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更新时间:2024-04-18 浏览次数:45 类型:期末考试
一、第一部分 听力,听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语。(共5小题;每小题1分,计5分)
  • 1.  听句子,根据所听到的内容选择正确答语
    1. Good morning, Li Ming.<br />Good morning, Li Ming.<br />2. Have a good day, Mary.<br />3. Is the book in the bookcase?<br />4. Can you spell pen, please?<br />5. Let's play computer games.<br />Let's play computer games.
    1. (1)
      A . Good evening. B . Good afternoon. C . Good morning.
    2. (2)
      A . Thank you. B . I like Sunday. C . You are right.
    3. (3)
      A . Yes, it is. B . I like it. C . No, I don't.
    4. (4)
      A . Here you are. B . P-E-N, pen. C . I like the pen.
    5. (5)
      A . What game? B . Sounds great. C . Do you have a baseball?
  • 2.  听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。




    Come and buy the clothes at our great sale.<br />We have a ping-pong game next week.<br />This pair of shorts is for my brother.<br />That woman is Mary's mother.<br />For breakfast, I like milk and bread.
  • 3.  听对话,根据对话内容及问题选择正确答案
    Hello, I'm Sam. This is my cousin Lucy. What's your name?<br />Hi, my name is Lily. Nice to meet you.<br />Question. What's the boy's name?<br />Hello, I'm Sam. This is my cousin Lucy. What's your name?<br />Hi, my name is Lily. Nice to meet you.<br />Question. What's the boy's name?<br />Is your ruler blue, Tom?<br />No, my ruler is brown. Mary's ruler is black.<br />Question. What color is Tom's ruler?<br />Is your ruler blue, Tom?<br />No, my ruler is brown. Mary's ruler is black.<br />Question. What color is Tom's ruler?<br />Eric, is your mother's birthday in December?<br />Yes, and my father's birthday is in January.<br />Really? My mother's birthday is in January too, but my father's birthday is in February.<br />Question. When is the boy's father's birthday?<br />Eric, is your mother's birthday in December?<br />Yes, and my father's birthday is in January.<br />Really? My mother's birthday is in January too, but my father's birthday is in February.<br />Question. When is the boy's father's birthday?<br />Hey, Mary, look at this sweater and the skirts. Do you like them?<br />They are nice, but I only want a hat.<br />Question. What does the girl want?<br />Hey, Mary, look at this sweater and the skirts. Do you like them?<br />They are nice, but I only want a hat.<br />Question. What does the girl want?<br />Mom, where are my socks? I can't find them.<br />Oh, Bill, are they in your blue box? The box is on your bed.<br />No, they aren't. Oh, they are under the bed.<br />Question. Where are Bill's socks?<br />Mom, where are my socks? I can't find them.<br />Oh, Bill, are they in your blue box? The box is on your bed.<br />No, they aren't. Oh, they are under the bed.<br />Question. Where are Bill's socks?<br />Mom, there are some milk, bread and bananas. Do you want some bread?<br />Thanks. Dear, I want a banana, please.<br />Question. What does the boy's mother want?<br />Mom, there are some milk, bread and bananas. Do you want some bread?<br />Thanks. Dear, I want a banana, please.<br />Question. What does the boy's mother want?<br />Hello, Tom. Linda's telephone number is 876-4389.<br />Is your phone number 876-5389?<br />No, Lisa. My phone number is 876-5379.<br />Question. What is Tom's phone number?<br />Hello, Tom. Linda's telephone number is 876-4389.<br />Is your phone number 876-5389?<br />No, Lisa. My phone number is 876-5379.<br />Question. What is Tom's phone number?<br />John, let's watch TV.<br />No, it's boring. Let's play basketball.<br />I think it's difficult. How about playing tennis?<br />Okay. Let's go.<br />Question. What will John do next?<br />John, let's watch TV.<br />No, it's boring. Let's play basketball.<br />I think it's difficult. How about playing tennis?<br />Okay. Let's go.<br />Question. What will John do next?<br />Hi, Jack. Your clothes are very nice.<br />Thank you, Jane. And I have them at very good prices.<br />Oh, really? How much are they?<br />My t-shirt is $19. And my jacket is $20.<br />Question. How much are the t-shirt and the jacket?<br />Hi, Jack. Your clothes are very nice.<br />Thank you, Jane. And I have them at very good prices.<br />Oh, really? How much are they?<br />My t-shirt is $19. And my jacket is $20.<br />Question. How much are the t-shirt and the jacket?<br />Hi, Dave. What's your favorite subject?<br />I like science and math. Science is useful, and math is easy for me.<br />How about you, Anna?<br />I like English because it's very interesting. We always have a lot of fun in the English class.<br />Question. Why does Anna like English?<br />Hi, Dave. What's your favorite subject?<br />I like science and math. Science is useful, and math is easy for me. How about you, Anna?<br />I like English because it's very interesting. We always have a lot of fun in the English class.<br />Question. Why does Anna like English?
    1. (1)
      A . Sam. B . Lucy. C . Lily.
    2. (2)
      A . Blue. B . Brown. C . Black.
    3. (3)
      A . In December. B . In January. C . In February.
    4. (4)
      A . A sweater. B . Skirts. C . A hat.
    5. (5)
      A . Under the bed. B . On the bed. C . In the box.
    6. (6)
      A . Some milk. B . Some bread. C . A banana.
    7. (7)
      A . 876-4389. B . 876-5389. C . 876-5379.
    8. (8)
      A . Watch TV.  B . Play tennis. C . Play basketball.
    9. (9)
      A . 39 dollars. B . 20 dollars. C . 19 dollars.
    10. (10)
      A . Because it's easy. B . Because it's useful. C . Because it's interesting.
  • 4.  听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。
    Hey there! I'm Grace Brown. I'm a student in number one middle school. Now let me tell<br />you something about my teachers.<br />Mrs. Miller is my English teacher. She comes to school from Monday to Friday, and she has<br />one class every day. She is good to every student. She sometimes teaches us English<br />songs in the class. So we think English is interesting.<br />Mr. White is my math teacher. He is 35 years old. He has 8 math classes a week. He likes<br />to play football with us after school.<br />Ms. Brown is my music teacher. She has 2 classes every Tuesday. In her class, we can enjoy<br />some nice music. I think my teachers are really great, and I love them.<br />Hey there! I'm Grace Brown. I'm a student in number one middle school. Now let me tell<br />you something about my teachers.<br />Mrs. Miller is my English teacher. She comes to school from Monday to Friday, and she has<br />one class every day. She is good to every student. She sometimes teaches us English<br />songs in the class. So we think English is interesting. Mr. White is my math teacher.<br />He is 35 years old. He has 8 math classes a week. He likes to play football with us<br />after school. Ms. Brown is my music teacher. She has 2 classes every Tuesday. In her class,<br />we can enjoy some nice music. I think my teachers are really great, and I love them.
    1. (1) What's the girl's last name?
      A . Grace B . White. C . Brown.
    2. (2) Who is Mrs. Miller?
      A . An English teacher. B . A math teacher. C . A music teacher.
    3. (3) How many classes does Mrs. Miller have a week?
      A . 2. B . 5. C . 8.
    4. (4) What can the students do in Miss. Brown's class?
      A . Enjoy nice music. B . Learn English songs. C . Play football with the teacher.
    5. (5) When does the girl have music class?
      A . On Monday. B . On Tuesday. C . On Friday.
  • 5.  听短文,根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息

