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更新时间:2024-03-26 浏览次数:14 类型:期末考试
  • 11.  根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的词,把对应选项填入空格。

    A. fast; B. finally; C. playground; D. share


    Molly and Bella are playing on the . Molly counts to 100 but Bella doesn't get off the swing. "Bella! I've counted to 100. It's my turn!" says Molly. "You count too . It's still my turn," Bella says. Molly is unhappy. They should take turns on the swing. They should the swing together! What should she do? She decides to use an "I message". "Bella, I feel sad because we should take turns after counting to 100. Will you please get off?" Molly asks. Bella gets off the swing. Molly is happy because she has solved her problem (解决问题) by herself!

  • 12.  阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从后面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Jane is never ready for class. It happens so often that she is afraid to see her teacher every time he walks into the classroom.

    Just once, she wants to put a smile on her teacher's face by being 1 . She gets her things out the night before, and then checks them carefully. She makes sure she gets everything ready, three pencils, notebooks and her homework. She makes sure that she answers all the 2 in her homework. Things look good.

    After a late night preparing (准备), she falls asleep, but 3  up late in the morning. She hurries to the bus station, but forgets her 4 . Oh, how can she be so careless? She is trying to make her teacher happy, but she is just making things worse (更糟).

    Right as she is about to go into class, she hears her name over the school radio. She has to go to the office. Has her teacher already told the head teacher? Do they know that she left her schoolbag at home? With 5  feet, she stumbles (步履蹒跚) into the office, only to find her mother waiting for her.

    "You forgot your schoolbag. I know you tried hard to get ready, so I wanted to make sure you had your things."

    Jane laughs and runs off to class after hugging (拥抱) her mother. That day, to her surprise, when Jane's teacher sees her, he says nothing but nods (点头) his head and 6 . He is happy to see she is ready, and Jane is happy to be doing the right thing.

    A . early B . ready C . careful
    A . questions B . words C . calls
    A . stays B . gets C . stands
    A . pencils B . homework C . schoolbag
    A . heavy B . light C . fast
    A . shouts B . listens C . smiles
  • 13.  信息匹配。阅读下列冬令营介绍,请根据人物喜好和需求匹配最适合的冬令营,并将所对应的A、B、C选项填在相应位置上。

     I love animals and plants and I want to know about their life in winter.

    I'm interested in snowboarding and I want to try cool sports with new friends.

    I enjoy making things and I'd like to use snow to make great artwork.

    A. Snow Sports Camp

    Picture yourself skiing down the snowy hills. You can also try snowboarding. It's fast and exciting. Every day, there are new and fin things to do, and you'll also meet new friends.

    B. Winter Nature Camp

    Do you love animals and plants? This is just for you. We'll wear snowshoes and take walks in the snow to get close to animals and plants. We'll learn how they stay strong in the cold. It's a fun activity for people of all ages.

    C. Snow Art Camp

    Do you enjoy making things? Come here and we'll show you how to build sculptures (雕塑) out of snow and ice. Let your art shine in the snowy world!

  • 14.  阅读理解

    "Mom, are we going to Grandma's this summer?" Emma asks as she gets the table ready for dinner.

    "Of course," her mom says with a smile.

    Their family has a special tradition—spending summers at Grandma's. During that time, they always share stories and enjoy time with one another.


    One day this summer, Emma and her cousins go up to the attic. There, they find a box. Inside are some old letters. The letters look like they have stories to tell.

    Emma and her cousins start reading them. The words take them back to the time when their grandparents were still young and starting their lives. The letters talk about their love, problems, and the things that are important to them. These letters are like windows, showing how her family has changed over the years.

    Emma is excited and tells her parents about what she finds. Her mother says these letters are special, connecting the family's past to its present. Emma feels closer to her family as she reads more letters. Each letter adds (增加) more to their family story.

    As summer goes on, it's time for the goodbye dinner. At dinner, Grandma shares stories about her childhood, making the past come alive for everyone. Emma listens closely and feels warm inside. Before they leave, Grandma gives Emma a letter. It's from her great-grandparents. It's about their dreams for the future and how much family means to them.

    Over the years, Emma holds on to the wisdom (智慧) from the letters. She sees the box of letters as a connection between different times in her family. When she reads them, she feels strong, knowing her family is always there for her. Every time she opens the box, she thinks about the stories that future generations (后辈) will add and the wisdom that will be passed down.

    1. (1) Emma's family always ____ in summer.
      A . write letters to Grandma B . enjoy time at Grandma's C . share presents with Grandma
    2. (2) What do Emma and her cousins find in the attic?
      A . Old letters. B . Family photos. C . Childhood toys.
    3. (3) Emma feels ____ after listening to her grandma share stories.
      A . excited B . strong C . warm
    4. (4) The writer mainly wants to tell us ____.
      A . there are interesting things in attics B . family history and tradition are important C . we should connect with family by eating dinners
  • 15.  阅读理解

    The keys to keeping a healthy weight (体重) are regular (规律的) exercise and good eating habits. It may sound difficult to try to work them into our lives, but in fact, the best way is by making small changes. Here's the information you need to make healthy habits easy.

    Teens (青少年) should get 60 minutes or more of physical activity a day. Notice the word "activity": as long as you're getting your body moving, any kind of exercise will do. What's important is that each week you get the right balance (平衡) of activity, including aerobic, strength building, and stretching exercises. Make exercise a habit by doing some of them every day.

