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更新时间:2024-02-05 浏览次数:5 类型:复习试卷
  • 6. (2023·成都模拟)  补全对话

    B-Bob, A-Alice 

    B: Hi, Alice!Have you heard about the female pilots? 

    A: Yes, Bob. I heard that they have carried out their first independent flights in the J-11 fighter jet. 

    B: That's amazing!I also read that the pilots are on average 23 years old. 

    A: It must have been hard for them to the difficulty during their training. It a lot of training, skills, and experience. 

    B: I agree. The of their training is not lower than that of men. During the training, they may face different challenges physical strength. 

    A: I've heard that many female students in flight schools the strict training and tests. 

    B: That's true. Our country enrolled(招收) its first female pilots in 1951. Since then, nearly 700 women have been trained at flight schools, but only about of them passed all exams and flight tests, around 360. 

    A: It's impressive that they made it even with so many challenges. One of the pilots said they wanted to show people that as Chinese women, they could also fly heavy-duty fighter jets. I'm really of them. 

    B: Women may be in physical strength than men, but they have their own(10)  -they are more patient, careful, and better able to deal with stress. 

    A: Yes, that's the fascinating part of their victory. 

  • 7. (2023·青羊模拟)  在对话的空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确。一空一词。按编号把答 案依次填入下边的表格内。

    J— Jim D—David

    J: You look upset? What happened?

    D: I quarreled again with my parents. They just treat me like Fm still a little kid. 

    J: I can understand you. You are not  in the situation. According to a survey about parent-child relationship, over 80 percent of Chinese children want to be friends with their parents. 

    D: That's what I want. But Traditional parent-kid relationship is preventing my parents from doing so. As a child, what can I do to create friendship at home?

    J: To do that, first you should learn to use self-control and  your time well, like keeping a good balance between your study and hobby. In this way, you can show them that you've grown up and are ready to be treated. Besides, sharing your feelings with parents can help prevent on both sides. 

    D: That makes sense. Also when I argue over their parenting style, I often find myself end up saying something I later, which makes things even worse. 

    J: You should remember they are not perfect, just like us, so do your best to avoid,  arguments. This may mean that you sometimes have to keep your mouth shut when your parent says something you don't like. Even when you have to respond, make the point clearly, but don't  your voice or disrespect anyone. 

    D: I agree that I should care more about my parents' feelings. Maybe I also need to do something nice or for them, such as making them gifts, or sharing some home chores.

    J: That will surely build their in you and allow you to have more freedom. 

    D: Thank you for your advice, it really means a lot to me. 

    J: No problem. Hope everything goes well. 

  • 8. (2023·郫都模拟)  补全对话5选5

    A: Hello, this is Mary. May I speak to Hank?

    B: Hi, Hank speaking. 

    A: Morning, Hank. What are you doing now?

    B: Nothing much.  

    A: Could you tell me the name of it?


    A: Is it about aliens? 

    B: I'm deeply moved by it.

    A: Sounds great. I'll enjoy it when I'm free.

    B: I'm sure you'll like it.

    A: I found an interesting place to go camping. Would you like to join us tomorrow?


    A: OK. I'm looking forward to your reply.

    A. Well, but what do you call me for?

    B. Umm, let me check my schedule first. 

    C. It's a science fiction film called Wandering Earth.

    D. I'm just watching a wonderful film on the Internet.

    E. No, it's about how humans in the future save themselves.

  • 9. (2023·郫都模拟) 在对话空格中填上适当的单词,使对话完整正确;一空一词。

    Li Ming and his Canadian friend Amy are chatting online. 

    (A=Amy L=Li Ming)

    A: Hi, Li Ming! How was your school trip to China National Museum?

    L: Great! I saw many old things and learned a lot. Among them, Jiaguwen  me the most. 

    A: Oh, what is that? 

    L: "Jiagu" means oracle bones and "wen" means our ancient Chinese characters.

    A: Oh, I see. But when and  do your ancestors write on these bones? 

    L: In Shang Dynasty, over 3,000 years ago. At that time, the emperors especially believed in gods in the sky and always asked the gods to help  the future. They believed the oracle bones can  the answers provided by the gods. 

    A: Amazing! But I really want to know how. Could you please tell me more details?

    L: First, the king would ask a question such as "Will the be sunny tomorrow?" The diviner (卜官) wrote the king's question on a bone. Then a heated stuck was held against the bone. After some time, many small cracks will in the bone.

    A: And what?

    L: Those cracks a "picture". Then a special oracle reader would "read" the picture which means analyze(分析) and the cracks.

    A: Oh, my god! I really  if this way really worked?

    L: Of course not! But these questions told us a lot about the  life during the Shang dynasty, such as if they had enough to eat, if they could win a war, and so on. 

  • 10. (2023·龙泉驿模拟)  补全对话5选5

    M: Molly J: Joe

    M: Hey, Joe. The Labour Day holiday is coming. 