    A Happy Family

    Family members


    Favorite clothes



    April 12th

    White T-shirts and


    Play soccer

    Mark's mother

    September 30th

    Purple skirts




    Play volleyball

    Hi, my name is Mark, and I have a happy family, my father, my mother, and I.<br />My father is Jeff Smith, his birthday is on April 12th, my mother is Linda Miller, her<br />birthday is on September 30th, and the next day is my birthday.<br />What are their favorite clothes and sports?<br />My father's favorite clothes are his white t-shirts and black shorts.<br />He likes to play soccer with his friends on Saturday.<br />My mother's favorite clothes are purple skirts.<br />She likes to play tennis on Saturday too.<br />What about me?<br />I like blue trousers.<br />And I like to play volleyball on Sunday with my cousin.<br />Hi, my name is Mark, and I have a happy family, my father, my mother, and I.<br />My father is Jeff Smith, his birthday is on April 12th, my mother is Linda Miller, her<br />birthday is on September 30th, and the next day is my birthday.<br />What are their favorite clothes and sports?<br />My father's favorite clothes are his white t-shirts and black shorts.<br />He likes to play soccer with his friends on Saturday.<br />My mother's favorite clothes are purple skirts.<br />She likes to play tennis on Saturday too.<br />What about me?<br />I like blue trousers.<br />And I like to play volleyball on Sunday with my cousin.<br />Hi, my name is Mark, and I have a happy family, my father, my mother, and I.<br />My father is Jeff Smith, his birthday is on April 12th, my mother is Linda Miller, her<br />birthday is on September 30th, and the next day is my birthday.<br />What are their favorite clothes and sports?<br />My father's favorite clothes are his white t-shirts and black shorts.<br />He likes to play soccer with his friends on Saturday.<br />My mother's favorite clothes are purple skirts.<br />She likes to play tennis on Saturday too.<br />What about me?<br />I like blue trousers.<br />And I like to play volleyball on Sunday with my cousin.
  • 16.  补全对话

    A. It's good.

    B. See you then.

    C. What about you, Jack?

    D. How is your day today?

    E. I think it's good for our health.

    A: Hi, Jane. 

