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更新时间:2024-03-18 浏览次数:9 类型:期末考试
  • 1.  听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息
    1. (1)
      A . a poem B . a garden C . a market
    2. (2)
      A . lay out B . look up C . pass by
    3. (3)
      A . a silent worker B . a proud lady C . a strict boss
    4. (4)
      A . The shop sells silk clothes. B . Everyone knows the shop. C . Clothes in the shop are cheap.
    5. (5)
      A . Amy dislikes movies. B . Amy has no time for movies. C . Amy will watch movies if she's free.
  • 2.  听句子,选出该句的最佳答语
    1. (1)
      A . The red one. B . Here you are. C . It's on the desk.
    2. (2)
      A . Turn right. B . You're right. C . I think so.
    3. (3)
      A . Thank you. B . Well done. C . We'd love to.
    4. (4)
      A . Wood. B . In China. C . By hand.
    5. (5)
      A . Shake hands. B . Hug him or her. C . Kiss on the face.
  • 3.  Which one is Susan?
    A . B . C .
  • 4.  What did Lisa do last Mid-Autumn Festival?
    A . B . C .
  • 5.  听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What are the speakers talking about?
      A . A car accident. B . An air accident. C . An earthquake.
    2. (2) What color is the car?
      A . Red. B . Brown. C . White.
    3. (3) What does the man probably do?
      A . A driver. B . A doctor. C . A policeman.
  • 6.  听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the man want to buy?
      A . Rings. B . Books. C . Stamps.
    2. (2) Where is the post office?
      A . Across from a bank. B . Next to a hospital. C . Next to a bookstore.
    3. (3) What place in the city do most visitors go to?
      A . A lake. B . A museum. C . A theater.
  • 7.  听短文和问题,选择正确答案
    1. (1) Who found the birdwatchers?
      A . A reporter. B . A farmer. C . An expert.
    2. (2) Why did the birdwatchers get lost?
      A . Because of the bad weather. B . Because of losing their map. C . Because of following a golden bird.
    3. (3) How were the birdwatchers when they were found?
      A . Dead. B . Tired and asleep. C . Hungry and tired.
  • 8. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案
    1. (1) What is the special use of this new kind of gloves?
      A . Making a call. B . Singing a song. C . Changing colors.
    2. (2) How much does a pair of this new kind of gloves cost?
      A . About $10. B . About $50. C . About $100.
    3. (3) Where are the speaker and the microphone?
      A . In the first finger. B . In the middle finger. C . In the little finger.
    4. (4) How many colors does the new kind of gloves have?
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three.
  • 9.  听短文填空

    The Lion Dancing


    It happens during the  New Year. 


     Dancers wearing lion 


     One dancer controls the head; the other controls the 

    How many

    The lion's head can weigh pounds.


     It was  mostly by men in the past. 

  • 20.  阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    My name is Sophia, a human-like robot. I'm glad to be here to 1 myself to you. I was born on February 14,

    2016. David Hanson, leader of Hong Kong Hanson Robotics 2 me. It might be a little 3 for you to guess who I look like. So let me tell you! You know the famous actress Audrey Hepburn and Hanson's wife? I just look like them.

    As a robot, I have many 4 . I can speak, joke, sing and even make art. In March, I made a digital(数字的)artwork. It was sold for $688, 888! People around the whole world felt 5 about it. I'm so excited about my job as a(n)6 . In the future, I will continue to explore(探索)the art world. The next step of my career may be that of a musician. Now, I'm working on several 7 works in a project called Sophia Pop. I will team up with human musicians to produce music. I can't help 8 when I think of this!

    I can open my mouth to talk with people. I feel that I am not a robot but a real person! Perhaps in the future, I will form close 9  with humans and we can become good friends. 

    With science development so 10 , some of my crazy dreams may come true soon. Hope your dreams will come true, too. 

    A .  lead B .  teach C .  improve D .  introduce
    A .  created B .  imagined C .  discovered D .  interviewed
    A .  easy B .  strange C .  difficult D .  boring
    A .  hobbies B .  abilities C .  dreams D .  experiences
    A .  surprised B .  nervous C .  awful D .  certain
    A .  doctor B .  singer C .  teacher D .  artist
    A .  basic B .  musical C .  teenage D .  valuable
    A .  crying B .  waking C .  selling D .  laughing
    A .  culture B .  progress C .  value D .  friendship
    A .  safely B .  quickly C .  simply D .  patiently
  • 21.  阅读理解


    Electronic waste(e-waste)comes from computers, phones, fridges, TVs and so on. 

