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更新时间:2024-04-10 浏览次数:12 类型:开学考试
  • 1.  阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    The astronauts must do some scientific work in the space station, but do they do housework there? Yes. The astronauts have to do 1 and cleaning. And modern technology is helping keep 2 well fed and their "home" tidy.

    In their "kitchen", the astronauts have a hot wind heating machine 3 designed for use in space. Other equipment (设备) includes the high-tech vacuum (真空) bags and the drinking machine.

    Like people on the earth, eating is the first important thing 4  the astronauts in space. The machine was designed to 5  healthy food for astronauts in the space station—to help them prepare delicious food. The astronauts can even make yogurt with it.

    The hot wind heating machine was made to fit for the 6  during the task. There are around 32 kinds of food in the space station for them to 7Yuxiang Shredded Pork (鱼香肉丝), Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁) and chocolate are all on the 8 . They can also eat moon cakes on the Mid-Autumn Festival.

    The vacuum bags in the space station can help make the astronauts' lives more 9 . The bags are used to 10 garbage (垃圾). Because of the weightless environment, the vacuum bags are 11 for the astronauts. Dirty clothes, used food packages (包装) and other12 things are sorted(分类)and carefully collected in the equipment. Garbage can be a serious health problem in space 13 the germs (细菌) on the garbage can float in the air and they are bad for the astronauts' health. The bags can also be used to kill bad smells.

    Finally, to help astronauts drink warm and clean water, there's a high-tech drinking machine. The drinking machine can work in special 14 .

    It's 15 that all the things are designed and made in China. How proud we Chinese are!

    A . washing B . cooking C . reading D . training
    A . it B . him C . those D . them
    A . carefully B . certainly C . specially D . mainly
    A . of B . on C . with D . for
    A . produce B . provide C . manage D . discover
    A . conditions B . activities C . problems D . opportunities
    A . eat B . keep C . choose D . learn
    A . station B . menu C . table D . machine
    A . beautiful B . colorful C . friendly D . comfortable
    A . deal with B . take in C . work out D . carryout
    A . modern B . popular C . wonderful D . necessary
    A . cheap B . pretty C . waste D . enjoyable
    A . so B . because C . whether. D . when
    A . environment B . electricity C . sunlight D . water
    A . tell B . say C . speak D . said
  • 2.  阅读理解

    What's your favorite holiday? We asked this question to children from different countries. And here are some of their answers.


    I think the best holiday in my home country is Christmas. It is on 25th, December. It often snows a lot during the Christmas season. The snow gives us a romantic (浪漫的) feeling. There are all kinds of special markets during the holiday. We have great fun visiting these markets with our friends. Of course, we can enjoy some delicious food, like candies, biscuits and cheese.


    In my opinion, the best holiday is the Spring Festival. It often happens in January or February. It is one of the main festivals in my country. My family gets together and enjoy traditional food, such as dumplings. We also visit our relatives and friends. The kids receive red envelopes with money inside.


    I would say that the best holiday is Thanksgiving. It is the fourth Thursday of November each year. Families get together and talk about things they are thankful for. But I don't like some aspects (方面) of this holiday. For example, there is so much delicious food at the big dinner and I always eat too much of it.


    My favorite holiday? My answer is Carnival (狂欢节). It usually happens in February. During the holiday, we wear brightly colored clothes, play music and dance in the streets. People, young or old, men or women, love to dance Samba (桑巴舞) in my country. Everyone is happy and crazy about it.

    1. (1) Which holiday happens last in a year?
      A . Christmas. B . Spring Festival. C . Thanksgiving. D . Carnival.
    2. (2) Which country does Amy probably come from?
      A . South Africa. B . China. C . U.S.A.  D . Malaysia.
    3. (3) They all mention (提到) food EXCEPT ____.
      A . Lara B . Mingming C . Amy D . Silva
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Dancing is popular all over the world. People dance in theaters, in parks or in their own living room. But Yang Liu, a woman in Guizhou, dances in an unusual place. Her stage is a single bamboo pole. 

    Yang is a performer of bamboo drifting (独竹漂). It is a traditional skill in the girl's hometown. In ancient times, the local people crossed the rivers by riding on a bamboo pole. Now, bamboo drifting has developed into a folk sport.

    Yang started to learn bamboo drifting at the age of seven. The bamboo pole is very slippery and it never completely stops moving. Yang fell into the water again and again. But the girl didn't want to give up. She always got back up on the pole and tried again. She practiced hard every day for three years. Finally, she was able to keep her balance on the pole.