    On days when you don't have football practice or a PE lesson, 60 minutes a day of activity seems like a lot of time for busy students. The good news is that it's OK to take shorter "exercise breaks" during the day. So get up 15 minutes early and do some stretching. Fast walk for 15 minutes at lunch. Walk or bike home after school.

    Eating well doesn't mean dieting (节食) over and over again. In fact, studies have shown that dieting often doesn't work—and diets may have the reverse effect, with dieters putting on more weight than before they started.

    One reason diets don't work is because they can make people think of foods as "good" or "bad", but the truth is, everything is OK in moderation (适量地). Dieters are also more likely to "give up" some foods; we may end up longing for these foods while our bodies don't get enough (足够的) important nutrients (营养). Teens should eat all kinds of food, and there's nothing wrong with a treat occasionally. A candy bar somehow tastes more special if we treat ourselves from time to time, not every day.

    Try to come up with ways to fit exercise and healthy eating into your life in a way that works for you. We're all different. Your best friend might like gym time better, while you enjoy walks with your dog in the park. Knowing what's right for you will make staying at a healthy weight a lot easier!

    1. (1) We can work healthy exercise and eating habits into our lives by ____.
      A . not giving up easily B . making small changes C . learning from our friends
    2. (2) What can we learn from this passage?
      A . Teens should go on a diet to get to a healthy weight. B . The key to healthy eating is to give up foods with sugar. C . Teens can get enough physical activity by taking "exercise breaks".
    3. (3) The underlined word "occasionally" in Paragraph 5 probably means ____.
      A . sometimes B . never C . always
    4. (4) Why does the writer write this passage?
      A . To tell why teens should play more sports. B . To ask teens to go on diets from time to time. C . To introduce how to make healthy habits easy.
  • 16.  阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    How do you celebrate the new year? There are many ways to celebrate the coming of a new year. With so many countries around the world, it's no surprise that there are different New Year's traditions. Celebrating the new year can be a great way to hope for a good future.

    Celebrate with food for good luck

    In fact, eating New Year's good luck foods is something that's done all over the world. In the American South, eating black-eyed peas—a type of bean, greens, and cornbread together on New Year's will keep your wallet fat all year long. In Spain, people cat 12 good luck grapes at midnight on New Year's Eve. These 12 grapes stand for the 12 months of the year. If you eat these grapes, Spanish tradition says you'll surely have good luck in the coming year.

    Exchange a New Year's gift

    In Germany, people give a small gift to a loved one on New Year's Eve for good luck. This could be something like a small candle, book, or homemade cookies. Germany isn't the only country where there's a New Year's gift-giving tradition. Japan also has one, which is called "New Year's gift". This is where people place money in an envelope (信封) and give it as a gift to a child in the family, but it can also be given to adults (成年人) to bring good luck and welcome the New Year.

    Interesting traditions

    What may seem strange to you, might be a tradition to someone else! In Canada, some people celebrate the new year by jumping into the sea. For Russians, it is a tradition to write down a wish, burn it, and then put it into a glass. Then, they must drink it before 12:01 am. These traditions are all in good fun.

    1. (1) What do the 12 grapes stand for in Spain?
    2. (2) Why do people in Japan give money as a New Year's gift?
    3. (3) How do some people in Canada celebrate the new year?
    4. (4) What is the passage mainly about?
  • 24. 请根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于40词的文段写作。所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。


    提示词语:present,book,like reading,show

    提示问题:●Who do you want to thank?

    ●What do you want to do for him/her?

    ●Why do you want to do so?

  • 25.  阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。

    Free from boredom

    You may feel your winter holiday plans fun or colorful, but everyone gets bored sometimes. Learning to do something about it will make you more creative (有创造力的) and help you free yourself from boredom.

    Being bored

    We all know what it's like to be bored. Time goes slowly, you feel tired, and want to have something fun to do. Boredom makes you feel not connected to what's going on around you. Some people say boredom is your brain (头脑) saying things aren't going well and that you need to do something that makes you happier. Lucy, who is 13, says, "Boredom makes me feel unhappy. I feel alone and want to see my friends."

    Can boredom be good for you?

    Long car trips, waiting in lines and rainy days may sound (听起来) boring but they are also the right moments to help you get creative, says Dr. Sandi Mann, a writer who studies boredom. She says that finding something fun to do can give people new adventures (冒险) and even new friends. Knowing when you're bored and learning to "unbore" yourself will also help you learn to solve problems and help you better know how you feel about yourself. "Don't be afraid of boredom, let it into your life," says Dr. Sandi Mann.

    Make the most of boredom

    When you're bored it's easy to choose a fast, easy thing to do, like watching screens, eating sweet food or troubling your brother or sister. However, this only stops the feeling for a short time. Dr. Sandi Mann says it's important to spend your time on some enjoyable and meaningful activities, such as building yourself a special place, making reading or exercise plans for yourself, making up a game or learning something new. You can also ask friends or family to join in. You will keep yourself away from boredom this winter. You might even start a new interest or hobby.

    1. (1) According to Dr. Sandi Mann, what are four enjoyable and meaningful activities?
    2. (2) Do you think boredom is a good thing or a bad thing? Why? (Please give at least two reasons.)

