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更新时间:2024-03-07 浏览次数:18 类型:期中考试
  • 6.  How often does Tony's sister go shopping? 
    A . Every day. B . Twice a day. C . Three times a week.
  • 7.  Where did June go on vacation? 
    A . She went to mountains. B . She went to a farm. C . She went to a park.
  • 8.  Who does the girl often share her problems with? 
    A . Her friend. B . Her mother. C . Her teacher.
  • 9.  Why is Jeans Corner the best clothes store? 
    A . Because it has the best quality clothes. B . Because it has the most clothes. C . Because it has the most popular clothes.
  • 10.  What does Peter's father like? 
    A . Game shows. B . Sports shows. C . Talent shows.
  • 11.  听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who went to Shanghai last month? 
      A . Jim. B . Mary. C . Jim's parents.
    2. (2) How many soap operas did Mary watch? 
      A . One. B . Two. C . Three.
  • 12.  听对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where is Ted from? 
      A . Australia. B . America. C . India.
    2. (2) How does Ted go to school every day? 
      A . He walks. B . He rides his bike. C . He runs.
    3. (3) When does Ted usually arrive at school? 
      A . At about 7: 40. B . At about 7: 20. C . At about 7: 00.
  • 13.  请根据所听内容,从每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。
    1. (1) The weather was ____ last Sunday. 
      A . rainy B . cloudy C . sunny
    2. (2) ____ has a farm. 
      A . Alice's father B . Jack's father C . Alice's friend
    3. (3) Jack is ____.
      A . one year older than Alice B . one year younger than Alice C . the same age as Alice
    4. (4) Alice's family ate ____ for dinner. 
      A . rice, eggs and fish B . noodles, eggs and fish C . hamburgers and sandwiches
    5. (5) Alice's family went home ____.
      A . by bus B . by car C . by train
  • 14.  你将听到一篇短文。请根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。

    Different Ways to Keep Healthy

    Tom: He likes to play sports. 

    His favorite sport is  . 

    Jenny: She likes playing  .

    She often practices  in the park. 

    Bill: He  eats junk food. 

    He eats more fruit and vegetables  . 

  • 15.  请通读下面对话,根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为多余选项。

    A. But I bought the best two of them. 

    B. Then I went to the new bookshop in Jiefang Road. 

    C. So I don't mind spending more money on them. 

    D. I wanted to buy a watch. 

    E. I bought a nice jacket. 

    F. Yes, I did. 

    W: Did you go shopping in town yesterday, Jim? 


    W: Did you go to the computer shop called "IT Sky" in Puguo Road?

    M: Yeah. It was crowded yesterday.  

    W: Did you buy any books? 

    M: Yes, I chose five or six books.  

    W: Where did you go after that? 

    M: I went to Dream Clothes in Chaoyang Street.  It was 800 yuan. 

    W: Oh, that was expensive. Do you always buy clothes there? 

    M: Yes. The clothes last a long time and they look smart.  

  • 16.  请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,根据语法和上下文连贯的要求,从每小题所给三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Mr. Hill was my English teacher. He was 1  friendly man. 

    I was a thin girl and was 2  than any other student in the class. Because of that, my classmates often laughed at 3  . I didn't talk to anyone in my class and became very shy. 

    One day, Mr. Hill told us 4 our compositions(作文) in front of the class. He also told us if we didn't do that, we might fail(不及格) that term. When it was my turn, I told Mr. Hill to put an "F" on my composition 5 I didn't want to read it. I didn't want others to laugh at me. Mr. Hill was surprised, but after knowing the fact, he said, "Sally has a very 6 composition here and I think everyone needs to listen to it. We should listen to it carefully and learn 7 her."

    I walked to the front and looked at everyone. The students were all quiet. "You 8 do it," Mr. Hill said. His words 9 me calm(镇静的). I read the composition loudly. After I finished, my classmates all said it 10 a wonderful composition. From then on, some of my classmates made friends with me.

    Thanks to Mr. Hill, I wasn't shy any more. 

    A .  an B .  a C .  the
    A .  short B .  shorter C .  the shortest
    A .  me B .  my C .  I
    A .  read B .  reading C .  to read
    A .  and B .  but C .  because
    A .  good B .  well C .  better
    A .  for B .  up C .  from
    A .  can B .  can't C .  may
    A .  make B .  makes C .  made
    A .  were B .  was C .  Are
  • 17.  请通读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    A boy lived with his father. Once, the father wanted to 1 the boy something important in life. He cooked two bowls of noodles. One had an egg on the top, but the other didn't. The father asked his 2 , "Which one do you want?" The boy took the bowl with the egg. When they ate, the boy was 3 to see two eggs at the bottom(底部) of his father's bowl.