    But Yang didn't just stop there. She wanted to live out her dream of becoming a dancer on a bamboo pole. The girl practiced many difficult movements on the pole. She failed countless times, but she never stopped trying.

    Her hard work finally paid off. Now 26, Yang has made a name for herself as a dancer on a bamboo pole. People can't believe their eyes whenever they watch her performances. Through Yang's dances, many people now know about bamboo drifting. They have discovered the beauty of this traditional skill.

    1. (1) Where does Yang dance according to the text?
      A . In the theater. B . In an unusual park. C . In the living room. D . On a single bamboo pole.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "countless" probably mean in Paragraph 4?
      A . A small number of. B . A great number of. C . A few. D . Few.
    3. (3) How did people feel when they watch Yang's performances?
      A . Excited. B . Worried. C . Surprised. D . Afraid.
    4. (4) How does the writer tell Yang's story?
      A . In the order of time. B . In the order of place. C . In the order of distance. D . In the order of importance.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Doorbells are the bells (铃) for people to ring at a door. When someone hears it, he or she can open the door. Do you know that you can ring a doorbell for fish, too? 

    Every spring, millions of fish migrate (洄游) along the river in the city to find better places to lay eggs. But in the river, there are many locks (水闸). They stop fish from swimming through. Weerd Lock is in Utrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands (荷兰). When fish get there, they have to wait a long time before the lock opens for boats to pass through. The lock keeper there is glad to open the lock for fish, but he cannot tell when fish want to get through. So in 2021, Mark van Heukelum, a scientist, came up with a good idea to help solve this problem—by using the fish doorbell. 

    Under the water near the lock, there's a camera. People from around the world can visit a website (网站) to see fish through the camera. When you see a group of fish waiting, you can ring the doorbell on the screen. And when the lock keeper notices it, he will open the lock for the fish.

    In its first spring season in 2021, people around the world rang the fish doorbell more than 100,000 times. If you want to join them to help fish, visit the website and ring the fish doorbell next spring. 

    1. (1) Fish migrate along the river in Utrecht to ____.
      A . have fun B . look for food C . lay eggs
    2. (2) How does the fish doorbell work? 

      ① Lock keepers open the lock. ② Lock keepers notice the ringing. 

      ③ Internet users ring the doorbell. ④ Internet users see a group of fish on the screen.

      A . ①②③④ B . ④③②① C . ④①③②
    3. (3) Which of the following about the fish doorbell is NOT TRUE?
      A . The camera is above the water near the lock. B . Fish groups swim through Weerd Lock every spring. C . The lock keepers don't know when fish wait to get through until they hear the doorbell.
    4. (4) In which part of a newspaper can we read this passage?
      A . Life. B . Health. C . Technology.
  • 5.  阅读理解

    Since November 20th, it has been a great time for us, soccer fans around the world—a time when our friends got together around the television, cheering on favorite soccer teams. Every night, we were shouting, and jumping up and down. Soccer fans got really into the games. Although the next World Cup is in 2026, many of us have made the wish to watch it live. 

    Why are we so crazy? Maybe it's the game's camaraderie: the feeling that the team on the field is our team; their win is our victory, and their loss is our failure. Or maybe it's the game's international quality. In countries like France, England, Spain, and Brazil, major teams have players from many different nations, and these teams now have fans all over the world.

    But I think the main reason may be this: It's a simple game. Anyone can play it. "You don't need to be rich to play soccer," says historian Peter Alegi. "You just need an open space and something like a ball, a bottle, or even some bags tied together." Even in some war areas, you can see children and adults play on the street, often with handmade balls. That's why soccer becomes the most loved sport.

    In human history, people have played some kinds of the kicking game. What the world now calls football—or soccer in the United States—began as far back as 2500 B.C. with the Chinese game of cuju. However, the sport we know today first appeared in Britain. In the 1840s, England's Football Association made a set of rules, and the modern game was born. Today, more than 200 million players all over the world take part in the game, truly making soccer the world's sport.

    Surprisingly, many of the game's best players come from poor families in African nations, including Senegal, Ivory Coast and Ghana. Through their hard work, these best players achieve success and find their value. "Soccer is the love of everyone here," says Abubakari, a teacher who works in Tamale, Ghana. "It gives people hope and makes us strong."

