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更新时间:2024-04-15 浏览次数:8 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. (2024七下·余杭期中)  阅读理解

    Every school has rules for students.The rules are different(不同 的)from one school to another.Here are some funny school rules.

    In Japan,most schools ask their students to wear uniforms.They also ask girls to wear white socks and boys to cut their hair short.And some Japanese schools also tell students not to go to the movies or leave home at night.They also don't let the students play video games without permission(允许)from the school.

    In America,at some schools,students must have a pair of indoor shoes to change(改变) into at school every day.This makes sure students won't fall over on the wet floors and keeps the schools clean.

    Students can't chew gum(嚼口香糖)in many American school buildings, because it is difficult to clean up.And if students chew gum in class, they may not study well.

    In Britain,strange hairstyles are not allowed(被允许) in some schools.But they might allow students to wear certain hairstyles during the World Cup years.Two students had a special hairstyle during 2016 World Cup.But their school asked them to change the hairstyle after that because the school said the rules had changed since then.

    1. (1) In Japan, some schools do NOT allow their students to ____.
      A . cut their hair B . leave home at night C . wear white socks D . play computer games
    2. (2) The underlined word"wet"means"____"in Chinese.
      A . 干净的 B . 湿的 C . 脏的 D . 干燥的
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
      A . Most Japanese students don't need to wear uniforms. B . Some American schools ask the students to wear indoor shoes in school. C . Gum chewing is not allowed in all American schools. D . British students can't have strange hairstyles at any time.
    4. (4) From the text we can know____.
      A . different countries may have different school rules B . all the school rules are really funny C . school rules in Britain are not very strict D . school rules in Japan are better than those in America
    5. (5) The passage mainly talks about____.
      A . why we should follow the school rules B . how important the school rules are C . how strange some foreign school rules are D . how foreign students live with their school rules
  • 2. (2023七下·瑞安期中) 阅读理解

    You need some bread and milk. But half an hour later, you leave the supermarket with a trolley of food. What games do supermarkets play to make us spend so much money?

    The games usually start before you walk in. When we walk past the supermarket entrance. We can smell warm, fresh bread. That makes us want to eat and then buy lots of food, not just bread.

    And, of course, a small basket would be fine, but most are trolleys. And of course a trolley is big and it looks poor and strange with just one or two products in it. So we may put lots of products into it. You see, supermarket trolleys are getting bigger.

    What's more, what about the music? Most supermarkets don't play fast songs. Because they want you to spend more time and money there. And you won't be in a hurry when the supermarket is busy. And be careful with queues at the checkouts. Sometimes, these are just to make you buy something from the checkout shelves next to you while you are waiting.

    So, next time you go into a supermarket, can you come out just with the things you want? Think about the games!

    1. (1) Which game do supermarkets play before you walk in?
      A . the smell from fresh bread B . a big trolley at the entrance C . the music in the supermarket D . the long line at the checkout
    2. (2) Which sentence can we put in ?
      A . So you go home to get a big basket. B . Now you are in the supermarket. C . But you need to buy a basket first. D . Then you run out of the supermarket.
    3. (3) What can make you buy more products in a supermarket according to the passage?
      A . fast songs B . many shelves C . strange baskets D . long lines
    4. (4) The passage mainly tells us about        .
      A . how customers compare big trolleys and small baskets B . what games customers play with the supermarkets C . how supermarkets make customers spend more money D . why supermarkets choose to give customers trolleys
  • 3. (2023七下·鄞州期中) 阅读理解

    Many people drive their cars to school or work now. So there are lots of cars on the streets. Sometimes, it's not easy for you to get to school or work on time. Then you want to take a plane to school or work. Can your dream come true?Yes!

    Four people in Germany(德国)make a new plane——Lilium Jet. It doesn't look like a plane but an egg. Many people think it looks funny. The nice "egg" can take two people and "run" about three hundred kilometers an hour.

    The Lilium Jet is not very big, as small as a car. So it doesn't need an airport(机场). A small place is OK. It can even take off(起飞)from a garden.

    Some people also call the Lilium Jet "a flying car". It's not difficult for you to learn to drive it. You can drive it like driving a car. Then is it safe to drive the "flying car"?Of course "Yes"!Some people has tested(测试)it for many times. "It's really cool to see the Lilium Jet take to the sky. Everyone should have a try. "says one of the makers.