    The second day, the father cooked two bowls of noodles 4 . "Dad must have hidden(把……藏起来) the eggs. I'm sure I can make the right 5 this time," he thought. Then he 6 the one with no egg on the top. But he didn't 7 any eggs. He was not happy.

    The third day, the father cooked the noodles and asked the 8 question. The boy said, "Father, you've done so much for me. I'll 9 you to choose first!" The father said, "You are nice to me, 10 you will be treated(对待) in the same way." Then he told the boy which one to choose.

    A .  sell B .  pay C .  teach D .  excuse
    A .  daughter B .  son C .  father D .  mother
    A .  surprised B .  relaxed C .  afraid D .  happy
    A .  away B .  yet C .  soon D .  again
    A .  example B .  point C .  decision D .  difference
    A .  gave B .  chose C .  left D .  lost
    A .  find B .  break C .  want D .  make
    A .  terrible B .  easy C .  new D .  same
    A .  bring out B .  wait for C .  feel like D .  care about
    A .  if B .  but C .  so D .  because
  • 18.  阅读理解

    Self test of your sleep quality(质量)

    Try to answer these questions with A, B, C or D. 

    A. Often. B. Sometimes. C. Hardly ever. D. Never. 


    1. I stay up late to study or play. 

    2. I have a hard time falling asleep(入睡). 

    3. I can't go to bed on time. 

    4. I wake up easily. 

    5. I have a lot of dreams, so I often feel ____ in the morning. 

    6. I wake up too early, and I can't fall asleep again. 

    7. I can't sleep because of small problems I had during the day. 

    8. I can't fall asleep in a new place. 

    9. I have little sleep when I'm on the night shift(夜班). 

    10. I sometimes have sleeping pills(药片). 


    A=5, B=2, C=1, D=0

    If you get more than 20 points, you have a big sleep problem. If you get between 5 and 20, your sleep is not so good. If you get less than 5 points, you have good sleep quality. 

    1. (1) Lisa's answer to Question 1 is D. It means ____.
      A . she often stays up late B . she usually goes to bed early C . she sometimes studies till midnight D . she wakes up early in the morning
    2. (2) Which word can be put in ____?
      A . tired B . excited C . bored D . wonderful
    3. (3) If there are five Ds, four Cs and one B in your answer, you will get ____ points. 
      A . 3 B . 6 C . 9 D . 13
    4. (4) If Jack gets 3 points, ____.
      A . he has a big sleep problem B . his sleep is not so good C . he can sleep well all night D . he is a healthy boy
    5. (5) The passage mainly tells us ____.
      A . why sleep is important B . how to sleep well at night C . when we should go to sleep D . whether(是否) we sleep well
  • 19.  阅读理解

    How long would it take you to run 5, 000 m? Li Yiben, 80, ran 5, 000 m in 28 minutes and 6 seconds(秒). 

    Li did it in a race in Huainan, Anhui Province on April 3rd. There were six runners in his group. The other five were three men in their 50s and 60s and two women in their mid-30s. Li was the oldest but he finished third. 

    "This is tough. I have never worked so hard," said Li after the race.

    Li served in the military(部队) when he was young. In 1968, he left the military and found a new job. Li had to go over 20 km from home to work. That's when he got interested in running. Li ran to work every two or three days. That made him a great runner. 

    After he left work in 1995, Li spent more time running. In 1998, Li ran a 100 km marathon(马拉松赛跑). He ran in the National Masters Athletics Championships(全国大师田径锦标赛)in 1999. One year later, he went to the Asia Masters Athletics Championships in India. In 2001, Li went to Sydney to run in the World Masters Athletics Championships. He won many prizes. 

    In the following years, Li kept running in many races. Running plays an important role in his life. "Running makes me feel younger," said Li.

    1. (1) What do we know about the race in Huainan? 
      A . It was a 5, 000 m race. B . Li Yiben ran the fastest. C . All the runners were the same age. D . There were three women in Li Yiben's group.
    2. (2) The underlined word "tough" in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ____.
      A . easy B . difficult C . boring D . exciting
    3. (3) Li Yiben became a good runner ____.
      A . when he was 20 B . when he served in the military C . because he often ran to work D . because he went to many running races
    4. (4) When did Li Yiben run a race in India? 
      A . In 1998. B . In 1999. C . In 2000. D . In 2001.
    5. (5) What's the best title for the passage? 
      A . A Popular Sports Game B . The Importance of Feeling Young C . The Good of Healthy Habits D . A Fast Old Runner
  • 20. (2023八上·江城期中) 配对阅读。左栏是五位同学的业余爱好, 右栏是一些学校活动的宣传介绍, 请为每位同学选出他们最感兴趣的活动。

    Mark likes watching different kinds of movies. And he especially loves having some snacks while enjoying the movies. 

