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更新时间:2024-03-20 浏览次数:11 类型:期末考试
一、单项选择,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 
  • 1.  —Could you help me send the articles to the magazine? 

    — ____. 

    A . Yes, please B . No, I couldn't C . With pleasure D . That's it
  • 2. —I'm going to take up singing lessons.

    — ____. 

    A . Sounds good B . Bad luck C . It's nothing D . Here you are
  • 3.  —Linda, can you come to my birthday party? 

    — ____. I have to go to the doctor. 

    A . Glad to hear that B . I'm afraid not C . No way D . Sure
  • 4.  —What do you think of the milk shake? 

    —Well, if you ____ some sugar, it will taste better. 

    A . add B . added C . are adding D . will add
  • 5. —What's your plan for the weekend?

    —I have no idea. I ____ go to the science museum with my friends. 

    A . can B . must C . might D . should
  • 6.  —Bill is really a nice boy. 

    —I can't agree more. He always helps us ____ a second thought.

    A . on B . for C . by D . without
  • 7.  —Will Jane go bike riding with us? 

    —Probably not. She won't go out ____ she finishes the homework.

    A . when B . until C . though D . if
  • 8.  Mr. Li tells us that reading is a good ____ to improve English.
    A . way B . prize C . trip D . symbol
  • 9. —I'm sorry, but I gave you the wrong number.

    —Don't worry. Everyone makes ____.

    A . promises B . changes C . problems D . mistakes
  • 10.  —People could hardly believe that the blind boy won the singing competition.

    —His hard work made it ____ to reach the goal. 

    A . necessary B . possible C . enjoyable D . ready
  • 11.  —The used paper is turned into small pieces.

    —Then the small pieces are ____ with water and wood pieces to make new paper. 

    A . filled B . covered C . mixed D . served
  • 12.  —Remember to ____ before crossing the street, honey! 

    —I will, mom. 

    A . work out B . set out C . help out D . watch out
  • 13.  —Things seem to be quite different in foreign countries. 

    —That's why the world is so colorful. We should ____ the differences.

    A . refuse B . prepare C . accept D . delete
  • 14.  —Many travelers go to Quanzhou to experience the headwear—head-pinned flowers (簪花围). 

    —Yes, many villages in China are getting popular for their ____ culture. 

    A . traditional B . personal C . serious D . main
  • 15. The sentence "A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart" tells us ____.
    A . whether we need a true friend B . what true friends are like C . where can we find true friends D . how can we make friends
二、阅读理解 ,读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中。选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 
  • 16. 阅读理解

    Cool Glasses

    Researchers from Cornell University, US, made a pair of glasses. It looks nothing special, but it can read lips (嘴形)! There ate sensors (传感器) on the frame (框架). They can understand silent speech through lip and mouth movements. Then the glasses can send the text to a smartphone. For people who can't speak, the eyeglasses give them a voice. It is correct 95 percent of the time.


    This kind of alarm clocks is right for people who feel difficult to get out of bed in the early morning. You may find many alarm clocks arc easy to turn off and can hardly help you get up. Now this alarm clock is different. It flies around your room making some noises you don't like. The only way to stop it is to catch the noisy thing and place it on the base (底座).

    Fruit Lamps

    This lamp might not look special. But it smells like an orange! This is because it's made of orange peels. Italian company Krill Design made it out of oranges. They used 3D printing technology (技术). This technology doesn't waste materials. The lamp is 23cm tall and has an LED bulb (电灯泡). The company is now selling it for 72 pounds (640 yuan).

    1. (1) The "cool glasses" can ____.
      A . move people's mouths B . make sounds correctly C . understand silent speech D . help people see more clearly
    2. (2) The best heading for the second news would be ____.
      A . Great Bases B . Flying Alarms C . Noisy Things D . Different Clocks
    3. (3) If you want to turn off the alarm clock, you have to ____.
      A . get up very early B . put it on the base C . walk around your bed D . stand some noises
    4. (4) According the third news, the lamp is special mainly because ____.
      A . it's made of orange peels B . it sells at a good price C . it's tall and has an LED bulb D . it's made with a 3D printer
    5. (5) What message does the news above carry? 
      A . People should help each other. B . No one can live alone in the world. C . Everyone can be inventors (发明家). D . Technology changes people's life.
  • 17. 阅读理解

    When I was six, I spent a summer with my grandma. One day, she asked me to go shopping with a list. A lady was there in the store. 

    "Excuse me, I need to buy these, "I said, showing my list. She looked up and said, "Little girl, I'm Miss Change. There's no one here but you and me. I think you need to get them by yourself."

    I went to the store every Tuesday and Thursday that summer. Sometimes she shortchanged (少找零钱) me. Other times she overcharged (多收钱) me. Going to the store was like going into battle (战斗). All summer long she found ways to trick me. But by the end of the summer, the shopping trip that had once taken me an hour was done in 15 minutes. 

    The morning I was ready to run home. 

    "All right, little girl," she said. "What did you learn this summer?"

    "That you're bad!" I replied.

    She just laughed and said, "I know what you think of me. Well, I don't care! My job is to teach every child I meet life lessons. When you get older, you'll be glad!"

