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更新时间:2024-04-29 浏览次数:15 类型:开学考试
  • 2. 听句子,选择最佳应答。
    1. (1)
      A . Yes,you   are. B . Yes,you  do C . Yes,you can.
    2. (2)
      A . I don't think so. B . Well done. C . Because it's polite to do so.
    3. (3)
      A . At10 a.m.. B . In the library C . By taxi.
    4. (4)
      A . In the bedroom. B . I was reading books. C . I have to do more.
    5. (5)
      A . You're welcome B . It doesn't matter C . Sory,I won't.
    6. (6)
      A . Me,too. B . OK.  C . Nevermind.
  • 9.  听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the weather like now?
      A . Windy. B . Rainy C . Snowy
    2. (2) How will Larry go to school ?
      A . By car. B . By bus. C . By subway
  • 10.  听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) When is the birthday of Victor's sister?
      A . This Tuesday. B . This Thursday C . Next Thursday
    2. (2) What color does Victor's sister like best?
      A . Green B . Black. C . Silver.
  • 11.  听下面一段对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is Tina looking for?
      A . Her homework. B . Her English book C . Her test paper
    2. (2) Where will the speakers go?
      A . To the classroom. B . To Tina's home C . To the school library
  • 12.  听短文,完成表中所缺信息,每空仅填一词。

    The World Environmental Day



    Started by the United Nations in.

    Held on June 5 every year


    To people's sense of environmental protection

    To  people to do something helpful for the earth



    More than countries celebrate it now.

    People plant trees,hold concerts and give.


    The themes are every year.

六、第二部分,完形填空,第一节  (共5个小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
  • 13.  阅读下面短文,从框内6个选项中选出能分别填入5个小题空白处的最佳选项。

    A.of B.cute C.who D.story E.easily F.achieve

    Have you scen the film that is called Kungfu Panda?This film mainly tells us a  which happened in ancient China.

    One  the main roles in it is a panda.His name is Po.Po is very fat but  . He wants to be a martial arts master.Unluckily,he takes on the task to against the intrusion(人侵)of Taro.Although the task is so hard,he never gives up easily.He has quite a few friends   helped him struggle to bring peace back to the land.

    Many people like the film very much.Sometimes,we may not as good as others,but we still can  our dreams by our efforts and strong wills.As long as we do not give up our dreams,nothing is impossible.

七、第二部分,完形填空,第二节  (共10个小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  • 14.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入各题空白处的 最佳选项。

    Fred and his wife lived on a farm.They1 a cow,a pig and a chicken.One day,a mouse saw that Fred had set a mousetrap (捕鼠器).He went around the farm and warned all of the other2 about the trap."There is a mousetrap in the house!"the mouse said to the chicken.

    "That's bad news for you,but it doesn't3 me."the chicken said.Then,the mouse went to the pig and the cow.But the pig and the cow did not4 ,either.They said they didn't have to worry about it and wished the mouse good luck.

    One night,a snake got caught in the mousetrap.Fred's wife thought the snake was 5 and  tried  to  remove  it.But  the  snake  was  still  alive  and bit her hand.She  became very  6 and had a bad fever.The farmer decided to make some chicken soup to care for her,so he 7 the chicken.

    As Fred's wife continued to become sicker,many of her friends came to 8 her.The farmer killed the 9 and used it to make food for the visitors.Sadly,Fred's wife died from her illness.The farmer killed the cow for his wife.The mouse watched all of this with great sorrow.

    When we learn that someone is facing 10 or danger,we may be in danger,too.It is better to help and encourage one another instead of leaving others alone.

    A . needed B . kept C . bought
    A . visitors B . farmers C . animals
    A . affect B . examine C . allow
    A . care B . believe C . understand
    A . sad B . dead C . deep
    A . lonely B . shy C . sick
    A . killed B . sold C . stolen
    A . educate B . visit C . praise
    A . pig B . cow C . chicken
    A . chances B . display C . difficulties
  • 15.  阅读理解

    Do you want to live a life full of fun?Do you want to experience great convenience in our dai- ly life?You can try some creative modern inventions.Let's look at three of them!


