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更新时间:2024-04-10 浏览次数:11 类型:期末考试
  • 7.  听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) When is Teachers' Day?
      A . This Sunday. B . This Saturday. C . This Friday.
    2. (2) Who is their teacher?
      A . Ms Brown. B . Mr Brown. C . Mrs Brown.
    3. (3) What will(将)they go shopping for after school?
      A . Some pens. B . Some paper. C . Some cards.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man want to buy?
      A . A coat. B . A schoolbag. C . A jacket.
    2. (2) How old is the man's son?
      A . 14. B . 13. C . 12.
    3. (3) What is his son's favourite colour?
      A . Black. B . Blue. C . White.
  • 9.  听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does Vivian like for breakfast?
      A . Eggs and bread. B . Bread and milk. C . Eggs and milk.
    2. (2) How many tomatoes does Linda have for breakfast?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three.
    3. (3) What fruit does Linda like?
      A . Pears. B . Apples. C . Oranges.
    4. (4) What does Ken like to have after dinner?
      A . Fruit. B . Salad(沙拉). C . Ice cream.
  • 10.  你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,选出每个问题的最佳答案。短文读两遍。
    1. (1) What is Jack?
      A . A policeman. B . A teacher. C . A driver.
    2. (2) Where is Jack now?
      A . In a shopping mall. B . In a fashion show. C . In the street.
    3. (3) What's the date today?
      A . November 3rd. B . November 13th. C . November 30th.
    4. (4) What colour is Mr Jones' jacket?
      A . Green. B . White. C . Blue.
    5. (5) How does Ms Miller's dress look?
      A . Cool. B . Warm. C . Smooth.
  • 11.  你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容,将所缺信息填入答题卡对应的横线上,每空一词。短文读三遍。

    Lisa's email to her mum

    School life

    1. Lisa has  lessons a day. 

    2.  is difficult for her. 

    3. She asks her  for help. 

    4. She  football with her classmates after school. 

    5. School finishes at 4 p. m. tomorrow. 

    6. She is very  now because she can see her

    Mum and Dad tomorrow. 

六、单项选择,从下列各小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。)
七、补全对话(本大题共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分。)
  • 22.  根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话,有一个选项是多余的。

    A: Hi. Dad. I'm back.

    B: Hi, Amy. How is your day at school?

    A: I have much homework, and I need Mum's help

    B:  I can help you too 

    A: OK, Dad, thanks  I need it for my English homework 

    B: Hmm. . . I don't know.

    A: No, it's not in my schoolbag.

    B: Hmm. . . 

    A: Let me see. Oh, yes! It's in my bookcase(书柜). Thank you, Dad.

    B: You're welcome. Now let me help you with your homework.

    A: OK!

    A. Not good, Dad. 

    B. Come here, Amy. 

    C. I'm good at Chinese too.

    D. Is it in your schoolbag?

    E. Can you see it in your bookcase?

    F. Where is my English notebook(笔记本)?

八、完形填空(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分。)
  • 23. 阅读下面语篇,从各小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项。

    Hello! My name is Li Wen. I'm 12 years old. I would like to 1 my best friend, Liu Ye.

    Liu Ye comes from GuangxiShe is twelve years old too. Liu Ye 2 me to call her "Yezi". "I 3 to be like a leaf(树叶), " she says

    Liu Ye is a good 4 . She learns all her subjects well and she is 5 late for school. Her 6 place is the library because reading makes her feel great

    Liu Ye is nice. She often goes to the old people's home "I can't do 7 things for those old people now, 8 we can share(分享)a lot, " Liu Ye says. They need love and they can teach me 9 to love. "

    "A leaf is small, but lots of green leaves make the 10 beautiful. I like being a green leaf, " she says.

    A . look at B . wake up C . talk about
    A . helps B . likes C . shows
    A . want B . need C . start
    A . baby B . teacher C . student
    A . never B . often C . usually
    A . good B . bright C . favourite
    A . few B . many C . much
    A . so B . or C . but
    A . how B . when C . where
    A . team B . world C . dream
  • 24.  根据语篇内容,判断下列句子正误

    Han Zheming is 40 years old and he is from Shanghai, China. He can "draw" in a cup of tea. It makes tea beautiful, so it is fun to drink tea.

    Han's mother has a great love for traditional culture, so he loves it, too. Han's really interested in tea art. It's not easy to draw with tea, but he still likes it. The tea spoon is his pen and the tea is his paper. Now he is good at it.

    This kind of tea art was popular in the Song Dynasty. Han wants people to know more about the Song culture after seeing his works. 

    1. (1) Han comes from Nanjing, China. 
    2. (2) Han's mother likes traditional Chinese culture.
    3. (3) It's easy to draw with tea, so Han likes it.
    4. (4) Han learns tea art to make his mother happy. 
    5. (5) Han wants people to know more about the Song culture. 
  • 25. 根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

    Jill is an English boy. He is 13 years old, and he goes to school in Shanghai, China. Here is a schedule(日程表)of Jill's day.

