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更新时间:2024-04-01 浏览次数:11 类型:期末考试
一、单项选择,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 (共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
二、完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)
  • 11.  阅读下面的材料,掌握其大意,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I had a bad day at school yesterday but I also learned something. 

    My friends and I were in the 1 . It was twenty past nine and we were waiting for our 2 . She was late. My best friend Oliver didn't feel well that day 3 he didn't come to school. I was 4 some text messages on my mobile phone. Two 5 from my class, Mike and Cindy, were fighting. Maria was copying Dan's homework because she 6 does her own homework. Marcus was listening to music on his small radio.

    Suddenly, Miss Harris came into the classroom. She was very angry. She 7 in front of my desk, looked at me and said, "8 are you using your mobile phone in class? You are breaking (打破) the school 9 !"

    "But Miss Harris, I was 10 reading some text messages, " I said. "Why are you so 11 ?"

    "Don't say anything more, Rob! You are using your 12 !" she said, and she took me to the head teacher's office.

    The head teacher punished (惩罚) me 13 he didn't punish other students. He even (甚至) called my parents. When 14 arrived at school, I handed in my phone. From this lesson, I knew I should always 15 the school rules.

    A .  hospital B .  classroom C .  library D .  office
    A .  doctor B .  friend C .  parent D .  teacher
    A .  because B .  but C .  or D .  so
    A .  reading B .  writing C .  leaving D .  taking
    A .  girls B .  boys C .  students D .  teachers
    A .  never B .  always C .  usually D .  sometimes
    A .  jumped B .  read C .  played D .  stopped
    A .  When B .  Why C .  What D .  How
    A .  dreams B .  symbols C .  rules D .  windows
    A .  always B .  either C .  only D .  often
    A .  tired B .  angry C .  bored D .  scared
    A .  model plane B .  toy car C .  key ring D .  mobile phone
    A .  but B .  so C .  because D .  if
    A .  I B .  he C .  they D .  we
    A .  break B .  forget C .  find D .  follow
三、阅读理解 ,阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)
  • 12.  阅读理解

    Last Sunday morning, four students talked about the topic (话题) "What do you want to do when you grow up" at the class meeting.

    Wang Li

    I want to be a movie director (导演). And I want to make movies more creative and exciting. Maybe you will see my great movies many years later. And I'm sure you will like them very much.


    I want to be an actor because I love acting. I enjoy doing it, and I always perform with the DVD on. I love doing this and if it can't come true, I'm going to keep on acting.


    When I grow up, I want to be a dentist because I'm very interested in dentistry. I also want to make my mom and dad proud (自豪的). But I need enough money to get the education.


    I am going to be a computer programmer. Why? Because I like to work on computers. I like surfing the Internet, and I know the job can help me make a lot of money for my family. We are going to live in a big house with my pets—a cat and a dog. 

    1. (1) What did the four students talk about at the class meeting?
      A . Their great movies. B . Their businesses. C . Their dream jobs. D . Their families.
    2. (2) Who wants to make movies more creative?
      A . Wang Li. B . Thomas. C . Ray. D . Eric.
    3. (3) The underlined word "perform" means "____".
      A . 演奏 B . 表演 C . 申请 D . 玩耍
    4. (4) What is Thomas going to be when he grows up?
      A . A director. B . An actor. C . A dentist. D . A programmer.
    5. (5) From Ray's words we know he's ______.
      A . even richer B . quite hungry C . pretty happy D . very kind
  • 13.  阅读理解

    For Liu Xiaowei, 15, a student at a middle school in Xi'an, this winter vacation is different. His father is going to send him back to his home village.

    "My father wants me to experience hard rural (农村的) life. And I'd like to try it, " Liu said. "But I'm not sure if I can use the Internet there, so I downloaded (下载) some games. I'd like to carry them with me. "

    Liu Hengmin, the boy's father, was born in a village in Gansu. He came to Xi'an to make a living more than 20 years ago. "I worked hard and started my own business, and it became successful. But my son, although 15 years old, cannot take care of himself. He spends a lot of money every day. " Liu Hengmin said. After reading an article in a newspaper, which said that boys from well-off families were turning out "lazy and timid (胆小的)", Liu talked with his wife and they decided to send their son to their village to experience the rough (艰苦的) side of life.

    Like Liu, there are several other parents in the city who want to give their sons a special "experience" this winter. Some of the kids understand their parents, but the others just want to do the things they like. Liu Wei, a middle school teacher in Xi'an, felt parents should consult (商量) with their sons as well as their teachers before making a vacation plan for them.

    1. (1) Why is Liu Xiaowei's winter vacation is different this year?
      A . Because he will not be lazy or timid. B . Because he will go back to his father's home village. C . Because he will read an article in a newspaper. D . Because he can take good care of himself.
    2. (2) How long did Liu Xiaowei's father come to the city to work?
      A . 15 years. B . Less than 20 years. C . Less than 15 years. D . More than 20 years.
    3. (3) In the passage, what does the underlined word "well-off" mean?
      A . rich B . poor C . happy D . terrible
    4. (4) According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Liu Xiaowei likes games and spends lots of money every day. B . Liu Hengmin lived in Xi'an for about 15 years. C . Liu Xiaowei likes to experience the rough side of life very much. D . Liu Wei thinks it's a good idea to send kids to home villages.
    5. (5) What's Liu Wei's attitude (态度) towards making a vacation plan?
      A . He thought parents should send their sons to villages. B . He thought parents should consult with their sons and teachers. C . He thought kids should understand their parents. D . He thought kids should experience hard rural life.
  • 14.  阅读理解

    "Who needs a shopping mall (商场) if you have Taobao?" says Wang Lin, 28, a writer in Beijing. Taobao, China's largest online shopping site (网上购物站), is becoming an important part of Wang Lin's life. She spends lots of money on Taobao.

