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更新时间:2024-04-15 浏览次数:9 类型:期末考试
  • 1.  阅读下面短文,从短文前的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一个为多余选项。

    A. an B. closely  C. created  D. as  E. how  F. from

    AI is changing our world. It is now an everyday technology, as commonemails or online videos, said Alex Beecroft from Collins. But have you heard of AI art museum?

    The world's first Al art museum has opened in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. It shows worksby AI artists. Each of the works is very special. However, not all of them are perfect. For example, if you look, you will see that most hands in the works have six fingers. Researchers say that AI artists will improve with more experience. The AI art museum shows ustechnology can change the art world. Some people believe that AI artists and their works will playimportant role in the future of the art world. Do you think so?

  • 2.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Lin Qiaozhi was born in 190l in an ordinary family in Fujian Province. Lin Qiaozhi's father is a1 person, who taught her English from an early age and educated her to be an independent woman in the future.

    In the summer of 1920, after she2 from Xiamen Women's Teacher-training School at the age of 18, she knew about Peking Union Medical College, a first-class medical school in Asia. In order to3 enter Peking Union Medical College, she prepared hard for it, but on the process of taking the English test, her friend suddenly fell down because of heatstroke(中暑)on the way to the examination. In order to4 her friend, she interrupted(中断)her English test, carried her friend to a cool place, and quickly dealt with this emergency(紧急情况). But when she returned to the examination room after5 her friend, she found that the examination was over.

    In 1921, She thought that her path of studying medicine was over,6 she returned to her hometown. A month later, she received good news that she was accepted by the Peking Union Medical College because of her good qualities, her great spoken English and7 results in other subjects.

    In her old age, she was responsible for many8 such as the lengthy book Gynecology Tumor. She remained single throughout her life. In her will(遗嘱), she gave all of her9 to the kindergarten and nurseries in Beijing.

    On April 22nd, 1983, she passed away at the age of10 . "I'm going to go. Don't try to rescue me any more. Don't waste the medicine any more." Those were her last words.

    A .  wise B .  funny C .  brave
    A .  started B .  learned C .  graduated
    A .  slowly B .  friendly C .  successfully
    A .  find B .  save C .  visit
    A .  meeting B .  helping C .  calling
    A .  so B .  or C .  if
    A .  common B .  terrible C .  excellent
    A .  books B .  songs C .  movies
    A .  time B .  money C .  energy
    A .  80 B .  82 C .  84
  • 3.  阅读理解

    1. (1) From the weather forecast, today is ____.
      A . Sunday B . Monday C . Tuesday
    2. (2) There might be ____ rainy days in this week.
      A . three B . four C . five
    3. (3) The highest temperature might be on ____.
      A . Oct. 16 B . Oct. 19 C . Oct. 21
    4. (4) According to this weather forecast, Wednesday might be ____.
      A . sunny B . rainy C . cloudy
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Guayaquil(瓜亚基尔)is the largest city in Ecuador, country of northwestern South America. It is also the main place that ships stop at during their trips. The city sits next to the Guayas River, and it offers visitors warm weather, kind people, and an interesting history.

    The city was created in 1538 and served as an important stopping point for trade between Asia and Latin America in the past.

    There are plenty of things to see in Guayaquil. Santa Ana Hill is one of the most popular places in the city. You can walk through narrow streets with houses, art museums, and clothing stores. They are all painted in very bright colors, and some of these places are over 400 years old! While you climb the stairs, you can enjoy the public squares, fountains(喷泉), and parks along the way. At the top, you will get a fantastic view of the city.

    You cannot say you went to Guayaquil until you try its wonderful local dishes. There are many choices, from fried green bananas to Ecuadorian-style fish dishes. If you feel thirsty, you can also try a cool "chichi", a local drink made from corn. In Guayaquil, there are a great number of museums, clubs, and shopping centers, as well as a special park full of green iguana(绿鬣蜥). This city will win your heart you and make you want to go back year after year.

    1. (1) Where is Guayaquil?
      A . It's in Latin America. B . It's on the Santa Ana Hill. C . It sits next to the Guayas River.
    2. (2) What was the city created for in the past?
      A . Living. B . Trading. C . Travelling.
    3. (3) What is "chicha" made from?
      A . Corn. B . Fish. C . Banana.
    4. (4) The passage is probably from ____.
      A . a survey report B . a travel magazine C . an English diary
  • 5.  阅读理解

    Table tennis is a sport with a long history. And it is now one of the most popular Olympic sports.

    Table tennis appeared in England first and it was popular in the 1870s. English people loved tennis. The only problem was the English rainy weather. And tennis was an outdoor sport. So people had an idea. They wanted to bring the popular game of tennis indoors.