    7: 00-7: 30

    Get up and have breakfast: bread and milk

    8: 00-11: 30

    Have three classes

    11: 30-12: 30

    Have lunch at school: rice and vegetables

    13: 30-16: 00

    Have two classes

    16: 00-17: 00

    Do some sports with classmates

    17: 30-19: 30

    Have dinner with her family

    20: 00-21: 00

    Do her homework

    21: 30

    Go to bed

    1. (1) Where is Jill now?
      A . In Shanghai. B . In London(伦敦). C . In New York(纽约).
    2. (2) What time does Jill's first class begin?
      A . At 7: 00 a. m. B . At 7: 30 a. m. C . At 8: 00 a. m.
    3. (3) What does Jill have for lunch?
      A . Mil k and bread. B . Rice and chicken. C . Rice and vegetables.
    4. (4) How long does Jill need to take classes in the afternoon?
      A . For 2 hours. B . For 2.5 hours. C . For 3 hours.
    5. (5) Who does Jill have dinner with?
      A . Family. B . Teachers. C . Classmates.
  • 26.  根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

    It's health y to eat at home. But sometimes you just want to eat out. How can you have a great and healthy meal at the restaurant near your home? Here are some ways for you.

    Before you order, you'd better have a good look at the menu. Have no idea what the dish(菜)is? Ask the waiter. Then you don't need to eat any food you don't like

    When you enjoy your food, use a small plate, and eat slowly. A small p late can help you eat less, but make you feel full(饱的)quickly. 

    You may want a piece of cake for dessert(甜点)after the meal. Stop! There is too much sugar in it. All you need is some fresh fruit. If there isn't any at the restaurant, don't order any more.

    It's time to go home. Don't take the bus or taxi. Take a walk, please.

    1. (1) From the Paragraph 1, we can know that it's ____ to eat at home.
      A . bad B . tired C . healthy
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "waiter" in Paragraph 2 mean in Chinese?
      A . 服务员 B . 清洁工 C . 厨师
    3. (3) ____ can help you eat less, but make you feel full quickly. 
      A . A big plate B . A small plate C . Eating fast
    4. (4) It's healthy to have ____ after the meal.
      A . some fresh fruit B . some ice cream C . a piece of cake
    5. (5) The passage tells us ____. 
      A . how to order at the restaurant B . why it is healthy to eat at home C . how to eat healthy when eating out
  • 27. 根据语篇内容,选择最佳选项。

    Hello, I'm Li Mei! I'm living with my family in Singapore(新加坡). We celebrate the Spring Festival every year. But the Spring Festival here is a little different from that in China.

    About a week before the Spring Festival, my mother starts cleaning our home. When it's OK, we go out to buy flowers and put them at home. It's a tradition for people in Singapore. Then three days before the Spring Festival, we go to Chinatown to buy food for the big dinner.

    On the day before the Spring Festival, my grandmother gets up early to cook the big dinner. She can cook very delicious food like Laoyusheng(捞鱼生)—a traditional dish(菜肴)for the Spring Festival. There's fish and different vegetables in it. My grandmother thinks it can bring us good luck.

    The next day, we visit my uncle and aunt. I always bring two oranges to them. When we leave(离开), they give me two oranges, too. It's also a tradition.

    Do you want to celebrate the Spring Festival with us? Come to Singapore!

    1. (1) Who cleans the house before the Spring Festival in Li Mei's family?
      A . Li Mei. B . Li Mei's mother. C . Li Mei's grandmother.
    2. (2) How many days before the Spring Festival do Li Mei's family go to Chinatown?
      A . Three. B . Five. C . Seven.
    3. (3) What's in Laoyusheng?
      A . Fish and vegetables. B . Eggs and fruits. C . Beef and vegetables.
    4. (4) What does Li Mei give her uncle and aunt?
      A . Fish. B . Oranges. C . Candies.
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage?
      A . Li Mei's family life B . The Spring Festival in China C . The Spring Festival in Singapore
  • 28.  根据语篇内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词,并用其正确形式填空。将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用一次。

    but classmate shop good fashion wear seldom I time say

    In most schools, all students must  school uniforms(校服)when they are at school  not every student likes the school uniforms 

    Wang Lin, a 13-year-old girl from No. 8 Middle School, says, "Our school uniforms are out of . But, we have to wear them every day. "

    Su Ning, Wang Lin's , thinks differently. He , "I like my school uniform. It is a symbol(象征)of my school and I like school very much. "

    Mr Wu, their teacher, tells the reporter(记者), "It's for the students to wear uniforms. It saves(节省)a lot of and money. In the past(在过去), my daughter Mary spent too much time for her clothes. But now, she asks me to buy clothes for her because she has to wear her uniform to school. "

    Do you like your school uniforms?

十一、书面表达(15 分。)
  • 29. 假如你是 Jack 的同班同学,请根据下面的内容提示,写一篇英语短文,对 Jack 在学校的表现做一个整体、客观的评价。

    内容提示:1. 衣着讲究,很酷;
    2. 善良,用自己的零花钱为班级购买书籍;
    3. 聪明,好学,对中国节日很感兴趣;
    4. 良好的生活方式—饮食健康、热爱运动。

    写作要求:1. 词数为70左右;
    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    3. 文中不能出现真实姓名及学校名称。