    Glad I met her? Ha! 

    Until one day, my daughter came to me with homework problems. "It's too hard," she said. "Could you finish my math problems for me?"

    "If I do it for you, how will you ever learn to do it yourself?" I said. Suddenly, I was back at that store where I had learned the hard way to add up my money by myself.

    1. (1) What did Miss Change probably do? 
      A . A saleswoman. B . A teacher C . A writer. D . An actress.
    2. (2) The underlined word "trick" in para. 4 is closest in meaning to ____.
      A . serve B . refuse C . joke D . invite
    3. (3) What did the writer learn during her shopping trip? 
      A . Getting along well with others. B . Doing things by herself. C . Leaming the way of sell things. D . Helping with shopping work.
    4. (4) The underlined sentence shows that the writer ____.
      A . agreed with Miss Change B . was happy to hear that C . was glad to meet Miss Change D . thought the idea was funny
    5. (5) What would be the best title for the passage? 
      A . A Shopping Lesson B . A Long Summer C . An Interesting Lady D . A Math Problem
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Birdwatching is a fun hobby for many people. Birdwatchers like to watch birds in the wild (野外). They take photos and record birds' sounds to learn about them. According to Xinhua, there are more than 100 million birdwatchers in China now. Young people are a big part of it.

    Zhang Liang is an experienced birdwatcher and photographer (摄影师). When he was a college student, he got ill for a while. His doctor advised him to go outdoors more often. He then decided to take photos of birds. 

    Once, he took a photo of a small black and yellow songbird, he tagged it as a sparrow (麻雀) online Soon, someone corrected him. The bird was actually a finch (芬奇). This embarrassing (尴尬的) thing made him check out on a field guide. It also made him interested in birdwatching and photography. 

    "    ★        " Zhang told China Daily, "My life slows down. I've made new friends. I've also met many birds I didn't know about."

    "It's difficult to describe such feelings, especially if you have spent a lot of time in finding the bird and learned more about the bird," he said, "I feel my heart race, my eyes widen and almost begin to smile."

    Besides watching, Zhang Liang also takes photos and records sounds on field trips. Such photos of birds or other animals can also help people understand the importance of protecting animals. "Wildlife photography can catch fantastic moments in nature," Zhang said, "They encourage (鼓励) people to earn more about what is out there and why it's worth (值得) saving".

    1. (1) The writer mentions "Xinhua" in para. 1 to ____.
      A . advise people to watch birds B . make some fact more believable C . introduce a news agency (通讯社) D . explain why people love watching birds
    2. (2) What does "It" refer to in para. 3?
      A . A bird. B . A field guide. C . A photo. D . An experience.
    3. (3) Which of the following can be put in     ★        ?
      A . I found birdwatching interesting. B . Birdwatching takes me too much time C . Birdwatching helps me in many ways. D . I want to take up birdwatching as a hobby.
    4. (4) The last paragraph mainly talks about Zhang Lang's ____.
      A . sense of duty (责任感) B . love for the nature C . free time actives D . fantastic photographs
    5. (5) Where can we portably read the passage? 
      A . In an art magazine. B . On the Internet. C . In Zhang Liang's diary. D . On a notice board.
三、词与短语填空 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 
  • 19. 仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑上正确。 (提示:方框中有两个单词或短语是多余的。) 

    look out / trade //bring out / rocket / invite / excited / solve

    1. (1) Sam was  to watch the game show. 
    2. (2) I hope to fly the   to the moon one day. 
    3. (3) We should always try to  the problems. 
    4. (4) Does your best friend often help to  the best in you? 
    5. (5) I would like to  you to the opening of our new library. 
四、综合填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 
  • 20. 阅读下面短文,根据上下文、所给首字母或括号内单词等提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。每个空只能填一个单词。

    Cooking is fun. But can you cook yourself? Do you like homework of making a m at home for your family? Thesc days, primary and middle school students are asked to take the Practical (Activity Class at (little) one hour every week. Learning life skills (play) an important role in shaping a person's character for sure.

    Some schools and students have already practiced many practical (activity). Li Lei, 13 years old, from No. 1 Middle School hardly ever did (some) housework before. But things have changed since No. 1 Middle School (make) housework part of its students' homework last September. Doing the dishes, cooking and making the bed. . . All of these tasks become p of Li Lei's daily life.

    At first, he felt them difficult, but he always t his best to finish them. Now the tasks are easy for him. He thinks he can  (well) understand his parents than before and he wants to help them more. His parents are happy about his changes. 

五、书面表达 (共1大题,满分15分) 
  • 21. 假设你是Susan, 本周你校要举行一场有关畅想未来的英语演讲比赛。请你以"My Dream Life in10 Years"为题,根据以下内容提示从十年之后你希望从事的工作、生活的城市和原因及感想等方面完成一篇演讲稿。


    What do you want to be? How are you going to do that? 

    Where will you live and work? why? 

    What will you do in your free time? 

    Something more about your dream life in ten years. 


    My Dream Life in 10 Years

    Hello, everyone! I'm Susan from Class 14, Grade 8.

