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更新时间:2024-02-23 浏览次数:20 类型:期末考试
一、听说应用,A · 听句子请根据所听内容 , 选择符合题意的图画回答问题 (本题共 5 小题 , 每小题 1 分 , 共 5 分)
二、听说应用,B. 听对话 请根据每段对话的内容回答问题 , 从每小题所给的三个选项中选出 一个最佳答案(本题共 10 小题 , 每小题 1 分 , 共 10 分)
  • 6.  what is Tony allowed to do on saturday?
    A . play computer games. B . Go to the movies. C . watch TV.
  • 7. Who has books about English grammar?
    A . The man's younger brother B . The woman's elder sister. C . The man's elder brother.
  • 8. Where does the conversation probably take place?
    A . In a cinema B . In a hotel. C . on a street.
  • 9. What did the man use to be like?
    A . Outgoing. B . Shy. C . Tall
  • 10. What does the boy think the girl is supposed to wear?
    A . Along dress. B . A Skirt. C . Apink dress.
  • 11.  听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) what kind ofmusic does the man like best?
      A . The music that has great1yrics. B . The music that he can dance to. C . The music that he can sing along with ·
    2. (2) what kind ofinstrument can the man play well?
      A . The guitar B . The drums C . The erhu
  • 12.  听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) How was Jim,s weekend?
      A . Boring · B . Great. C . Interesting ·
    2. (2) when didAlice go to the city museum?
      A . yesterday. B . This weekend. C . Last weekend.
    3. (3) who invented the special inventinons?
      A . Teachers. B . Middle school students. C . Alice and Ji m
三、听说应用,C. 听短文 请根据所听内容 , 从每小题所给的三个选项中选出 一个最佳答案(本题共 5 小题 , 每小题 1 分 , 共5 分)
  • 13.  请根据所听内容 , 从每小题所给的三个选项中选出 一个最佳答案
    1. (1) when are the students going on a trip?

      A · on Friday· B · on saturday C. on sunda y

    2. (2) where will they meet?

      A · At the school gate (门口). B. In front ofthe village. C. In front ofthe playground. 

    3. (3) How much will a student pay?
      A . Five dollars B . Two dollars C . seven dollars.
    4. (4) what will they visit by the river?
      A . The Golden Garden. B . The secret Sky. C . some famous shops.
    5. (5) what is the passage main1y about?
      A . Aboat trip . B . Atravelling club . C . A famous place.
四、听说应用,D. 听填信息 你将听到 一篇关于 "我的家规" 的短文 。请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡(本题共 5 小题 , 每小题 1 分 , 共 5 分)
  • 14.  你将听到 一篇关于 "我的家规" 的短文 。请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡

    MY Family Rules

    Getting up: at o'clock

    Breakfast outside :can' t eat outside, not

    watching TV: not too long, bad for

    Going to the movies: not allowed

    Homework: have to finish after

    playing with friends: not allowed

    Feeling: really

五、情景对话 (本题共 5 小题 , 每小题 1 分 , 共 5 分)
  • 15.  请通读下面对话 , 根据对话内容 , 从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项 , 选项中有一项为多余选项。

    A. Really?

    B. Shall we go now?

    C. Longtime no see. 

    D. For about 5 years. 

    E. How is it today?

    F. Well, I want to visit our primary school first. 

    Steven: Hi, Linda. Welcome back. 

    Linda: Hello, steven.  . 

    Steven: How long have you been away from our hometown?

    Linda:  I miss it so much.

    Steven: There are great changes here. Do you remember the cinema we used to go to?

    Linda: Yes, 

    Steven: It is a shopping center now. 

    Linda: Oh, we can go there later, 

    Steven: That's the plan. Then we can have lunch near the school.

    Linda:  Excellent! 

    Steven: Ok. Let's go. 