    A lot of Chinese Internet users find the happiness of shopping online. Most online shoppers are students or young people. More women shop online than men. Clothing and home-use products (产品) are the most popular online. 

    People spent more than 250 billion (十亿) yuan shopping on online last year, 80% through Taobao. Taobao means "looking for treasure(宝物)" in Chinese. People can find almost everything they need on Taobao, from clothes to books, from candies to DVD players.

    You may ask whether it is safe to shop online. Wang said. "It's very safe and convenient (方便). If you don't get the products from the shop owners and aren't pleased (满意) with them, they will not get the money. You can also get your money back if you want to return them. "

    1. (1) What are the most popular online?
      A . Candies and DVD players B . Treasure products. C . Clothing and home—use products D . Clothes and books.
    2. (2) Taobao is ____. 
      A . a shopping mall B . an online shopping site C . an online shopper D . China's largest website
    3. (3) In the last paragraph, the underlined word "them" refers to (所指) "____".
      A . the shop owners B . products C . sellers D . online shops
    4. (4) What does the writer think of shopping online?
      A . It's safe. B . It's dangerous. C . It's stupid. D . We don't know.
    5. (5) Which is the best title of the passage?
      A . Wang Lin's life B . Online shopping in China C . Shopping online is not safe D . China's online shoppers
四、情景交际 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分) 
  • 15.  阅读下面对话,根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子将对话补充完整(选项中有两项是多余的)。

    (Mary and Linda are talking on their way back home. M=Mary, L=Linda)

    M: Hi, Linda. Will you go to Lisa's party this Sunday?


    M: Why? If you don't go, Lisa will feel very sad.

    L: Yeah, I know. 

    M: What about taking your sister with us? I don't think Lisa will mind it.

    L: OK, I will try to ask Lisa about that first. 

    M: I'd like to take a taxi.

    L: But the road may be quite busy on Sunday. 

    M: Good idea. It's faster and good for the environment.

    L: That's quite true.

    M: I agree with you. Let's go together this Sunday.

    A. Well, you can go with me. 

    B. Can you give some advice?

    C. Why not take the subway?

    D. No, I think I will stay at home. 

    E. But I have to look after my sister. 

    F. But how will you get to Lisa's home?

    G. Everyone should play a part in making our city better. 

  • 16.  阅读下列材料,根据材料内容完成阅读任务。每空一词。

    Maybe you are an average (普通的) student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not true. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here's how.

    Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. A weekly plan may be helpful for you. In this way, you will not worry too much about your study. 

    Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space. The space may be a desk or just a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials(材料). When you sit down, you can go over your notes there. 

    Make good use of your time in class. Take advantage(优势) of class time to listen to everything the teacher says. Really listening in class means fewer jobs later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says. 

    The ways to Become a  Student

    Plan your time carefully

    In this way, you will not be too  about your study. 

    Find a good place to study

    The space may be a desk or just a corner of your room. 

    When you sit down, you  able to go over your notes there. 

    Make good  of your time in class

    Really listening in class means  work later. 

    Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says. 

六、综合填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
  • 17.  阅读下面短文,根据上下文、所给首字母或括号内单词等提示,在空白处填入适当的单词,每个空只填一个词。

    There was once a bat (蝙蝠) that was too lazy to hunt insects (捕捉昆虫). One day, he looked into a house and saw a bird in its cage. The bird had all its food and water and didn't do a at all. So, the bat decided to be a child's p, and then the bat made a plan.

    The bat f to the parks where children could see him and take him home. However, the bat was so ugly and the children  (pay) little attention to him. So the bat decided to make himself more beautiful.  (luck) he met a little boy who was willing to keep him and took him home. 

    The bat was happy in his cage at first, in a warm and c house. There he felt like he was the best and, certainly the  (clever) one. But when he wanted to eat something, there were no insects for him. When the boy saw the bat was getting thinner, he used the bird food to f the bat so that the bat could be only used to eating that kind of food. 

    Some days later, the bat tried his best to run away from the cage and returned home. He began to hunt for food with other bats. Later, he became stronger and enjoyed his life a bat. 

    So. don't admire (羡慕) others' life. Maybe it just s wonderful to be what others look like. In fact, it's the best only when it fits you. Just be what you are and make your own life better.

七、书面表达 (共1大题,满分10分)
  • 18. 随着新课程改革的实施,劳动课已成为中小学生必备的重要课程之一。作为一名中学生,我们应该主动学习做些力所能及的家务劳动,既能帮助父母,又能锻炼自己。学习之余,你一定学习做过家务活吧,请以"I learned to "为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文。1. 内容要点:1)为什么要学做家务;2)介绍你所做家务的过程;3)做家务的感悟。2. 写作要求:1)把题目补充完整;2)文中不要出现你所在学校的校名和师生姓名;3)词数80左右。

    I learned to

