at all! One day, Sally cooked a chicken for dinner. She started to cut the chicken with a knife. 

    "Oh, no! Paco!"Bongo said loudly and laughed. Sally laughed, too, and said, "That chicken is not Paco. ""Oh…no, "said Bongo. This time, she sounded d. Then the parrot laughed at her own joke.

    Yoga Dog

    Jean enjoys yoga and so does her dog Buffy. W Jean does yoga, Buffy carefully places her toys on Jean's body. If a toy falls, Buffy runs to put it b . Does this behavior have any real purpose?"She thinks it's funny!"says Jean. 

    Animal Laughter

    Can dogs "laugh"?Recent research shows that dogs can tell each other when they want to play. They make a special sound a kind of "laugh. "Psychologist (心理学家)Patricia recorded the sound. Then she played it to dogs and s their behavior. "All the dogs seemed to like the laugh, "says Patricia. So do animals have a sense of humor? If laughter is a clue, then p the answer is "yes!" .

  • 40.  Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)

    Billy Ray Harris was homeless. He spent each day on the streets, begging for money or food. Every day, as he sat thinking about his life, he sometimes heard the sound of a coin or two dropping into his cup. One day, the noise was louder than usual. But he didn't look up. A little later, when he looked into the cup, he could hardly believe what he saw. At the bottom was a big shining diamond ring. 

    Billy's first thought was to go to the jeweller's (珠宝店) and that's exactly what he did. To his surprise, he was offered $4, 000. Was this a mistake? But then he thought about his grandfather His grandfather always told him to do the right thing. Billy made up his mind. He had better keep the ring and maybe one day its owner would return. 

    Two days later, a young woman called Sarah came and asked if he had found anything unusual in his cup. Billy reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring. When he saw the smile on Sarah's face he knew that he. She explained that she forgot putting her ring in her purse (钱包)that day. 

    Sarah was so moved that she posted the story on the Internet and set up an online appeal(呼 吁)to raise money for Billy. Finally she had more than $185, 000. Billy Ray Harris no longer spends his days begging. He has a home and a job. 

    1. (1) Billy got lots of money every day, didn't he?
    2. (2) Why was the noise louder than usual?
    3. (3) What does this in Paragraph Two refer to?
    4. (4) Why didn't Billy sell the diamond ring?
    5. (5) What can be filled in Paragraph Three? Write no more than 5 words. 
    6. (6) What kind of person do you think Billy is? Why?
  • 41.  你觉得学校组织的心理讲座 (lectures on mental health) 是否有助于缓解压力 (reduce pressure)? 为什么?你还希望学校开展一个什么活动来有效缓解压力?说说你的理由, 写一篇不少于60个词的短文。

    (注意:1. 短文中不得出现考生真实姓名、校名等个人信息, 否则不予评分。2. 照抄阅读语篇不得分。)