六、语法选择 (本大题共 10 小题 , 每小题 1 分 , 共 10 分)
  • 16.  请通读下面短文 , 掌握其大意 , 根据语法和上下文连贯的要求 , 从每小题 3 个选项中选出 一个最佳的答案 , 并将答题卡对应题目所选的选项涂黑 。

    A new emoji (表情) is getting popular among both chinese and western wechat users but for different reasons. 

    The "666" emji recently has been used 1  on wechat. It shows a smirking (得意的) face that holds up the chinese hand sign for "6" with the number "666" next to it. 

    Most chinese people know that this emoji is supposed 2  a positive meaning. After all, the chinese character "six" means "smooth", which means " 3  are going smoothly" . It 4 to bring good wishes to one's friends or relatives. 

    But in some western countries, "666" has a very 5  meaning. It is said 6  it was a symbo that a bad man forces people to wear in order to show respect to him. But we all know that7  bad man isn't real. 

    It is especially popular among heavy metal bands and 8  fans. As a heavy metal fan who is also interested 9  chinese culture, I like the new emoji. I always 10  it to either my chinese or western friends and get different replies. Just don't be surprised if you get a strange reply from a westerner when you send it to them!

    A .  wide B .  width C .  widely
    A .  have B .  to have C .  having
    A .  thing B .  things C .  thinges
    A .  expect B .  expected C .  is expected
    A .  different B .  more different C .  the most different
    A .  how B .  that C .  what
    A .  a B .  an C .  the
    A .  they B .  them C .  their
    A .  in B .  on C .  at
    A .  send B .  sent C .  will send
七、完形填空(本大题有 10 小题, 每小题 1 分, 共 10 分)
  • 17.  通读下面短文 , 掌握其大意 , 然后在每小题所给的四个选项中 , 选出 一个最佳答案 。

    In America, it is not polite to telephone someone very early in the moming. The time ofthe call shows that the matter is very 1  and requires quick reply. It is the same to 2  telephone calls after 11 p. m. If someone receives a call during sleeping hours, he thinks its a matter oflife and3 . The time chosen for the call communicates its importance. 

    In social life, time 4 a very important part. In America' guests may 5 that they are not highly respected(尊重) if they get the invitation to a dinner party only three or four days before the party date. But it is not the 6 in a countries. In other parts of the world, it maybe 7 foolish to make an appointment too early because it is easy to be forgotten.

    The 8  oftime is different in different parts ofthe world. So misunderstandings happen between people from cultures that treat time differently. To be on time is valued 9  in American life. For example, if people are not on time, others may think they are impolite. In the united states, no one would keep a business partner 10  an hour because it would be too impolite. A person who is five minutes late will say a few words ofexplanation to show his apology(抱歉). 

    A .  relaxing B .  important C .  slow D .  save
    A .  make B .  reply C .  get D .  repeat
    A .  love B .  anger C .  death D .  hapiness
    A .  turns B .  leads C .  treats D .  plays
    A .  touch B .  feel C .  smell D .  hear
    A .  simple B .  good C .  same D .  wrong
    A .  chosen B .  valued C .  requested D .  thought
    A .  color B .  symbol C .  meaning D .  diffenence
    A .  highly B .  quickly C .  mainly D .  luckily
    A .  staying up B .  waiting for C .  going with D .  learning about
八、nbsp;、 阅读理解,请阅读A 、B 两篇短文 ,从每小题所给的四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案 (本大题共 15 小题 , 每小题2分 , 共 30 分)
  • 18.  阅读理解

    When you finish all your schoolwork and sit back in your chair, suddenly you feel a headache and realize your eyes are painful. What's going on? Doctors say that many students spend too much time in front of screens, especially during online classes. The following might help you. 

    THE 20-20-20 RULE

    This gives your eyes a break from long screen time. It suggests looking at something at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds(秒) after 20 minutes of work on the screen. You can then continue workingpain free. 

    ● Studies show that people blink(眨眼睛) less often when looking at a screen. keep your eyes wet by blinking often or using eye drops. 

    ● Sit up straight about an arm's length(长度) away from the screen. 

    Make sure you're looking down at your screen, stand up and exercise often to avoid neck and shoulder pain.