    J: Not yet. Maybe I just stay at home. 

    M: Oh, that sounds boring. 

    J: Em… Where do you plan to go? 


    J: That's nice. I'll go with you.

    M: Sounds great! I hope the weather will be fine then. 

    J: Me, too. 

    A. I can't wait to go!

    B. Have you got any plans?

    C. Why don't you hang out with us?

    D. And we can also go for a bike ride. 

    E. We're going to Dong'an Lake Park to have a picnic.

  • 11. (2023·黄浦模拟)  任务型阅读-多任务混合

    One day a police officer managed to get some fresh mushrooms.He was so pleased with what he had bought that he offered to share the mushrooms with his fellow officers.When their breakfast arrived the next day,each officer found some mushrooms on his plate. 

    One officer looked at the mushrooms carefully and then suggested,"They look nice,but I heard that some mushrooms might be poisonous(有毒的).Let's get Jimmy to examine a piece for us."Jimmy was the dog they kept.They brought it in,and fed it one piece of mushroom.The dog quickly ate it,and seemed to enjoy his mushroom.Fifteen minutes later,Jimmy was still alive and kicking without showing any discomfort.The officers were relieved(放心的)and began to eat their meal,saying that the mushrooms had a very strange but quite pleasant taste. 

    However,an hour later,the gardener rushed into the room and reported in a sad voice that the dog was dead.The officers were astonished and their faces turned white out of fear.Immediately,they jumped into their cars and rushed to the nearest hospital.The doctors and nurses used pumps(吸物器)to help them get rid of the mushrooms that remained in their stomachs.Everyone had a hard time. 

    When they returned to the police station,they sat down and started to discuss the mushroom poisoning.Each man explained the pains he had felt and they agreed that it had grown worse on their way to the hospital."The poor dog must have died a painful death,"said one officer."Let's ask the gardener how it died." 

    So they called the gardener in and asked him more details about Jimmy's death.The gardener sighed and said,"Jimmy was a good dog.It is said that a car hit him in the middle of the road.But I guess it didn't suffer much.It died the moment it was hit."

    1. (1) What did the police officer want to do with the fresh mushrooms?
    2. (2) Why did the officers get Jimmy to eat the mushrooms first?
    3. (3) When did the officers begin to eat the mushrooms?
    4. (4) Why did the officers rush to the nearest hospital?
    5. (5) How did the officers feel on their way to the hospital?
    6. (6) What have you learned from this story?.
  • 12. (2023·松江模拟)  根据短文内容回答下列问题

    Different from the method of making tea during the Tang Dynasty,in the Song Dynasty the popular way of having tea was Dian cha(点茶).

    Han Zheming,a 40﹣year﹣old artist from Shanghai,has studied this art and made his skill perfect.Over the past six years

    In Han's opinion,the artistic processing of tea can make people have a stronger sense of ritual,so drinking tea is funnier.

    Han said,"You can see it as the foam(泡沫) on the top of a cup of coffee

    "It is like the way you mix baby milk powder with water,"He said,"About Dian cha

    "Then,you make artistic designs in the foam freely with tea powder and spoons."Han said,"You have to be careful but quick before the foam disappears."

    He experienced many failures before he got going."Usually.it takes a year of practice to fully grasp the skill.However,the picture on the tea foam will only last about an hour.

    "Dian cha is not only a traditional Chinese skill but also an evanescent(转瞬即逝的) art."said Han,"I hope to bring the tradition back to modern life and have more people enjoy its charm."

    1. (1) Dian cha was popular in the Song Dynasty, wasn't it?
    2. (2) What has Han Zheming done over the past six years?
    3. (3) How many times of sirring are needed before the foam of tea appears?
    4. (4) What does an artist use to make designs in the foam?
    5. (5) How long does it take an artist to grasp the skill of Dian cha?
    6. (6) How do you understand the sentence "Dian cha is not only a traditional Chinese skill but also an cvanescent art"?
  • 13. (2023·市北区模拟)  阅读下面的文章,回答问题。

    On March 5, 1963, an article by Chairman Mao Zedong was published in the newspaper, paying tribute (向……致敬) to a young soldier, named Lei Feng, who died in an accident in 1962 at the age of 22. Since then, March 5 has been marked as "Learn From Lei Feng Day" and Lei has become a cultural icon (偶像).

    Right after studying the article along with his partners that day, Wu Hongyuan, a songwriter who was then 33, was given a task to write a song, echoing (附和) Mao's article and encouraging people to learn from the young soldier's spirit. 

    On March 3, two days before the annual Learn From Lei Feng Day, Wu, 93 now, appeared in Beijing to announce a new project, calling for people to write their own versions (改编) of lyrics for the song, as a way to remind people especially the younger people, to keep the spirit of Lei alive. 

    "When I wrote the song, I was a young songwriter. I was very excited about the task, but I didn't know where to start. So I took all the materials about Lei Feng that I could think of, such as newspaper reports, and I soon came up with the lyrics. The process was smooth and natural," Wu recalls.