    Of course, there wasn't enough room for the tennis indoors. So they played it on the table with books and called it indoor tennis. With time more and more people began to play the game in 1875. The Englishman James Gibb wrote the first rule of the game. Then it became an Olympic sport in 1988. Now it is also known as ping-pong.

    In the early days of the 1900s, the early form of table tennis found its way to China. Over more than 100 years, table tennis has developed into a national sport in our country. Lots of Chinese people love it and our country's players have won many games.

    Playing table tennis can make people happy and relaxed. It is a fun activity to meet new people and make friends. People of all ages can play it. Today many people from all over the world play and love the sport!

    1. (1) Teble tennis first appeared in ____.
      A . China B . Germany C . England
    2. (2) What does "it" in paragraph 4 refer to?
      A . The ping-pong. B . The Olympic Games. C . The rule of the game.
    3. (3) What's the structure of this passage?
      A . B . C .
    4. (4) What's the writing order of the passage?
      A . Time. B . Space. C . Logic.
  • 6.  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。

    National parks are popular with visitors. However, some visitors break national park rules, which is not only dangerous to themselves, but also unfriendly to the environment, animals, and park infrastructure(基础设施).You can make national parks better if you follow the rules.

    Never be close to wildlife

    However, he real problem isn't that they'll hurt you. While it's always good to protect your personal safety in national parks, you will probably hurt the wildlife you are so curious about. You can love the wildlife without entering its space.

    Never ignore(忽视)signs

    When you get into the park, you should keep your eyes on the road and pay attention to signs.For example, don't walk on the plants, keep pets off the camping ground, and keep away from the water...

    Never come unprepared

    National parks still have a lot of undeveloped places.You should bring food and water with you. Even if it's a sunny, warm day, don't forget to bring clothes.

    Never leave anything

    National parks are shared spaces for all to enjoy. Don't leave empty bottles or plastic bags in your camping area. So remember to bring a bug to pack your waste.

    National parks protect wildlife and forests. It is our duty to follow the rules and protect national parks.

    A. It doesn't have to be this way!

    B. These things may hurt animals.

    C. There is no need to bring anything with you.

    D. There are a lot of signs to tell some basic rules.

    E. That's why it's important to always be prepared.

    F. Although wild animals look very cute, they are very dangerous.

  • 7.  阅读下面短文,根据其内容填空或回答问题。(63至66题每空不超过3个词,67题回答问题。)

    Where was that cashier(收银员)? I looked at my watch impatiently. I hardly had enough time to eat a sandwich und rush buck to work.

    I looked around the restaurant, but the cashier was nowhere insight. I waited, getting angry. I'd been standing there for at least ten minutes! But I tried to control my anger because I remembered Mom's words "Whenever you find yourself in an unpleasant situation, just think about what is missing. If someone is unkind, then kindness is missing. If someone is hateful, then love is missing. If we can be what's missing, then we'll improve the situation."

    Later, a woman walked slowly towards me, "May I help you?" she asked. She looked so tired. No doubt, she was overworked. I took a deep breath with Mom's words ringing in my head, I gave the woman my order and asked, "How are you today?" My question seemed to surprise her. She eyed me fora second before answering my question. "Not too good." she said.

    "I'm sorry," I said. "I hope it gets better — starting right now."

    She looked at me and smiled, "Thanks! I hope you're right."

    I thought to myself as I ate my sandwich. We're all the same, really. We have problems and anger, we get tired, and we get hurt. We need to be nicer to each other.

    1. (1) The story might happen in a .
    2. (2) The writer became  about waiting for the cashier for at least ten minutes.
    3. (3) From the passage we can know, the writer's mom is .
    4. (4) According to the passage, if someone is impolite, then  is missing.
    5. (5) Do you like the story? Why or why not?(请用完整的句子回答问题)

  • 13.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Wood carving(木雕)is traditional craft of turning woodsculptures(雕塑)or other things. It's about using special tools to make wood come to life by(cut), shaping, and smoothing it, making it look artistic.

    Even in ancient times, people(start)carving wood using simple tools like(stone)and bones. During the Warring States period, carving wood became really popular. This happened because there were lots of metal tools that made carving easier. In Beijing's Palace Museum, there'sfamous sculpture called the Warring States Wooden Maid. This sculpture shows how skilled people were at carving wood back then. As time went on and we got(good)tools, woodcarving got more and more improved.

    When someone makes a wood carving, they(one)draw out their design, pick the right kind of wood. Then(careful)start carving it using sharp tools. It needs lots of carepatience because wood can get damaged if not handled gently. Finally, after the carving is done, they polish the wood carving to make it smooth and shiny.

    Wood carving(use)to make furniture, sculptures, and other things. These carvings also make spaces like homes or offices look nice and natural when they've put there.

  • 14. 请根据下面思维导图,以"I Like_________ Best"为题,写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,介绍你最爱的节日。