    B: Hello, Jack.  I have my favorite class science today. 

    A: Why do you like it?

    B: Because I think it's very interesting. 

    A: I like P.E. best.  Oh, I have to go now. I have P.E. now. See you!


  • 17.  完形填空

    Hello, my name is Lucy. I live in a house with my parents. Now let me1 you something about my house.

    This is the living room. There is a photo of my2 on the wall. We all look happy in it. We have a big3 . I like sitting on it to watch TV. I think it's relaxing. There are two bedrooms in my house. One is my parents' and the other is4 . There is a bookcase, a desk, a chair and a bed in my bedroom. My bedroom is not very big, but it is very5 . My mother tells me not to put things everywhere. I like my room very much.

    A .  say B .  get C .  tell 
    A .  parents B .  home C .  family
    A .  table B .  sofa C .  TV
    A .  theirs B .  mine C .  yours 
    A .  tidy B .  dirty C .  healthy
  • 18.  完形填空

    Welcome to the Rainbow Store! We have many1 . But they are not for you. Yes, they're for your2 ! You love your dogs for sure, so please come and buy for3 .

    We have T-shirts for dogs in seven 4 for only $10. And we also (也) sell skirts in the 5 color as (和……) T-shirts. You can6 one for $8. And our sweaters are at very good prices.7 is the sweater? It's $12. And your dog may need a bag. It's small but you can put some8 in it. When they're hungry (饥饿的), they can have something to eat. And we have yellow and red ones for only $1.

    If you have questions, please9 us at 789-1234. We're happy to10 you.

    A .  fruits B .  vegetables C .  clothes
    A .  dogs B .  sons C .  daughters
    A .  them B .  you C .  us
    A .  numbers B .  photos C .  colors
    A .  easy B .  same C .  right
    A .  buy B .  want C .  need
    A .  How old B .  How much C .  What color
    A .  water B .  food C .  ice cream
    A .  call B .  ask C .  see 
    A .  meet B .  find C .  help
  • 19.  阅读下面短文,根据短文内容判断句子正误。

    Do you know the girl? Her name is Sally. She is six years old now. She is in China with her parents. Sally loves sports. She likes different sports. She can play ping-pong well. It is an easy and interesting sport for her. Sally has three ping-pong bats. One is in her desk and two are in her bookcase. She always plays ping-pong with her friends after school. And Sally wants to be a ping-pong star.

    Sally doesn't want to be fat, so she eats well. She has some fruit salad and milk in the morning. And she eats vegetables every day. Sally likes ice-cream, but she doesn't eat it. " To be a sports star, I must be healthy." She says.

    1. (1) Sally has healthy eating habits.
    2. (2) Sally and her parents are in China.
    3. (3) Ping-pong is really boring for Sally.
    4. (4) Two ping-pong bats are under Sally's desk.
    5. (5) For breakfast, Sally likes to have fruit salad and milk.
  • 20.  阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。

    The school sports meeting at No. 1 Middle School is over, but some students lost some of their things on the playground. Here are some Lost and Found notices on the notice board (板).

    My schoolbag

    My school ID card is in the schoolbag and you can see my name on it. A red pen and a yellow notebook are in it. I'm Alice. My telephone number is 357-6666.

    Li Hua, 

    Your T-shirt is lost on the playground. It's blue and white and the size is M.

    Please go to Classroom 7A for it. 


    Can you help me find my volleyball? It is white. My name is Peter. Please call me at 137-2812-2002.

    Thank you. 


    Last Monday afternoon, I played soccer with my friends on the playground. Then I lost my watch. I must find it. I am Cindy Brown. E-mail me at Cindy2346@qq.com.

    1. (1) In the first notice, what can we know about the owner (物主)?
      A . Her name. B . Her e-mail. C . Her classroom.
    2. (2) What size is the T-shirt?
      A . S.  B . M.  C . L.
    3. (3) If the white volleyball is yours, how can you contact (联系) Peter? 
      A . You can call him. B . You can e-mail him. C . You can go to Classroom 7A.
    4. (4) Who lost a watch on the playground?
      A . Peter. B . Mike. C . Cindy.
    5. (5) How many LOST notices are on the notice board?
      A . 2. B . 3. C . 4.
  • 21.  阅读下面短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。

    My school life in Hong Kong

    Morning reading(8:40-9:10)

    We read our books. If it is Monday, we usually have a flag-raising ceremony (升旗仪式). We sing the national anthem (国歌) and our school song.

    1st class (9:10-9:50)

    We have Chinese, math or English every day.

    2nd class (10:00-10:40)

    We have computer science. It's my favorite subject. 

    3rd class (11:00-11:40)

    Students have history. Mary, my good friend in the school, likes it best. 