    Maybe you can buy one next year if you like it. I'm sure your trip to school or work will be great.

    1. (1) Sometimes, people can't get to school or work on time because ______.
      A . they don't leave home early B . there are lots of cars on the streets C . they don't like their schools or jobs D . they don't have their planes
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE? ______
      A . The Lilium Jet looks like a ball. B . It's not safe to drive the Liulium Jet. C . People can learn to drive the plane easily. D . The Lilium Jet needs an airport to take off.
    3. (3) What is the best title(标题)for the passage? ______
      A . Take a plane to school B . A new plane C . A flying car D . An egg
    4. (4) The best structure(结构)of the passage may be ______.
      A . ①→②③④→⑤ B . ①②→③④→⑤ C . ①→②③④⑤ D . ①→②③→④⑤
  • 4. (2023七下·宁波期中) 阅读理解

    Some people are very forgetful, while others can remember everything they have done. Scientists know a lot about how our brains keep and remember facts and experiences. ____①____ There is little study on how or why the brain forgets things. A new study looks at forgetting. A team of scientists from the USA studied the brain's process of forgetting things. They study the brain and how it thinks and works. Their work may help people who have memory (记忆) problems. It may also help those with depression and dementia (抑郁症和痴呆症). ___②___ The lead scientist, Marie Banich, said, "It may sound surprising that people can decide what and how they forget. "

    Professor Banich said forgetting is important. She said it keeps the brain working well. Her study found ways that people take information away from their brain. She said, "We have control (控制) over the ability to take information away from…our thoughts. "___③___ However, although we can control what and how we forget, the act of forgetting is difficult and needs a lot of energy (能量). Another scientist, Sara Festini, agreed. She said, "We've found that the act of forgetting no-longer-relevant (不相关) information from the mind is good for people, but it doesn't happen by the brain itself. " ___④___ Researchers will now look at why we forget recent things, like where we left our keys.

    1. (1) Why do the scientists study on forgetting things?
      A . They want to help people with memory problems. B . They want to know how our brain works. C . They want to learn how to forget things. D . They want to remember facts and experiences.
    2. (2) In which of the following places might best put the sentence "This is important because it means we can work on more important things. ?
      A . B . C . D .
    3. (3) What do the scientists in the passage think of forgetting things?
      A . We always forget important things. B . We can save energy for important things. C . Forgetting things is quite easy for people. D . Forgetting things always brings us problems.
    4. (4) In which part of a magazine can you probably read the passage?
      A . History. B . Life. C . Science. D . Geography.
  • 5. (2023七下·宁波期中) 阅读理解

    Making a movie is hard work. There are a lot of things for you to do. The first thing you need is a good story. So you have to write a story for the movie. After you have a good story, you will need some hard-working and good friends to help you out.

    If you are the director, you need to find some people to act in your movie. You also need a person to help with sound, and another person to work the camera (摄影机). Other people can help to hold lights, do makeup, and build sets (搭建布景).

    When you have all the people and things you need, you can start to shoot (拍摄) your movie. It will take a long time, but it will be fun. Everybody works together to make it great.

    When you finish shooting it, you need a computer to edit (剪辑) your movie carefully. Some people think editing is the best part of making a movie. This is when your story starts to come together. When you finish editing, you can show your movie to your friends and family.

    All you have to do now is to watch the movie and relax!

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "director" mean in Paragraph 2?
      A . The person who writes stories. B . The person who makes a movie. C . The person who acts in movies. D . The person who holds lights.
    2. (2) What can you learn from the passage?
      A . Everyone thinks editing is very boring. B . You can finish making the movie only by yourself. C . It takes only a short time to make a movie. D . Making a movie is a difficult but interesting thing.
    3. (3) How can we make a movie?
      A . Find actors and workers → write a story → edit the movie → shoot the movie. B . Write a story → find actors and workers → edit the movie → shoot the movie. C . Write a story → find actors and workers → shoot the movie → edit the movie. D . Edit the movie → write a story → find actors and workers → shoot the movie.
    4. (4) Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
      A . Making a Movie B . The Director's Job C . Working together D . The Best Part of a Movie