    ● what about blue light blocking glasses (防蓝光眼镜)? They may look cool, but research shows that blue light isn't the biggest cause of eye tiredness. So ask doctors about computer glasses before putting them on. 

    1. (1) Who is the test written for?
      A . students. B . parents. C . Doctors D . patients
    2. (2) What are the key wrds in the 20 -20-20 rule?
      A . 20 minutes, 20 feet, 20 times. B . 20 feet, 20 seconds, 20 times. C . 20 seconds, 20 times, 20 feet. D . 20 times, 20 minutes, 20 seconds.
    3. (3) How can students keep their eyes wet?
      A . By blinking less. B . By wearing glasses. C . By blinking more. D . By looking at the screen for a long time.
    4. (4) Which post is right when you're in front ofthe screen?
      A . B . C . D .
    5. (5) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The reasons for eye tiredness. B . The importance ofcomputer glasses. C . The influence ofonline classes. D . The suggestions about eye protection.
  • 19.  阅读理解
    We know many musical instruments well, such as pianos, violins, drums and so on. What about the erhu? The erhu is a traditional Chinese instrument. It is the most popular of the huqin family, and it has a long history.
    The modern erhu developed from the xiqin, which was played by many ethnic minorities (少数民族) during the Tang Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, musicians began to use the erhu to perform different kinds of music, and it became quite a popular instrument. With the rise of some forms of folk art, the art of the erhu developed quickly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It became an important accompanying (伴奏) instrument in different folk music. At present, it is used in both traditional and modern music, such as in pop, rock and jazz. It has even become a solo (独奏) instrument. One of the most famous musical pieces played on the erhu is Erquan Yingyue.
    As the erhu was mainly played by common people and the playing skills were passed down in oral form, so there are few written records about the erhu that can be found. To study the history and the development of the erhu, historians (历史学者) usually turn to ancient paintings. The earliest pictures of this instrument were found in Yulin Caves and Eastern Thousand Buddha Caves in Gansu Province, where five erhu pictures were discovered on murals (壁画).
    1. (1) What is paragraph 1 mainly about?
      A . pianos. B . violins. C . The huqin. D . The erhu
    2. (2) When did the erh mubecome a popular instrument?
      A . In the Tang Dynastiy. B . In the song Dynasty· C . In the Ming Dynastiy D . In the Qing Dynastiy
    3. (3) What does the underlined word "oral" mean in paragraph 3?
      A . Listening. B . Spoken. C . Reading. D . Written.
    4. (4) To study the history ofthe erhu, historians usually ____.
      A . play Erquan Yingyue B . listen to different linds offolk music C . get help from ancient paintings D . read some books about ethnic minorities
    5. (5) Which can be the best title for the passage?
      A . The history of erhu. B . The form offolk music. C . The development ofchinese instrument. D . The rise ofdifferent dynasties.
  • 20.  配对阅读 。左栏是五个人的需求的介绍 , 右栏是七个关于中国传统文化的活动的介绍 。请为左栏的每个人选择一个合适的文化活动 , 并将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑 。

     Lisa becomes interested in traditional Chinese painting and she wants to learn how to paint animals in ink.

     Alan is from India. He is studying Chinese history. He has learned a lot about the four great inventions of ancient China. 

    Sam is an Australian boy living in Beijing. He takes great interest in traditional Chinese opera. He hopes to take a class of the local opera.

     Mary likes classic (经典的) Chinese works. She has read the one about Monkey King since she came to China.

     Susan loves Chinese paper cutting. She wants to make a Chinese "Fu" to put up on her window this Spring Festival.