    "As a songwriter, I wanted to write songs to express my respect and love for those heroes. So, when I started to write the song for Lei Feng, I was full of ideas and passion. "

    (A) He has written more than 100 songs during his life and he considers the song about Lei as one of his favorites. 

    "I didn't expect that the song would be enjoyed by so many people and performed for 60 years. (B)    It shows that the spirit of Lei Feng has a great influence on people in different times," he adds.

    With the new project, Wu calls for people to explain their understanding of the spirit of Lei, which received warm welcome. People, who work in different fields, such as transportation drivers, as well as young students, shared their versions of songs. 

    1. (1) What does the underlined word (A) He refer to? 
    2. (2) Translate the underlined sentence (B) into Chinese. 
    3. (3) When do we have "Learn From Lei Feng Day"?
    4. (4) As a student, what can you do to keep the spirit of Lei alive? 
    5. (5) What's the title (标题) for the passage? (不超过10个词)
  • 14. (2023·西城)  阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。

    Fighting Wildfires through Invention

    At the age of 13, Prisha Shroff saw something that made her want to change the world. She was in the car with her family on the way home, when a big wildfire came in sight and forced them to turn back. 

    "I saw it in person,.5, she says. "The air pollution was so bad that we were told not to step outside of our car, or outside of our house. "

    At the same time, Prisha remembered seeing other wildfires on the news. She thought, "This isn't just a small problem, it's a worldwide problem." And she decided to look for a way to help.

    The opportunity came when she attended her middle-school science fair. For her project, Prisha decided to design a system that could discover and put out wildfires. Using A. L and satellite imagery (卫星影像), it could know where wildfires would take place and also discover active fires. 

    In 2021, Prisha won the Lemelson Award for Invention, whose goal is to encourage young future scientists, engineers, and inventors to solve some of the world's biggest challenges. "That was the first big prize that I'd gotten, she says. "It really gave me confidence to find ways to solve big problems, and that I have the ability to make a big difference. "

    Now 16, Prisha is working hard on her design to help fire stations. It is a drone sent to an active fire to spread retardant (阻燃剂). " If they discover a wildfire, the drone can fly there, put it out, and come back。"Prisha says.  

    Prisha is crazy about creating solutions to not only mitigate (缓解)wildfires, but also the effects of climate change in general. "This is our planet, we should take care of it, " she says. Prisha now runs a special program at her school, and has spoken at the United Nations about the importance of learning certain knowledge and coming up with more inventions to help fight against climate change. 

    To future young inventors, Prisha says the key is to not simply hope something happens, but to actually try hard to make it happen, "You don't need to change the whole world, but you can still change someone's whole world, " she says. 

    1. (1) What did Prisha see on the way home?
    2. (2) What is the goal of Lemelson Award for Invention!
    3. (3) How will Prisha's drone help fire stations?
    4. (4) Among Prisha's qualities (品格), which one(s) do you value the most? Why?
  • 15. (2021·临沂) 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。  

    A Friend to the Pilgrims

    "I speak English." When the Pilgrims (清教徒前辈美洲移民) heard these words, they were very surprised. The words came from Squanto, a Native American (印第安人). But how did he learn to speak English? As the Pilgrims would soon find out, this happened to be a long story.

    In 1605, George Weymouth, an English captain (船长), was exploring America. People from England were interested in the Native Americans of this new land. When Weymouth came to Squanto's village, he captured (俘获) five men. Squanto was not among them, but the little boy was curious (好奇的). He volunteered to go with Weymouth to England.

    In England, a friend of Weymouth's took good care of Squanto. But after nine years, Squanto felt homesick. In 1614, two English captains, John Smith and Thomas Hunt, asked Squanto to help them explore America. They promised to take Squanto to his home village after the trip. Squanto was happy and agreed to go. But after the trip, Captain Hunt broke his promise. Instead of bringing Squanto to see his family, he sold him to Spain as a slave (奴隶).

    In Spain, some monks (僧侣) saved Squanto and looked after him for three years. Then, he joined another trip to North America. The trip was to Newfoundland. This was still far from Squanto's home. Squanto returned to England in the end.

    By now, Squanto had known many important men in England. They liked Squanto and wanted to help him. Finally, Squanto went back to his home village in 1619 with the help of them. But sadly, the village was empty. All of the villagers had died from an illness.

    When the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620, winter would soon come. They needed help. Squanto happened to be living close to their houses. He offered to help. Knowing the language and customs of Englishmen, Squanto helped the Pilgrims in many ways, including teaching them how to catch fish. The Pilgrims were really lucky to have such a good friend!  

    1. (1) What did George Weymouth do when he came to Squanto's village?
    2. (2) Who helped Squanto return to his home village in the end?
    3. (3) When did the Pilgrims arrive in America?
    4. (4) How did Squanto help the Pilgrims?
    5. (5) What do you think of Squanto? And why?

