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更新时间:2024-04-10 浏览次数:5 类型:月考试卷
  • 6. 根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词补全句子,填涂相应的选项。(5分)

    A.for B.they C.plays D.museum E.How much

    1. (1) Every is a big school.There is much to see and learn.
    2. (2) —Are these your parents?

      —Yes, are.

    3. (3) —Ms.Xu,thank you your help.

      —You're welcome.

    4. (4) —  is the hat?

      —It's 50 yuan.

    5. (5) Mr.Wang is our favorite teacher,and he always games with us.
  • 7. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Astronauts at the International Space Station are busy all day.In the morning,they get up at seven o'clock.Then they wash up and eat breakfast.At eight o'clock,they do experiments(实验).After that,they exercise for an hour.

    At one o'clock,the astronauts eat lunch.The food is made astronaut on Earth and put in special bags.The astronauts can choose from more than a hundred different foods.In the afternoon,the astronauts do more experiments.They put on a space suit and walk outside.They exercise for another hour,too.

    At seven o'clock,they eat dinner.In the evening,the astronauts read,send e—mails,or take photos of space.At about ten o'clock,they go to bed.

    1. (1) The astronauts aren't busy at the International Space Station. 
    2. (2) The food for the astronauts is made on Earth. 
    3. (3) At one o'clock,the astronauts always put on a space suit and walk outside. 
    4. (4) The astronauts exercise both in the morning and in the afternoon. 
    5. (5) In the evening,the astronauts read,send e—mails or draw pictures of space. 
  • 8. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案并填涂相应的选项。

    Hello,boys and girls!I'm Li Bai.I live in the capital city of the Tang dynasty—Chang'an.Today.I will introduce the city to you.

    The Silk Road(丝绸之路) starts from Chang'an.That makes it one of the most cosmopolitan(国际性的) cities in the world.People in your time call the city Xi'an.Foreigners(外国人) come a long way along the Silk Road.They bring their foods,arts and clothes to Chang'an.

    My favorite vegetables are eggplant and spinach,but they are not native. They are from other countries and they come to our table because of the Silk Road.

    In my free time,I often watch shows with my friends.On the shows,musicians play the harp and the pipa.Dancers from Central Asia are big stars.They can dance very well even on a small carpet(地毯).

    Foreign clothes are welcomed in Chang'an.People here like to wear this kind of clothes.

    Foreign students also come to Chang'an to study Chinese culture.Many of them live and work here.

    The colorful time in Chang'an enriches my life.My friends and I are really happy to be here in this amazing city—Chang'an!

    1. (1) Where does the Silk Road start?
      A . From Luoyang. B . From Chang'an. C . From Yangzhou.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "native" probably mean?
      A . 外来的 B . 普通的 C . 本土的
    3. (3) What does Li Bai often do in his free time?
      A . He plays the pipa. B . He dances on a small carpet. C . He watches shows with his friends.
    4. (4) Foreign students come to Chang'an to ____.
      A . study Chinese culture B . grow vegetables C . make clothes
    5. (5) What is the text mainly about?
      A . Foreign foods and arts. B . The amazing city—Chang'an. C . Li Bai's hometown and his friends.
  • 9. 阅读理解

    Do you know the mascots(吉祥物) of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou?They are a group of robots.Their group name Memories of Jiangnan comes from a poem by Bai Juyi.The three robots,Congcong,Lianlian and Chenchen,are telling people about the history and culture of Hangzhou,Zhejiang.

    Congcong,the robot in yellow,got its name from the Cong jade(玉).This kind of jade was found in the ancient Liangzhu City.Yellow is also the color of earth and harvest.It tells people to love the world we live in and work hard for a better future.

    The robot Lianlian represents(代表) the West Lake.Its name comes from the lotus leaves in the beautiful lake.Lianlian is green,the color of life and nature.It tells us to build a great future for all people in the world.Chenchen's name comes from the famous Gongchen Bridge in Hangzhou.The bridge has a history of over 400 years.Chenchen's color—blue—is also the color of science and technology.By using them,our life will get better and better!

    1. (1) The group name Memories of Jiangnan comes from ____.
      A . a poem by Bai Juyi B . the culture of Zhejiang C . the history of Hangzhou
    2. (2) Which robot has the color yellow?
      A . Congcong. B . Lianlian. C . Chenchen.
    3. (3) What does Lianlian represent?
      A . The ancient Liangzhu City. B . The West Lake. C . The Gongchen Bridge.
    4. (4) From the text,we know that blue is the color of ____.
      A . life and nature B . earth and harvest C . science and technology
    5. (5) What is the best title for the text?
      A . The Colors of the Three Robots B . The Famous Places in Zhejiang C . The Mascots of the 19th Asian Games
五、根据情境选择合适的句子补全短文,并填涂相应的选项。 (10分)
  • 10. 根据情境选择合适的句子补全短文,并填涂相应的选项。


    My uncle is a farmer. Every year in June,he picks watermelons.Then he carries them to the city and sells(卖) them at the farmers' market.My uncle's watermelons are big and sweet.

    Every year,some farmers sell their watermelons in early May.They think, " The earlier,the better." If they sell watermelons early,they will get more money because people can't wait to buy their first watermelon of the season.

     They are not sweet in early May.They only become sweet in June.

    This Labour Day holiday,Grandpa saw some farmers picking watermelons.He told my uncle, "Think about it.If you get unripe(未成熟的) fruit,you must be very angry.Will you buy it again?A farmer should always be honest(诚实的)."

    My uncle waited and waited. He sold his sweet,juicy watermelons happily in June.Good things are worth(值得) waiting for.

    A.People like them very much.

    B.Let's give people the best fruits.

    C.He grows watermelons in a small village.

    D.However,watermelons need time to grow.

    E.He didn't sell his watermelons in early May.

六、书面表达。 (满分10分)
  • 11. 假如你是李华,请根据所给信息,选择一张图片,用英文续写一个文段,简要介绍你的朋友Cindy或Eric。

    要求: (1)注意紧扣主题、意思连贯、语言通顺、书写规范。(2)不得使用真实姓名和校名。如有需要,校名统一使用Guangming Middle School。(3)词数不少于40个。

    Hello,everyone!This is a photo of my friend and me.My name is Li Hua.I'm 12 years old.I'm in Guangming Middle School.