    A. Beijing Opera  It is a form of traditional art in China. Our club is set up for fans and welcomes you to join us. We have invited some famous local actors to give acting classes.
    B. Paper Cutting  It sounds simple but is difficult to do. Bring red paper and learn the making of paper cutting. You can take home the paper cutting you make in class.
    C. the Four Great Inventions  We will hold a competition next month. The first round will be a written test. The next round will be a short speech in Chinese.
    D. Traditional Chinese animal Paintings  It will be held in the Art Museum this weekend. Many works of animals by famous artists will be on show.
    E. A discussion about Journey to the West  The discussion will be held in our reading chub this weekend. The topic is about Journey to the West, one of the four great classic Chinese works.
    F. Traditional Chinese bamboo paintings  Traditional Chinese painting is a form of fine arts in Chinese culture. In our training class, Mr. Sun will teach you how to paint bamboo with brushes and ink step by step.
九、 短文填空 (本大题共 10 小题 , 每小题1.5 分 , 共 15 分)
  • 21.  请阅读下面短文 ,在所给的每个空格中填入一个形式正确 、意义相符的单词

    Many chinese people want to imprmove their English in different ways. Last year, twenty-four young singers part in a competition by singing English songs. 

    Jiang Mei, the winner ofthe women's group said that studying English helped win the prize. Six months earlier, she felt her Engish was not good enough, so she spent  time learning English. Sometimes this kind of encourages people to speak English. Many people agree that they make  progress after learning English songs. other ways like watching English movies and reading English books are good for learning English, .

    Many students learn English  using it often. Liu Li thinks the best way to learn new words is to read English magazines. However, Wei Ming doesn't agree with her. He has English for six years. He thinks remembering grammar is a great way. He said, "Four years ago, I found grammar was hard. So I took lots ofgrammar  in every class. Then I Started to make sentences using the grammar I learned. You don't know amazing this helped! Now I enjoy learning English. "

十、读写综合 (本大题分为A 、B 两部分 , 共 25 分)
  • 22.  A回答问题 请阅读下面短文 ,根据所提供的信息 , 回答5 个问题 , 要求所写答案语法正确 ,语义完整切题

    Mr Guo is a teacher from Xi'an. He asked his students to hand in their homework through a QR code(二维码)."We spent an hour or two in class learning how to generate(使产生)the codes, and in the end everything gets easier," said Guo."When students finish the homework, they keep it on WeChat. Then, each student makes his own QR code and gives it to me. So I can check their work everywhere using my computer or telephone."

    The QR codes can be sent to Mr Guo by email, QQ and WeChat. When Guo scans his students' QR codes, their homework appears on his phone. He finds that their homework becomes more creative,with many pictures, music and even videos.

    Guo's students like the new way and think it is interesting. "We are living in the information age. Many students like to work with computers, which makes learning more fun." said Tingting, a student of Guo's.

    "The paper is not easy to keep, but the code is easy to keep and share," Guo said." It is worth(值得)trying to use new technology in education. Education itself is a kind of creation. I don't want my students to fall behind the times."

        However, some parents are worried. They are afraid that their children will spend too much time on computers and less time communicating with teachers. But in fact, it's unnecessary. Students still need to look up information in books and write it down when they do their homework. They only use the code when they hand in their work, which doesn't take them too much time. Also for teachers, it allows them to check the students' work at any time. And it's also an easy way to share homework with other students.

    1. (1) What did Mr. Guo and his students spend an hour or two doing in class?
    2. (2)  How can the QR Codes be sent to Mr. Guo?
    3. (3) Is it easy to hand in homework on paper or through QR Codes?
    4. (4) Who worry students will spend too much time on computers?
    5. (5) When can teachers check students' homework ifstudents hand it in through a QR Code?
  • 23.  B 书面表达请根据要求完成短文写作。

    随着互联网技术的发展 , 扫码支付已成为主要支付手段之一 。你的英语老师 Miss Gao 想知道你对扫码支付的看法 , 请你用英语写 一篇短文 , 向她表达你的看法 。

    内容包括:(1) 简单介绍支付方式的变化与发展;(2) 扫码支付的优势;(3) 扫码支付在日常生活中的运用 。

    参考词汇 : cash现金 , e-payment 电子支付

    作文要求:(1) 不能照抄原文; 不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名 。(2) 语句连贯 , 词数 80 个左右 。