    Lunch break (11:40-12:40)

    Food company (公司) sends food to school. I like char siu (叉烧)rice best. We can also bring lunches to school from home.

    4th class (14:30-15:10)

    We have P.E. class every day.

    School is over (15:10)

    Interest classes (15:15-16:15)

    After school, my school has many interest classes (兴趣课): soccer, basketball and table tennis. Do you have these classes in your school?

    1. (1) What do students in Hong Kong do at around 9:00 a.m. on Mondays?
      A . They play basketball. B . They have the science class. C . They sing the national anthem.
    2. (2) What time does the math class start?
      A . At 9:10. B . At 10:00. C . At 11:00.
    3. (3) What is Mary's favorite subject?
      A . Chinese. B . Music. C . History.
    4. (4) When can students there have table tennis class?
      A . After lunch. B . After school. C . After interest class.
    5. (5) What can we know from the passage?
      A . School life in Hong Kong is great. B . Students have 3 classes one day. C . Students must take lunch from home.
  • 27.  单词拼写

    A: Hey, Dave! How's your day?

    B: Great! Today our school has a new  — health class! 

    A: Wow, what's the class about? 

    B: It's about vegetables. Do you like  vegetables?

    A: Yeah, I think they're okay. 

    B: The teacher  vegetables are really good for our health. They give us many vitamins (维他命) .

    A: Interesting. How do they make us healthy?

    B: Do you know ? Many people say they're great for our eyes.

    A: Oh, really? I only know rabbits (兔子) like to eat them. But now I know why my mom always asks me to eat them for  in the morning.

    B: You have a good eating .

    A: That's right. Oh, Steve, do you want to play tennis this ? Playing sports is good for our health, .

    B: I'd like to! But I have an art class from 9:00 to 10:30 tomorrow (明天) morning. In the afternoon, Paul and I will go to our grandparents' home. Our family usually spend (度过) one day with our grandparents on weekends.

    A: Paul? Your ?

    B: Yes, he is my uncle's son. How about Sunday?

    A: OK, I'm  then. Let's meet at 9:00 in the morning.

    B: Great! See you!

  • 28.  短文填空

    always and but class egg friend interesting like speak tell three     we

    Hello, my name is Sam. I am a Grade Seven student this term. In the morning, I have milk and  for breakfast. Then I go to school with my  Tony at 8:10 a.m.. In the morning, we have four . I am good at English and I can  English well. 

    For lunch, I  eat rice, chicken and vegetables. In the afternoon, we have three classes: geography, P.E. and history. History is the  class. Then school is over. And I think it's relaxing. But Tony  geography best. He thinks it's easy and 

    The school day finishes at 5:30 p.m.. After school, we can play soccer or play basketball with  classmates for an hour. We are busy  happy.

  • 29.  补全短文 根据短文内容,从短文后的A~F选项中,选出5个适当的选项补全短文。

    Dear students, we have many interesting activities (活动) at our school. Do you want to know more about them?

    In September, we have a Sports Day.  We can watch some ball games like basketball and volleyball. It's really great fun. In October, we have an Art Festival.  Some students can sing and dance at the festival, too. It's wonderful. In November, we have a Book Sale.  If you like reading, you can come to buy some books at good prices. December is busy for me.  We have a School Trip and an English Party. For the trip, we can have a good time with our teachers and classmates. It's interesting. For the party, we can enjoy some English songs and plays (戏剧).  It's a good way to speak English.

    These activities make our school life interesting and relaxing. Hope you love them.

    A. It's a great month.

    B. But I like Sports Day best.

    C. We can sell our old books there.

    D. It is on the last day of this month.

    E. Some students can show their pictures.

    F. We can also meet some English students.

  • 30.  完成图表 阅读下面短文,根据其内容,完成图表中所缺的信息。

    Mr. Smith and his family are watching a basketball game on TV in their living room. They watch the game happily. And many people in China love basketball games this year. Do you know why the games are popular (受欢迎)?

    This basketball game is not NBA in the USA.

    But it's Cun BA in Gui Zhou, China. Well, do they have other games like Cun BA? Yes! They have Cun Chao and Cun Pai, too. They are for soccer and volleyball in the villages.

    The Smiths love to watch the games very much. Mr. Smith is a P.E. teacher. He likes watching Cun Chao best. Mr. Smith's birthday is on January 1st. He was born (出生) in 1980. In the new year, he wants to watch the game in Gui Zhou one day. And Mrs. Smith is an art teacher. She likes the clothes shows (秀) after the games. She says the clothes are beautiful. Their son, Tom, is 13 years old. He likes Cun BA very much. He thinks the basketball player Yang Tao plays basketball well in the games. Mary, Tom's sister, is 11 years old. She thinks soccer and basketball are difficult. She is good at volleyball because it's easy for her. What games does she like? Do you know?


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