    Frank's favorite hobby is swimming in his free time and it can always make him feel relaxed. 

    Amy likes going bike riding with her friends when she is free. She thinks it's interesting and that it's good for her health, too. 

    Lisa loves reading and she likes to share her ideas about the books she has read with her friends. 

    Tina enjoys collecting(收集)things as her hobby. And she wants to walk into nature to find something new. 

    A. If you have a bicycle, just head outside and bike somewhere. You'll find something exciting and interesting. You can also get enough exercise through that. 

    B. Why not spend your free time finding some

    interesting things in nature like flowers, leaves, or rocks(岩石)? Whatever they are, just walk out with friends and collect what you like! 

    C. Go into your neighborhood with a trash(垃圾)bag and do some cleaning. By doing that, you cannot only make your neighborhood clean, but also feel relaxed. 

    D. Come and watch your favorite movies at the mini-movie festival! You won't feel bored because you'll be busy enjoying wonderful movies and food here.

    E. Feel bored when you read alone(独自). Then, invite some friends and meet in the club to talk about what you've read. Just turn reading from a personal activity into a group one. 

    F. Don't you think it enjoyable to stay with nature? Take things you need and go camping near a beautiful lake or in a big forest. You'll be surprised at the beauty of nature. 

    G. As a swimming lover, you can't miss the public swimming pool near the school. Swimming in the hot summer is really relaxing. More importantly, it's something that you can often do for free. 

  • 21.  请从方框内选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使文章完整连贯。注意每空一词,每词仅用一次,有两词为多余项。

    although and feel first from health join least result they why twice

    Do you know the Chongqing Senior Men's Soccer Team(队)? The players in the team are  54 to 83 years old. Almost each of  is good at playing soccer. 

    The team practices playing soccer week, every Tuesday and Thursday. Yao Shurong, 70, the team in 2005. "Most of us started to play soccer when young, but we still love it now," Yao said. "Wonder we keep doing that for long? Because it has helped us stay healthy and make more friends. When playing on the soccer fields, we like we are young again. What we really care about(关心) is not the of those soccer games , but the happiness they bring to us. we are tired after the practice, we are happy."

    Wang Minghao, 83, is the oldest player. He started to play soccer in the team 20 years ago. Now, he spends at two hours playing soccer every week. "Playing soccer really helps me keep in good . And my body is stronger than before," he said.

  • 22.  请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,回答5个问题。要求所写答案语法正确,语义完整切题,并把答案写在答题卡对应题目的答题位置上。

    I am always looking forward to visiting this special place in Turkey— the Hair Museum. Last week I went there with my classmates. There are so many locks(缕) of hair in it. 

    The story goes that a man's good friend was going to leave him. He asked for something to help him remember her. She cut off a lock of her hair and gave it to him. He put it up in his shop, and he told the story to all the people visiting his shop. Many women enjoyed the story and left a lock of their hair, too. 

    The man started the Hair Museum in 1979. It now has about 16, 000 locks of hair. There's also another reason to leave some hair. Twice a year the museum holds a competition and decides which lock of hair is the best. If your hair wins, you can stay for one night in the hotel next to the Hair Museum for free in the summer months. 

    A number of people visit the Hair Museum every day. Visitors can walk down the museum seeing the hair in different colors and lengths. If visitors want to leave their locks of hair to the museum, there are pencils, paper and scissors(剪刀) for them. They need to write their name and age on the paper. 

    1. (1) When did the writer visit the Hair Museum? 
    2. (2) Where did the man put the woman's hair up? 
    3. (3) How many locks of hair does the museum have now? 
    4. (4) How often does the museum hold a competition? 
    5. (5) What do visitors need to do if they want to leave their locks of hair to the museum? 
  • 23.  每个人都有自己向往的地方。某中学生英文杂志社正在举办征文比赛,征文主题是介绍你家乡最令你向往或心旷神怡的一处地方,请你写一篇短文向该杂志社投稿。内容包括:(1)点明该地方的名称;(2)说明你喜欢该地方的原因(至少2点);(3)具体介绍该地方(至少3点)。


    My favorite place in my hometown is