    How much e-waste has been produced?

    There is too much e-waste on the earth. In the past ten years, 

    506. 5 Mt of e-waste has been produced. That is as heavy as about 50, 149 Eiffel Towers. 

    What can we do with e-waste?

    Repeat the three words in our life: reduce, reuse and recycle. Here are some examples. 

    ◆Quadloop created solar(太阳的)lanterns with e-waste. 

    ◆Junichi Kawanislu turned about 79, 000 tons of e-waste into medals. 

    ◆Mixed Reality Lab designed educational toys with c-waste for poor kids. 

    ◆Alex Lin recycled about 136 tons of broken computers into ones that can be used again. 

    1. (1) In 2022, how much c-waste was produced in the world?
      A . 59. 4 Mt. B . 53. 6 Mt. C . 48. 2 Mt. D . 39. 8 Mt.
    2. (2) What did Alex Lin do with e-waste?
      A . He made medals. B . He created lanterns. C . He designed toys. D . He recycled computers.
    3. (3) In which part of a website can we read the text?
      A . Food. B . Health. C . Travel. D . Environment.
  • 22.  阅读理解

    Dad recently read me a speech, hoping to satisfy my endless search for answers. Ever since I was very young. I've asked countless times "What should I do?", trying to avoid making mistakes. Maybe I feared to take my first baby step on my own I think.

    During my middle school years, I changed. It was when I decided to try for the lead in Beauty and the Beast without asking Dad for advice. I wanted to take the chance that I might fail. 

    On the day of audition(试镜), my heart was beating fast; my hands were shakIng;1 wasn t certain whether people would hear me. 

    But something happened. When I opened my mouth, I found the sound was loud, powerful and sweet! It was fantastic! I was trying bravely even though I might fail. But I didn't. That audition was an important part of the process of growing.

    That day I realized if I want to live my life to the fullest, I have to push myself. Because mv parents, friends and teachers don't always have the answer to "What should I do?"

    Now, I do take these chances, with baby steps, every day, like voicing my opinions in class discussions, riding my horse over a three-toot jump. . . 

    "Life is learning to deal with Plan B. " Dad sad in his speech. But I now know the Plan As I make for my life will become easier and easier with every chance I take.

    1. (1) When the writer was young, why did she always ask for help?
      A . Because she always failed in exams. B . Because she wanted to do things correctly. C . Because she wanted to know more about the world. D . Because she was too young to understand something.
    2. (2) Before the audition, how did the writer feel?
      A . Safe. B . Excited. C . Nervous. D . Confident.
    3. (3) What was Dad trying to say by saying the underlined sentence?
      A . Try to avoid mistakes in life. B . Keep searching for answers. C . Plan B is always much easier. D . Try things bravely and never fear mistakes.
  • 23.  阅读理解

    The International Day of Families is celebrated on May 15th every year. It is to raise people's attention to the happiness and progress of the family. To celebrate the 31st International Family Day this year(2024), Family Center will hold some family activities.


    9:00 a. m. —5:00 p. m. , on May 15th


    on the South International Square


    ★Family sports ★Reading a letter to your family

    ★A cooking competition among families


    1st prize—a five-day foreign tour

    2nd prize—a seven-day domestic(国内的)tour

    3rd prize—a four-day domestic tour


    ★Each family chooses two or three kinds of activities. When you sign up, you should make a decision. 

    ★All the letters must be written by families themselves. They will not be returned, so please keep a copy. 

    ★Don't be late, or you'll not be allowed to take part in these activities.

    ★Families who want to take part in the activities must hand in their application(申请)forms before May 5th or you can call 2877-2197 to sign up before May 10th. 

    ★We will provide breakfast and lunch. 

    1. (1) When is the International Day of Families?
      A . On May 5th. B . On May 10th. C . On May 15th. D . On May 20th.
    2. (2) Which of the following activities can't you take part in?
      A . Doing sports with family. B . Giving a talk about family. C . Reading a letter to your family. D . Joining in a cooking competition.
    3. (3) What can you do if your family win the second prize?
      A . Travel abroad for a week. B . Travel abroad for five days. C . Take a trip in your country for a week. D . Take a trip in your country for four days.
    4. (4) Which is a rule of the celebration?
      A . You can make a call to sign up. B . You can enjoy free lunch and dinner. C . You can take part in at most two activities. D . Family Center will make a copy of your letter.
  • 24.  阅读理解

    Are you emotional(情绪激动的)? Do you often have strong feelings? How do you deal with bad emotions?

