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更新时间:2024-04-29 浏览次数:13 类型:期中考试
  • 16. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的选项中,选择最佳选项。

    A Canadian woman and her teenage son got in the taxi and asked me to take them to Baiyun airport (机场). They were going back to1 . We had a nice conversation together and when they got out, they thanked me a lot.

    When my2 passenger got in, he gave me a purse (钱包) and said he found it on the back3 . I looked at the purse and knew it4 the Canadian woman.

    I found a telephone number in the purse and phoned the number. The Canadian woman5 . She asked me to go back to the airport and return the6 . So I turned off my taxi light and started for the7 . On the way, five or six people tried to8 me while I was driving through the city, but I didn't stop. I was doing a good thing!

    Forty minutes9 , I arrived at the airport. The woman was standing outside the terminal building and looked worried. I gave back the purse. She was so10 . She just laughed. She said, "You're really my favorite Chinese. "

    A . China B . England C . Canada D . Japan
    A . next B . last C . familiar D . the next
    A . room B . seat C . street D . bed
    A . belonged to B . depended on C . stood for D . can be
    A . laughed B . repeated C . answered D . smiled
    A . money B . purse C . number D . seat
    A . city B . town C . building D . airport
    A . help B . stop C . catch D . keep
    A . later B . earlier C . sooner D . farther
    A . sad B . worried C . happy D . sadly
  • 17. 阅读选择




    Happy birthday to us! TIME magazine's first issue (期刊) came out on March 3, 1923. Sure, 96 isn't the most special birthday, comparing with the 100th birthday. But we take every opportunity (机会) to celebrate. TIME for Kids came along just a little bit later, in 1995. Soon, we will have our 25th birthday!

    We have run our Kid Reporter program for many years. Many kids who took part in the program as a reporter are professional journalists (职业记者) now. While they were working with TFK, they caught some great opportunities, like interviewing political leaders, famous people, Olympic athletes, scientists, and more.

    Do you dream of being a reporter? Come and join us! On March 15, we will hold our annual (一年一度的) competition to find our next group of TIME for Kids Reporters. Editors from TFK will choose 10 best students.

    I hope you will have a chance to report for our magazines and websites during the 2019-2020 school year.

    All the best,

    1. (1) According to the passage, TIME for Kids will have its ____ birthday.
      A . 96th B . 100th C . 23rd D . 25th
    2. (2) What will editors from TFK do in their annual competition?
      A . Take part in the program. B . Interview political leaders. C . Choose 10 best students. D . Report for their magazines.
    3. (3) How long will the next group of reporters work with TFK?
      A . Half a year. B . One year. C . Two years. D . Three years.
    4. (4) Andrea Delbanco is ____.
      A . a reader B . an editor C . a reporter D . a student
    5. (5) You can find the passage in ____.
      A . a website B . a book C . a novel D . a diary
  • 18. 阅读理解

    It was Friday morning. Ana hurried through her breakfast and then ran to get dressed. It was dark in her bedroom. She put on a dress and ran to say goodbye to her mom.

    Her mother looked surprised, but Ana didn't have time to ask why. She got to the bus stop just in time to catch the school bus.

    As she got on, she noticed her reflection (影像) in the window. "Oh, no!" she thought. "Whose dress is this? How did I put it on?" She went to sit with two of her friends at the back of the bus.

    "Hi, Ana. What are you wearing?" asked Mel.

    Ana looked down at her dress and said, "Well, you see…I was rushing because I was late and the room was still quite dark. It must be my mom's, I guess. "

    The dress was very bright. Dark colours like black, grey and dark blue were fashionable. It was sky blue. It had big orange flowers all over it.

    "I can't go to school looking like this!" cried Ana.

    "You have to, Ana. There's a math test, remember. " said Susan.

    When Ana walked into the classroom, Monica saw her and started laughing. Monica was the most popular girl in school and always dressed in the latest fashion.

    "Hey, Ana, where did you get that?" She shouted and all the other kids turned to look at Ana.

    The question made Ana angry. "In fact," Ana said, "I got it in the city. It's the new fashion. I'm surprised you didn't know that, Monica. "

    Monica didn't say anything else. And the class began.

    When Ana went back home, she asked her mom about the dress. Her mother said with a smile, "It's an old dress I wore in the 1980s, long before you were born. That was the style back then. "

    "Well, it isn't the style now. Everyone laughed at me today. I'm never going to school again. "

    "I'm sorry you were embarrassed (尴尬的). But you have to go to school on Monday. No one will remember what you wore today. "

    On Monday morning, when Ana got to school, she noticed some girls were wearing brightly coloured dresses, including Monica.

    1. (1) Why did Ana wear the dress?
      A . She liked its beautiful colour. B . She didn't see it clearly. C . Her mother asked her to wear. D . She thought it was fashionable.
    2. (2) What did Ana think of the dress?
      A . Very smart. B . Not very old. C . Too dark. D . Not her style.
    3. (3) Which is true about Monica?
      A . She liked beautiful clothes. B . She was friendly to others. C . She didn't know about fashion. D . She always laughed at others.
    4. (4) Why did some girls start to wear dresses like Ana's?
      A . They wanted to be Ana's friends. B . They liked the dress very much. C . They had to wear them in school. D . They believed it was the fashion.
    5. (5) Which can be the best title for the passage?
      A . Ana's new dress B . A school day C . A fashion accident D . Ana's mistake
  • 19. 阅读理解

    For Iris Grace, the world used to be a lonely place. The autistic (自闭症的) five-year-old girl seldom spoke and she often got nervous while being with other children.