    Time Temp Glasses

    Are you a person who wants to know the time and temperature during

    the day?You might like Time Temp Glasses.These special glasses show the

    time above your left eye and the temperature above your right eye.It is easier than wearing a watch,and you don't need to guess the temperature.

    Price:$25 for one pair

    Smart Fork

    If you have a big stomach and are a fast diner(食客),the Smart Fork

    is a good choice for you!This special fork has two lights:one green and one red.When the green light is on,it's OK to take a bite of food,and soon the red light goes on.Wait for the green light before you take another bite.

    Price:$9 for one

    Pizza Scissors

    Are you still cutting your pizza with a knife?The best pizza scissors can make a clean cut without tearing your pizza.They are also easy to use, with long handles to keep your hands away from hot pizza slices

    Price:$4 for one

    1. (1) If you want to know the time and temperature during the day, you need ____.
      A . Time Temp Glasses B . Smart Fork C . Pizza Scissors
    2. (2) This special  fork  has ____ light(s).
      A . one B . two C . three
    3. (3) Lucy needs to pay for a pair of Time Temp Glasses and a Smart Fork. 
      A . $25 B . $9 C . $34
    4. (4) Where can we most probably read the text?
      A . In a tourist guide. B . In a health magazine. C . In a sports newspaper.
  • 16.  阅读理解

    Volunteering makes you look at the world differently.You see how little things can make a person's life better.

    National Volunteer Week started in 1974 and is held every April.It is

    a time to thank volunteers for their achievements.It is also a perfect chance to encourage others to become a volunteer.Making the decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem,because they don't have enough time to do volunteer work.

    The following tips can help if you have some of those worries;

    Start out slowly.Don't add too much pressure(压力),Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someone's life.

    Choose an organization(组织)with the same interest and common values.

    Invite a friend or family member to serve.It is a good experience to volunteer with them.

    Finally,it is most important to enjoy the volunteer experience.Remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect.If one experience doesn't work,don't give up and you'll surely find the right one.

    Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in people's lives.

    1. (1) Volunteering can help ____.
      A . see the world clearly B . make a person's life better C . thank others
    2. (2) National Volunteer Week started in ____ .
      A . 1972 B . 1973 C . 1974
    3. (3) The underlined word"one"in the passage means" ____.
      A . experience B . dream C . journey
    4. (4) The writer writes the text to ____ .
      A . tell people to make changes in their lives B . encourage people to start their volunteering C . ask people to give up their free time
  • 17.  阅读理解

    It was close to midnight.In Taipan village,a small mountain village in Guizhou Province in Southwest China,a basketball game was taking place.Thousands of people filled the court (球场).At the

    same time,millions of people watched the game online.People call this village basketball tournament(锦标赛)"Village BA".

    The 28-year-old Ou Minghui led his team to win the championship in the Vllage BA toumament and he won the tournament MVP.Ou started playing basketball at the age of 8.Although Ou's job is farming,playing basketball has always been his dream.In China,people call the players like Ou"grassroots players".Most players in the Village BA tournament come from Taipan and nearby villages,including farmers,cooks,and drivers.

    In August 2022,the basketball tournament was started in this small village with 1,200 people. Basketball has a long tradition in Taipan,where the first basketball court was built in 1936.Since then,Taipan village has organized many basketball tournaments.

    Nowadays,the top teams receive prizes such as cows,sheep,and pigs,all of which are local  specials.Whether on or off the court,the Village BA tournament brings people a feeling that is  completely different from professional(职业的)events.At halftime(中场休息),there are different cultural performances,people dressed in ethnic minority(少数民族)costumes,singing and dancing.  For local people,Village BA is more than just a basketball game;it feels like a carnival(狂欢节).

    1. (1) Village BA means ____.
      A . village basketball tournament. B . tournament MVP. C . grassroots players.
    2. (2) Ou Minghui is ____.
      A . a cook B . a driver,                                C . a farmer.
    3. (3) The first basketball court in Taipan Village was built in ____.
      A . 1928. B . 1936. C . 2022
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the passage?
      A . Village BA has become popular around the world. B . Taipan village has a long tradition of basketball matches. C . Taipan village holds a special Village BA tournament.
  • 18.  根据短文内容,从6个选项中选出能分别填入人5个小题空白处的最佳选项。

    There are many different stories about the history of the umbrella.One of the stories told that the umbrella was invented by Luban's wife about 3,000 years ago.Do you know Luban? 