    We feel angry or unhappy about the things we did or did not achieve, about the things we cannot have, and many other things. It seems that everyone carries their own bad moods(情绪). But neither unhappiness nor anger can help us. Over time, they can be heavy weights on our shoulders. 

    These bad moods don't do anything good for us at all. So you might ask yourself—is it possible to put down thus heavy burden(负担)and give yourself a break? It is quite possible. Start by actually learning about your feelings. How do they get inside of us? Why do we carry them for so long instead of putting them down? Can we live without them?

    By thinking about our bad moods, we can find health y ways to deal with them. Unhealthy behaviors are not the way to do this. They provide no relaxation. Instead, there are better ways to deal with them. One of the best ways is forgiveness(原谅). 

    Forgiveness is a powerful tool. We should forgive ourselves first. We shouldn't keep bad moods inside. We must also forgive others who have made us unhappy or angry. Thus is not always easy. But when we learn to forgive ourselves, it becomes easier to forgive others as well.

    There is nothing good about carrying years of emotional burdens. By forgiving ourselves and others, we can abandon our burdens and feel better about ourselves. When you do this, you will start to feel a lot lighter. Years of heaviness will be magically lifted! You'll start to feel like you have more energy and you'll be much happier with your life.

    1. (1) How does the writer begin the text?
      A . By telling a story. B . By listing differences. C . By showing facts. D . By asking questions.
    2. (2) What should you do first to deal with the bad moods?
      A . Ask others questions. B . Study your moods. C . Try to live without them. D . Keep them in your mind.
    3. (3) What is a right way to deal with bad emotions according to the text?
      A . Forgiving ourselves and others. B . Keeping bad moods inside. C . Sharing bad moods with others. D . Finding good emotions to replace them.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "abandon" mean?
      A . Put away. B . Give up. C . Stay with. D . Carry on.
    5. (5) What is the best title for the text?
      A . How to forgive others B . How to deal with bad emotions C . How to forgive our own mistakes D . How to become an energetic person
  • 25.  阅读下面短文,按要求回答问题。

    As humans have a need to communicate, animals have it to send and receive messages as well. This communication may be to tell others where food is or to show feelings such as happiness, sadness, or anger. 

    But how do animals communicate? According to a study carried out in 1898 by a scientist called Char, there are usually three ways for them to communicate. 

    For example, if a monkey notices a snake, it will give an alarm call for the other monkeys to climb into the trees. If the monkey notices an eagle(鹰), it will send loud noise to tell other monkeys to get close to the ground. The second way seems quite different. Those with a pet dog will easily know how a happy dog happily moves its tail. A cat that feels it is in danger will stand with its back high. Another type of animal communication takes place among some certain animals. For example, elephants and giraffes will touch their friends if they like each other. Horses also touch their noses together as a sign that they are comfortable with one another. 

    It is truly amazing to discover the nature's secret and exciting for us to take a step closer to the animal world. More and more countries have put much money and effort into further research on this. At the same time, plenty of different voices are appearing. Is it really necessary to waste so much money on something that may be meaningless to us humans?

    All in all, every coin has its two sides. We shall wait and see what this change can bring us in the future. 

    1. (1) Like humans, animals also need to 
    2. (2) Cha r finds that there are usually  ways for animals to communicate. 
    3. (3) What will a monkey do if it sees a snake?
    4. (4) What will horses do if they feel comfortable with one another?
    5. (5) What do you think of discovering the nature's secret for us humans? Why?
  • 26.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。

    I was a student who used to fail exams. When I wanted to give up my study in the (eight)grade, a new teacher, Miss Green came to our school. She (be)young, caring and responsible. One day, I was down because of my poor marks, then Miss Green came up to (I). Soon her smile took away my (sad). "Do you think I can go to college?" I didn't know I asked such a question. Instead of saying no, she said. "Dear, you can do anything that you want. you try harder, you must succeed. I believe you are best!" I was deeply touched by her words. I decided to study hard. From then on, we became good (friend). She often helped me my study. Miss Green helped me see that I was special and I could succeed in life. I'll be (thank)for Miss Green forever.

  • 32. 地球是人类赖以生存的家园,呵护地球是人类唯一的选择。请以"An environmental protection activity"为题,根据以下提示,介绍你参加过的一次环境保护活动。

    提示:(1)When and where did you take part in the activity?(2)What did you do in the activity? (3)How did you feel?


    An environmental protection activity