    Iris has been taught art since she was three years old. She spends most of her time painting. She paints so well that her works sell for at least 1,500 pounds each. However, nothing could stop her loneliness until a cat called Thula came to live with the family last February. After Thula arrived, Iris's parents have noticed Iris adding images like a cat's eyes or nose to her paintings. At first, they thought Iris drew them by accident, but now they believe Iris is expressing her love to Thula in her paintings.

    While Iris is painting, Thula always sits at her side and watches her with great interest. And when the family go out in the car, Iris always takes Thula with her.

    Thula is having an influence on Iris's relationships with others, too, and her parents find it easier to encourage her to speak when Thula is around. Iris's mother said, "Thanks to Thula, Iris is a lot happier than ever before. "

    1. (1) When did Iris begin to learn art?
      A . Last February. B . At the age of 2. C . At the age of 3. D . At the age of 5.
    2. (2) Iris Grace paints so well that her works sell for ____ pounds each.
      A . more than 1,500 B . only 1,500 C . about 1,500 D . less than 1,500
    3. (3) How does Iris express her love to Thula?
      A . She often kisses Thula. B . She often feeds food to Thula. C . She often plays with Thula. D . She adds Thula to her paintings.
    4. (4) Iris's parents think Thula is very ____.
      A . lazy B . helpful C . lucky D . interesting
    5. (5) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . Thula is able to speak. B . Iris paints to make money. C . Iris's paintings are popular. D . Thula doesn't like staying with Iris.
  • 20. 阅读理解-阅读完成句子

    Parents are the ones who love you most on Earth. However, you don't often thank them. Sometimes when you want to, it's too late. So don't wait, say some sweet words to your parents.

    "I miss you. " You may be busy, but don't forget to call your parents and tell them how much you miss them.

    "Thank you for all the things you do. " Hug (拥抱) them and tell them how much you thank them.

    You can't give back everything they've done for you, but this small act will make them feel warm.

    "I'm sorry. " You may hurt them before but they still love you. You may try to go back in time and make everything right. But that can't happen, all you can do is to say sorry.

    "Thank you for making me what I'm today. " You can never thank them enough for this. They are always there to help you move forward in life. Let them know they are the real heroes in your life.

    Title: Saysweet to your parents.


    Parents love you but you thank your parents.

    Words to say

    "I miss you. " to call parents even when you are busy.

    "Thank you for all the things you do. " Show your thanks with small acts.

    "I'm sorry. " Say Sorry to your parents instead of to go back.

    "Thank you fox making me what I'm today. "

    Know that your parents you to a better life. They are your real heroes.

  • 21. 句子填空

    You Can Start to Win at Any Time

    To solve any problem or to reach your goal, you don't need to know all the (答案) in advance (预先). But you must have a (明确的) idea of the problem or the goal you want to reach.

    All you have to do is know (哪里) you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord (主动地). When (面临) with a big difficult problem, don't put it off. Break the problem into parts, and deal with one part at a time.

    If you have the courage to begin, you have the courage to (成功). It's the job you never start that takes the (最长的) time to finish. Don't (担心) about what lies dimly at a distance, but do what lies clearly ahead.

    Your biggest (机会) is where you are right now. Once you begin you're (一半) done. When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with (某人), you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.

  • 22. 句子填空

    What Can I Do Right Now?

    If you are still worried about your height, talk to your p and your doctor. Most kids don't have a growth problem that needs h from a doctor, but it's always OK to ask if you're concerned (关心的).

    So for most kids, it seems like there's not much to do b wait to see how it all turns out. But you can do something right now: Eat h and take care of yourself. If you get the nutrition (营养), sleep, and exercise you need, you're likely to reach your right h. In other words, you'll grow as tall as you were meant to grow.

    And even though you may h that supplements (补品) are helpful, taking supplements that you can buy in a store won't help you get taller. Just keep to a healthy diet if you want to be the t you can be!

    Kids who wish they weren't so tall should still eat healthily and take care of t, of course. Eating lwon't make you end up any shorter unless you really starve yourself and make yourself sick.

    As they get older, most kids learn to f comfortable with their height, whether they turn out tall, short, or somewhere in between.

  • 23. 补全对话

    A: Hello!. Who is that?

    B: Hi, David! It's Mike here..

    A: I'm in Beijing now.

    B: That's great. How's it going?

    A: Not bad..

    B: Very good..

    A: It is raining in Beijing.

    B: Well, it's sunny in our city. What are you doing?

    A: I'm watching TV. Are you doing your homework?

    B:. I'm playing the violin.

    A: That sounds great. Bye!

    B: Bye!

  • 29. 假如你是李琦,在英国伦敦某学校做交换生学习,住在史密斯夫妇家。今天史密斯夫妇不在家,而你准备外出,请你给 Mrs. Smith 写一张留言条,内容包括:
    1. 外出参加同学 Jane 的生日派对;
    2. 帮助 Mrs. Smith 去市图书馆还书;
    3. Mrs. Brown 来电留言:

    ① 取消下周三在 Blue Coffee 的会面;

    ② 邀请史密斯夫妇参加下周六晚的慈善晚宴;

    ③ ……(自由发挥)。

    要求:1. 语句通顺、语法正确,可适当发挥;
    2. 80 词左右;
    3. 条理清楚、行文连贯、标点清楚、书写工整。