    1. (1) The modern soccer game was born in ____.
      A . China B . America C . Africa D . Britain
    2. (2) The underlined word "camaraderie" in Paragraph 2 probably means "____".
      A . 共情 B . 亲情 C . 悲情 D . 同情
    3. (3) In Paragraph 3, the sentence "It's a simple game" is written to show that ____.
      A . the rules are easy for people to understand B . people can play it almost anywhere with almost anything C . people need much talent to play it D . there are only a few different kinds of the game
    4. (4) This passage is mainly about ____.
      A . the history of soccer B . the popularity of soccer C . different soccer teams D . best soccer players
  • 6. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次。

    energy    they    nearly    divide    invent

    1. (1) We usually  a school term into several periods.
    2. (2) The  of printing caused important changes in society.
    3. (3) David was saving his for next week's race in Canada.
    4. (4) The doctor has been working for  20 hours without resting.
    5. (5) In winter, the sheep farmers sat round the fire to keep  warm.
  • 7. 根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。

    A man in black clothes jumps high into the air. Before he lands, he strikes a pose. Sometimes, he carries a red (扇子). With long white sleeves, he spread his arms like wings. His dance is eye-catching.

    He is Chinese dancer Ma Jiaolong. Since 2020, he's made short videos of (他自己) dancing in London. He has performed at city's parks and landmarks like Tower Bridge. He is over 35 (年)old and has nearly five million followers on Douyin, where he shares his videos.

    Classical Chinese dance puts the (传统的) Chinese opera into martial arts movements. He started to learn it at 12. "I was interested in the dancers who play ancient heroes through the movements of classical Chinese dance." said Ma.

    Later, Ma studied at Beijing Dance Academy. Since (七月) 2019, he has been teaching classical Chinese dance at Goldsmiths. Ma had to give (在线) classes because of the awful disease. In his small home, (当然), he could only make small moves. One day, he took his wife's advice and danced at Greenwich Park.

    She recorded Ma's dance. He then (发送) the video to friends. "Surprisingly, they loved it. " said Ma.

    Later, Ma made more short videos. He (混合) his dance moves with dazzling action. People were often curious about his performances. As his videos went popular, he received many text (信息) from people around the world. 

    "Now, making and sharing short videos has become a part of my life and most importantly, a great way to introduce classical Chinese dance to more people." Said Ma.

  • 8.  阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。

    Now, more and more foreigners are living in China. They are studying or working here. They love China and are used their everyday life. But sometimes they have problems. For example, some of them don't know how to give gifts. Here are some (suggest) for them.

    It's necessary to bring a gift.

    In China, it's a (tradition) custom to bring a gift when you are (invite) to someone's home. Usually fresh flowers and fruit are your best (choose) . The number "eight" is considered lucky, so eight apples eight oranges are a good idea.

    You'd better wrap (包) your gift.

    When you buy a gift, the seller usually helps you wrap the gift. Don't be surprised your gift is wrapped. Wrapping paper will make your gift look more beautiful. In China, people don't open gifts at once. They usually do it in the evening or after you leave.

    Give something  can be shared. 

    If you have some co-workers, don't give gifts only one person. You'd better treat (they) equally. It's better to give something that can be shared, like food.

  • 9.  阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在下面的表格中填入与文章意思最符合的单词,每空填一词。

    No matter where you go, no matter what you do, when you are in public places, you have to be in good manners. How should we behave in public places?

    Keep your voice down

    Don't speak or laugh loudly. Remember that although you may be excited and want to voice your excitement, the people around you may not be interested in it at all. It's polite to speak at a low volume(音量). This includes laughing as well.

    Dress properly

    Dress in a way that is appropriate(适合的) for the place that you are going to. If you are going to an event where people dress formally, do the same. For example, do not wear blue jeans or T-shirt to a dinner party. But it is acceptable to dress casually if you are going to a museum or a movie theater.

    Use table manners

    When you eat in public places, use your table manners. They may help you leave a good impression. In western countries, do not pick up food with your hands. You should pick up with a fork or a spoon. When you are in China, you shouldn't start eating first if there are older people at the table. Using your phone while having a meal is also bad behavior.

    Title:  to Behave in Public Places

    Keep your voice down

    *It's polite to speak and at a low volume.

    Dress properly

    *You can dress casually to a museum or a movie theater.

    *If you go to a dinner party, you should dress in a  way.

    Use table manners

    In western countries

    *You are  to pick up food with a fork or a spoon.

    In China

    *You should start eating  older people at the table.

    *You shouldn't use your phone while having meals.

  • 10. 成长是生命的主旋律。在你的生命中一定出现过一个对你帮助很大、影响很深的人。这个人可能是你的父母、你的老师或你的朋友……请用英语写出你和他(她)的故事以及你的感悟。(题目自拟)

    内容包括:1. Who helped /influenced you a lot?2. What did he /she do?3. How have you changed?4. …

    要求:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名与校名;2. 词数100左右。