    One day,Luban and his wife were walking by the West Lake.Suddenly it started to rain heavily.So they had to go back home quickly. 

    "It's terrible to get wet in the rain,"Luban's wife said,". "Luban replied,"I can build some pavilions(楼阁)along the West Lake so that you can hide under them when it rains." "But pavilions can't move,"Luban's wife shook her head."Is it possible to make a movable pavilion when people walk?"

    One day,Luban's wife saw some children playing in the rain.Each child was holding up a large lotus leaf(荷叶)to keep out the rain.  The next day,she made the first umbrella.

    A.She got a good idea.

    B.Luban's wife was angry

    C.Can you make something to keep the rain out?

    D.He was the most famous craftsman(工匠)in ancient China. 

    E.She thought about this question for a long time.

    F.After they returned home,they were already wet all over.

十、第三部分,阅读,第三节  (共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
  • 19.  阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空和回答问题。(每题答案不超过3个单词)

    A greeting is a way of saying "Hello"to someone.In western countries like the UK and the USA,people often shake hands when they meet for the first time,especially in a formal situation. But there are other ways of greeting people.For instance,male friends sometimes have special handshakes to show that they are close to each other.

    In France and Italy,people love to kiss.They often kiss their friends and family on both cheeks when they meet and when they say goodbye.

    In India,when people  say hello,they press  their palms(手掌)together under their chin.To show respect,a slight bow is added.Today people who study yoga often put their palms together  at the beginning or end of a yoga lesson.

    And what do you think of people rubbing(蹭)noses together?This special greeting is common among the Maori who live in New Zealand in the southern hemisphere,and also among the Inuits

    who live in the far north.

    In Japan,for instance,men and  women  bow  when  they  greet  someone.The  women  hold their hands together and the men put their hands by their sides.

    If you visit a foreign country,it's important to find out the correct form of greeting.That way you won't make mistakes there.

    1. (1) In the UK and the USA,people often  when they meet for the first time. 
    2. (2) People often kiss their family on   when they meet in France and Italy. 
    3. (3) In India,people press their palms with a slight   to show respect.
    4. (4) The special greeting is common among the Maori is to rub  when they greet each other. 
    5. (5) Is it necessary to learn the correct form of greeting before you travel to another country?
十一、第四部分,语言运用,第一节,根据中文意思,补全英语译文。(每空限填一词,缩写算一词) (共5个小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
  • 25.  阅读下面短文,在各题空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Hot food and warm tents:

    people from all walks of life rush to save earthquake--hit Gansu

    After 6.2 Gansu earthquake jolted( 震 动 ) ,Mr.Ma and his family members out of sleep around midnight December 18th in Northwest China's Gansu Province,and left  (they)without a home overnight.

    A bowl of hot beef (noodle)and a cup of. (drink) water offered Mr.Ma the warmth and comfort."My family is safe here.

    We can stay warm and we can boil water.The rescue team ( 救 援 队 )members care for our needs,"said Mr.Ma,27.

    There (be)102 tents,eight to nine people can stay in one.Mr.Ma and 1,000 others of the county,whose houses were damaged or (destroy)in the quake,spent the night in tents, They (receive)meal boxes provided by local government and beef noodles cooked by volunteers.Ma Qinglong,chairman of Xingda Group,said,"We prepared 500 kilograms of beef (help)everyone get through the difficult time."

    Besides government efforts,people helped each other.At the Gaji Chunlei Primary School, 79 boarding students were guided the playground by their teachers as soon as the earthquake hit the area.

    Zhang Shunshan,the school's headmaster,said the teachers lit fires and keep the children warm through the small hours."First we contacted the parents and then we helped the students return home (safe)by 10 a.m.,"Zhang said.

  • 26. 你的同学Jack想要辍学去送外卖。请给他写一封信,劝他学好知识,完成学业。








    Dear   Jack,




